2024 Update Rollup 2

Installing and Configuring a Multi-Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

Create a new TenantPermanent link for this heading

A Fabasoft Folio Tenant is handled like a domain in Fabasoft Folio. Therefore the class for tenants is also derived from the Current Domain class. Every Fabasoft Folio Tenant also has a Domain ID, the Major Domain ID is generally the same for all tenants and primary domains. The tenants of a Fabasoft Folio system indeed distinguish themselves in the Minor Domain ID.

To be able to create Fabasoft Folio Tenants in a Fabasoft Folio Domain, you need a separate product license. The license creates an area of Minor Domain Ids, in addition to the existing Domain ID for the primary domain, which can be used for the creation of tenants.


To create a new tenant in a Fabasoft Folio environment perform following steps:

  1. Ensure the license is valid for tenants. If the license is not valid load an appropriate license onto the Fabasoft Folio Domain.
  2. Navigate to Domain Administration > Domain Objects.
  3. On the “Domain” tab create a new object of the object class Tenant. For the minor domain ID the next free minor domain ID is used.

A Fabasoft Folio Tenants is derived from the Current Domain class. The identification happens via the Domain ID. During creation, the Domain Major ID is created from the primary domain and the first free Domain Minor ID obtained from the product license.

The main domain must be known in the tenant and the tenant must be known in the main domain. Therefore, five objects are generated when a tenant is created.


  • the tenant object (object class Tenant)
  • a COO store object
  • a MMC store object
  • the main domain (object class Domain)

Main domain:

  • the tenant (object class Domain)


Each tenant knows its main domain. This domain is stored in the property Originating Domain in the object class Tenant.

In a tenant a new tenant can also be created. That means that a tenant is the originating domain of another tenant.

Services and StoresPermanent link for this heading

Tenants have their own COO and MMC stores. The COO store of an object defines to which tenant the object belongs.

Each store needs a service, which provides the persistent data management of all objects of the store. All services of a tenant system always belong to the main domain. A service can store object data of one or more stores. The stores can be in one domain or different tenants.

The first COO store of a tenant uses the primary COO services and the first MMC store uses the primary MMC service of the main domain. These stores should only be used for administrative object. So it is necessary to create new COO stores and MMC stores for the tenant. The object placement should also be modified in the object classes.

While creating a tenant the object placement will not be changed. These changes have to be done by the administrator.

If the object placement is not modified all objects of the tenant are balanced to all COO and MMC stores. So also in the first COO and MMC store are user objects which should be avoided.

Create new ServicesPermanent link for this heading

To create a service only for the tenant, install a service in the main domain, which is not used by any COO or MMC store. Therefore, perform following steps:

  1. Start the Fabasoft Server Management
  2. Start the Create Services Wizard
  3. Create a COO service and an MMC service without any stores.

Now create stores in the Fabasoft Folio desk. To see how to do that see next chapter.

Create new Stores for the TenantPermanent link for this heading

It is recommended to create COO- and MMC stores for the tenant right after creating one. To create a new store, perform following steps:

  1. Switch to the tenant where the store should be created.
  2. Create new objects of the object class COO Store and MMC Store.
  3. Assign a COO Service and a MMC Service to the object.


  • To create stores in a tenant you must be word in the context of the tenant. It is not possible to change the Domain of the store afterwards.
  • There is a limit of stores per tenant of 254.
  • Be careful at the definition of services for stores. The service cannot be modified after the first assignment.

Object Placement in a Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

The object placement of object classes defines in which COO Store and MMC Store new objects are created.

The object placement is one of the most important points at the design of a Fabasoft Folio installation. In a single domain installation there is the decision in which store the object of an object class are created. In a tenant system there is an additional dimension. Should the object be created in the tenant or in the main domain?

The COO store defines the assignment of an object to a tenant. An object which is created in the COO store of tenant A is an object of tenant A, no matter which user this object has created or which user the owner of the object is.

The property Object Placement (COOSYSTEM@1.1:domainplacement) defines in which COO store the objects of the class are created.

Definition of COO Stores in a Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

If a new object is created in a tenant, the software checks whether there are stores in the property COO Stores for new Objects for the object class in the current domain.

