Evaluation Hierarchy
The following rules apply for evaluating which help is displayed.
Online Help
- The help software component referenced in the used virtual application configuration (“Settings” tab > Component for Help) is primarily considered. If the software component defines a PDF document (“Online Help” tab > Specific Help Files) for the current context (Detail), this document will be displayed.
- If no appropriate PDF document is defined and the software component defines a help hierarchy (“Online Help” tab > More Help), the first appropriate PDF document will be displayed.
Context-Sensitive Help
- The help software component referenced in the used virtual application configuration (“Settings” tab > Component for Help) is primarily considered. If the software component defines an explanation text for the selected property, this text will be displayed.
- If no explanation text is defined, and the software component defines a help hierarchy (“Online Help” tab > More Help), the first found explanation text will be displayed.
- If no explanation text can be found in the More Help hierarchy, the explanation text belonging to the same software component as the property is displayed.
- Otherwise no explanation text is displayed for the property.