ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

The software component RSS Feed Generator (FSCRSS@1.1001) provides two configuration objects. To edit the configuration settings in the Fabasoft Folio Domain, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the properties of the Current Domain object in edit mode.
  2. Click the “Components Configuration” tab.
  3. In the RSS Feeds field select the RSS Feeds Configuration (FSCRSS@1.1001:DefaultConfiguration).
  4. In the Global RSS Feeds field select the Global RSS Feeds Configuration (FSCRSS@1.1001:DefaultGlobalRSSFeeds).
  5. Click “Next” to save the changes.

RSS Feeds ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

This configuration object is used to define the display settings of RSS feeds for object classes. To change the settings edit the properties of the RSS Feed Configuration.

The following settings can be defined:

  • RSS Feed Container
    Object classes which are configured as RSS Feed Container can be subscribed as RSS Feed. To add a new object class create a new entry to the list of RSS Feed Container:
    • RSS Feed Container Type
      In this field select the object class the configuration should apply to.
    • Expression for Displayed RSS Feed Elements
      In this field the list of RSS feed elements which are to be display is defined. Object lists or aggregate lists are valid return values.
    • Software Component
      In this field, select a software component.
  • RSS Feed Elements
    This configuration allows to configure the RSS Feed output for instances of different object classes or aggregates when they are displayed as RSS Feed elements. The following parameters can be specified:
    • Type of RSS Feed Element
      In this field, select the object class or aggregate type for which the display settings should apply to.
    • Expression for RSS Feed Title
      In this field the title of the RSS feed element is defined.
    • Expression for RSS Feed Description
      In this field the description of the RSS feed element is defined. In addition to plain text, HTML tags are also valid to enrich the RSS feed.
    • Expression for RSS Feed Link
      In this field the hyperlink is defined, where the RSS feed element links to. There are two predefined URL prefixes which can be used when creating the hyperlink:
      This prefix can be used to create a hyperlink to a Friendly URL (e.g.: “http://localhost/fsc/”)
      This prefix can be used to create a hyperlink to a virtual application (e.g.: “http://localhost/fsc/fscasp/content/bin/fscvext.dll?“)
    • Expression for RSS Feed Publication Date
      In this field the publication date for the RSS Feed Element can be calculated. This is mainly used for element sorting. The resulting value must be of type COOSYSTEM@1.1:DATETIME
    • Expression for RSS Feed Category
      In this field RSS Feed Categories can be added to the RSS Feed Element. The resulting value must be of type COOSYSTEM@1.1:STRINGLIST
    • Expression for RSS Feed Author
      In this field the author of the RSS Feed Element can be defined. The resulting value must be of type COOSYSTEM@1.1:STRING
    • Software Component
      In this field, select a software component.

Global RSS Feeds ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

This configuration object is used to define folders that are automatically available as RSS feeds via the “RSS” icon of the user’s web browser.

To edit the list of global RSS feeds, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the properties of the Global RSS Feeds Configuration.
  2. On the “Global RSS Feeds Configuration” tab select the objects that should be provided as RSS feeds.
  3. Click “Next” to save the changes.