  • If there is exactly one COO store the object is created in this store.
  • If there are more than one COO store the object is created in the store with the lowest free object id (assumed that this store contains the lowest number of objects).
  • If there is no COO store of the tenant, the object placement of the base class is used.
  • If no configuration is found, the store with the lowest free object id (among all stores of the current domain) is used.

Tenant Comprehensive Object PlacementPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio objects can also be created in Fabasoft Folio COO Stores that are not directly connected to the tenant of the creator.

Example: In the primary domain a Fabasoft Folio Store can be set up in which all objects of a particular application (e.g. the Fabasoft Workflow software component) are saved.

To formulate the Fabasoft Folio Tenants spanning object placement create an object class entry on the “Object Placement” tab of the desired Fabasoft Folio tenant with the property Allow All Tenants enabled and insert the desired Fabasoft Folio COO Store in the COO Stores for new Objects property.

Domains in a Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

If you consider tenant systems, you can identify various Fabasoft Folio Domains when working with tenants.

Base DomainPermanent link for this heading

When starting the client, a user establishes a connection to one Fabasoft Folio Domain. The domain to which this connection is established is the base domain. The Fabasoft software components are primarily loaded from this domain. In tenant systems this is generally the primary domain. The network address of the primary Fabasoft Folio COO Service is also the address of the base domain.

Home DomainPermanent link for this heading

For every user in Fabasoft Folio a User must also be supplied. The user object identifies the user within Fabasoft Folio. The Fabasoft Folio Domain, in which the user object is placed, is marked as the home domain of the user.

Current Domain (Tenant)Permanent link for this heading

In a tenant system every user can be associated with one or more Fabasoft Folio Tenants, in which the user can be active. The user can decide during use, which tenant he wants to work in at that particular moment and change it as needed. The tenant (resp. the domain) in which the user works at any point in time is the current domain.

If no Fabasoft Folio Tenant is being used the current domain is the same as the base domain. The current domain is also delivered with the CooRuntime::GetCurrentDomain function.

Object DomainPermanent link for this heading

Every Fabasoft Folio object belongs to a Fabasoft Folio Domain that is defined through the Fabasoft Folio COO Store of the object.

User in a Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

If you consider a user in the context of a tenant system, you must answer the following questions:

  • Where should the users be created?
  • To which Fabasoft Folio Domain must a user connect?
  • In which tenants is a user allowed to work?

Create User – Home DomainPermanent link for this heading

There are two different ways to create users:

  • Centrally in the primary domain.
  • De-centrally in the Fabasoft Folio Tenants.

If the user (and possibly the groups) are centrally created in the primary domain, the advantage of simpler management exists. Users do not have to be searched for in various Fabasoft Folio Domains. All users in the domain use the same home domain (that which is identical to the base domain).

If you want to manage the user centrally in the primary domain, it is recommendable with the User class (and perhaps with other administration classes like Group, User Substitution) to place the object placement in the Fabasoft Folio COO Store 1 of the primary domain. The placement should be used for all tenants.

With decentralized user management, the user is created in the tenant, in which they are anticipated to work in. This management is equivalent to the locality principal. If the user changes to another tenant (if his field of activity changes), which can happen in many cases, the Base domain, Home domain and current domain are different.

If you want to manage users de-centrally, you must change beforehand into the tenant, in which the users should be created.

Connection to Domain – Base DomainPermanent link for this heading

The base domain in a tenant system is always the primary domain, no matter which tenant the user works in. Therefore, always use the network address (resp. the Domain ID) of the primary domain to establish the connection to Fabasoft Folio.

Tenants of a User – Current DomainPermanent link for this heading

You define which tenants a user is allowed to work in, in the Client Domains property of the User object (COOSYSTEM@1.1:userclientdomains). If the user should have the right to work in several Fabasoft Folio Tenants, a tenant can be defined as a standard tenant. The standard tenant is automatically used after the user login.

If a user has no Fabasoft Folio Tenant associated, then he can only work in the primary domain.

On the “Client Domains” tab in the Client Domain property of the User class is back linked with the User in the Client Domain property of the Current Domain class. This way you can easily check on a client domain, which user can work in this Fabasoft Folio Domain.

