Audit Data SourcesPermanent link for this heading

The audit information is stored using dedicated audit databases. It is written by the Fabasoft Folio Kernel, therefore the Fabasoft Folio Kernel has to be able to connect to the audit database via network.

The data sources to be used (Service Data Source, COOSYSTEM@1.1:ServiceDataSource) have to be entered in the Audit Data Sources (COOSYSTEM@1.1:domainauditdatasource) property of the Current Domain.

Examples of Data Sources:

  • ”Microsoft SQL Server“ Data Source
  • “Oracle Database“ Data Source
  • “PostgreSQL“ Data Source

    To use SSL/TLS encryption for the connection, the SSLMODE parameter (supported values are “disable” and “require”) can be added to the client connect string. For example, the connect string “PORT=5432;SSLMODE=require” uses port 5432 for the connection and requires the server to use an encrypted connection.


  • To make the audit log highly available it is necessary to configure several data bases in the Current Domain. If writing audit information fails on one data source, an automatic failover to another data source is performed.
  • If no audit log data source is configured, no audit log entries are written.