The exchange of the Fabasoft Folio Tenant is achieved on the Desk by using the menu item “Tools” > “Settings”. On the “Client domain” tab the user can choose the desired Tenant. The changing of the tenant is implemented by the COOSYSTEM@1.1:SetClientDomain action.

ACLs in a Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

The scope of a Fabasoft Folio object of a Fabasoft Folio Tenant system is achieved exclusively using the Access Control List (ACL) of the object. By using the ACL, it must be guaranteed that objects of a Fabasoft Folio Tenant are only accessible to users of this tenant.

Check of Domains in Access Control EntriesPermanent link for this heading

In ACLs the validity of an entry (Access Control Entry - ACE) in certain Fabasoft Folio Domains can be restricted. In the ACL editor the Fabasoft Folio Domain of the entry is defined in the first column. This column is generally also used to separate the accesses to objects of various tenants.

If Fabasoft Folio is used as a tenant system, then the domain columns in an ACL are compared against the current Fabasoft Folio Tenants.

  • If a certain Fabasoft Folio Domain/Tenant is given in the ACE, then this entry is only valid if the user is currently working in this tenant.
    coort.GetCurrentDomain() == <domain in ace>
  • If “Object Domain” is used in the ACE then this entry is only valid if the user is currently working in the Fabasoft Folio Tenant to which the Fabasoft Folio object also belongs.
    coort.GetCurrentDomain() == theobject.Get_objdomain()
  • If “Owner Domain” is used in the ACE then this entry is only valid if the user is currently working in the Fabasoft Folio Tenant to which the Owner property referenced Fabasoft Folio object belongs.
    coort.GetCurrentDomain() == theobject.Get_objowner().Get_objdomain()

If Fabasoft Folio is no longer used with tenants then the domain column in the ACL is compared against the Home Domain of the current user (Home Domain = the Fabasoft Folio Domain in which the user object of the current domain lies).

So instead of coort.GetCurrentDomain() the following is compared coort.GetCurrentUser().Get_objdomain().

Note: The comparison of the Fabasoft Folio Domains does not take place by comparing the objects (resp. the addresses). In place of that the similarity of the Domain Major ID and the Domain Minor ID is checked.

Design of ACLsPermanent link for this heading

With the design of ACLs you should watch out for the following points (especially with the use of “Object Domain” and “Owner Domain”):

ACLs on Fabasoft Folio component objects are actually not allowed to contain any restrictions on “Object Domain” resp. “Owner Domain” because component objects must be available for all tenants.

  • ACLs on administration objects should, in the normal case, have no restrictions on “Object Domain” resp. “Owner Domain” – except if this is explicitly desired.
  • ACLs on normal objects should normally be restricted to “Object Domain” or to explicit domain(s) (in certain circumstances also “Owner Domain”), so that the objects are only available within the tenants.

The mentioned points should be especially noted in connection with the ACLs in delivered Fabasoft software components.

If objects are safeguarded between tenants, it must be noted that the combination of “Owner Domain” and “Object Owner” normally makes no sense.


The following scenario should make clearer the anomaly with the use of “Owner Domain” und “Object Owner”:

A user is created in the "HD" primary domain. So a central management of users is implemented. But the user works by default in tenant "B".

An object has, in the ACL, an ACE with the combination “Owner Domain” and “Object Owner”. The mentioned user creates an object with this ACL. After the object has been created, the user doesn’t have access anymore.


When checking whether this ACE can be used the “Owner Domain” is compared with the current domain of the user.

Owner Domain = "HD"

Current tenant (resp. Current Domain) = "B"

"HD" <> "B"  ==> ACE is not valid for the current user anymore!

If you wish that the Fabasoft Folio objects of a Fabasoft Folio Domain can only be used by those users that work in this domain, then you are better off using the “Object Domain” entry. This entry can of course also be combined with the entry for “Object Owner” in an ACE.


The Fabasoft Folio object is created by the user in the domain "B". In the ACE the combination of “Object Domain” and “Object Owner” is used.

Domain of the object = "B"

Current domain = "B"

"B" = "B" AND cooobj.objowner = coort.CurrentUser() ==> ACE is valid!

Standard ACLsPermanent link for this heading

The Standard ACLs of the basis system

  • ACL for objects for development,
  • ACL for objects for administration,
  • Standard ACL for general objects, and
  • Standard ACL

take into account the aforementioned points. Every user has read access to objects for development and to object for administration.

The Default ACL for Common Objects is especially used by object classes. This ACL allows all users of the tenant system to instantiate objects of the class. But Software Product Licenses also have this ACL. This way every user can also find this object.

The Default ACL is used for new objects of end users. This ACL restricts the access of every user that originates from the user domain. However, note that with central management of users, this ACL must also be adapted (here with a central management of the Home Domain – Owner Domain – with the current user domain not matching, see above).

Default ACLS for new ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

Every Fabasoft Folio object requires an ACL. Therefore during creation, an initialization value is detected using the Attribute Constructor Action COOSYSTEM@1.1:AttrObjACLConstructor of the property ACL (COOSYSTEM@1.1:objacl).

The Default ACL for new objects is defined through the following steps:

  1. The current domain is detected. In a tenant system, that is the current tenant of the user aside from the base domain to which the user had logged on (return value of the function CooRuntime::GetCurrentDomain).
  2. The ACL is detected from the Default ACL for New Objects property (COOSYSTEM@1.1:classdefaultacl) of the object class of the object
    1. Firstly an ACL of the current domain is searched for in the Default ACL for New Objects property. If an ACL is found, it is used as the initialization value.
    2. If no ACL for the current domain is found, then the first one in the above mentioned list is taken.
    3. If no ACL is defined in the list, it is continued on with the next criterion.
  3. The ACL is detected from the Default ACL for New Objects property (COOSYSTEM@1.1:grdefaultacl) of the object group.
    1. Firstly an ACL of the current domain is searched for in the Default ACL for New Objects property. If an ACL is found, it is used as the initialization value.
    2. If no ACL for the current domain is found, then the first ACL in the above mentioned list is taken.
    3. If no ACL is defined in the list, it is continued on with the next criterion.
  4. The ACL is detected from the ACL Objects property (COOSYSTEM@1.1:graclobjects) of the object group.
    1. Firstly an ACL of the current domain is searched for in the ACL Objects property. If an ACL is found, this is taken as the initialization value.
    2. If no ACL of the current domain is found then the first ACL in the above mentioned list is used.
    3. If no ACL is defined in the list, it is continued on with the next criterion.
  5. Standard ACLs of the System (COOSYSTEM@1.1) software component are assigned. For certain object classes the Standard ACL from the system is predefined.
    1. Development Objects (Properties, Types, Actions etc. – but not object classes) generally get the ACL for Developer Objects (COOSYSTEM@1.1:DefaultDeveloperACL).
    2. Administration Objects (User, Groups, Substitutions, etc.) generally get the ACL for Administration Objects (COOSYSTEM@1.1:DefaultAdministratorACL).
    3. Object classes generally get the Default ACL for Common Objects (COOSYSTEM@1.1:DefaultGlobalACL).
    4. Normal Objects of the end user generally get the Default ACL (COOSYSTEM@1.1:DefaultACL).

Object Search in a Tenant SystemPermanent link for this heading

In the domain clause of a search request one can define the search area of a Fabasoft Folio query.

  • No Domain Clause
    The search happens in all Fabasoft Folio COO Services to which the Fabasoft Folio Kernel (hosted by the Fabasoft Folio Web Service) is connected. That means that it will also be searched for in the data of other Fabasoft Folio Tenants.
    SELECT objname FROM COOStore
    finds all Fabasoft Folio COO Stores of the primary domain and all tenants.
    The search only happens in the current Fabasoft Folio Tenant and in the primary domain of the tenant. So no objects from other tenants are returned from the search.
    LOCAL SELECT objname FROM COOStore
    finds all Fabasoft Folio COO Stores of the primary domain and current client domains
  • DOMAINS ('Domain ID')
    The search only happens in the specified Fabasoft Folio Domain, e.g. in the local tenant.
    DOMAINS ('10.113') SELECT objname FROM COOStore
    finds all Fabasoft Folio COO Stores of the tenants with the Domain ID 10.113

Local SearchPermanent link for this heading

The local search in the (CooRuntime::SearchLocalObjects) cache generally finds all Fabasoft Folio objects that are located in the user cache.

If objects of object class COOSYSTEM@1.1:Domain are searched for, then only Fabasoft Folio Domain objects of the current domain are returned.

With the Boolean transaction variable COOSYSTEM@1.1:TV_SEARCHCURRENTDOMAIN (ID=5) the local search can also be restricted to other objects classes in the current domain. Set this variable to “True” if this behavior is desired from CooRuntime::SearchLocalObjects.

Domains in the Search DialogPermanent link for this heading

In the search dialog the user has the option to restrict the search to particular Fabasoft Folio Domains. The domains in the list of the search dialog are detected with a local search. Therefore, by default, only two domains are entered if one works in a tenant – the tenant and the primary domain.

If the user of tenant A should also be able to search in tenant B then you must perform following steps:

  1. Change into tenant A.
  2. Place a new domain object for tenant B into this tenant.
    1. Enter the Major Domain ID and Minor Domain ID of tenant B.
    2. Set the Directly Connected Domain property to “True”.
  3. Change into tenant B.
  4. Place a new domain object for tenant A into this tenant.
    1. Enter the Major Domain ID and Minor Domain ID of tenant A.
    2. Set the Directly Connected Domain property to “True”.

Development of Software ComponentsPermanent link for this heading

With Fabasoft software component development in tenant systems you must be especially careful that the Fabasoft software components are only installed once in the entire tenant system. This means that all tenants use the same component objects (however it isn’t an isolated domain configuration).

It must be possible, however, for component object settings to be individually definable. The Fabasoft software component system takes this into consideration, for example, with the object placement and with the choice of the Default ACL for new objects.

Configuration Objects for TenantsPermanent link for this heading

For global settings Software Components in Fabasoft often make available Configuration Objects.

This way, for example, the functionality of Fabasoft Folio software products can be easily adapted to individual customer requirements in many areas by using the Configuration.

Note: Configuration Objects are delivered as Component Objects. For this reason these Configuration Objects can be delivered with default settings along with the Fabasoft software components. Additionally, through the fixed object address of the object in the methods, the Fabasoft software component can be directly referenced and therefore quickly found.

As already described above, Fabasoft software components are only installed once in a tenant system (however it isn’t an isolated domain configuration). Therefore, by default, also only one Configuration Object exists – although the settings must be different among individual tenants (especially in ASP Operation).

The possibility of defining a Configuration Object for every Fabasoft Folio Tenant must be provided by the Fabasoft software component. The Configuration Object that is delivered with the Fabasoft software component saves the general settings that are valid for all Fabasoft Folio Tenant. If required a Configuration Object can also be created for each Fabasoft Folio Tenant in which the settings for this tenant are placed.

Consequentially it follows that:

  • Configuration Objects should be creatable in production domains. This means that the Configuration Object is not allowed to be abstractly defined.
  • Configuration Objects must be found quickly. Therefore a pointer that points to the Configuration Object valid for this Fabasoft Folio Domain should be available in the current domain object. This means that the Current Domain class (COOSYSTEM@1.1:CurrentDomain) must be extended to include a pointer property of that type.
  • The Fabasoft software component should, using an action, detect the Configuration Object that should be used for the current Fabasoft Folio Domain. Only if no separate Configuration Object is defined for the current domain, should the Configuration Object of the Fabasoft software component be accessed via the object address of the Configuration Object.


The Fabasoft Folio software products deliver the FSCOWS@1.1001:Web Service Configuration object along with the FSCOWS software component. In this object various settings for Friendly URLs and WebDAV Integration are stored.

The class Current Domain (COOSYSTEM@1.1:CurrentDomain) would be extended with the property FSCOWS@1.1001:Web Service Configuration. In this property every tenant can now lay down a different Web Service Configuration.

ACL for Object ClassesPermanent link for this heading

ACLs for object classes and other Fabasoft component objects with the domain definition “Owner Domain” must be checked for their plausibility. In tenant systems, it cannot be assumed that the owner domain is also the current user domain. The owner of Fabasoft component objects is generally the system administrator of the primary domain. However, a user works in a Fabasoft Folio Tenant. This means that the domains are different. Consequently, these objects cannot be used by the user in the tenant any more.