ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

For the notifications there are two transport layers available that can be configured independently. These settings can be made in the current domain object.

If the settings are modified, it takes a short moment to ensure that the modifications are distributed to other Fabasoft Folio COO Services (synchronization threads run in periodical intervals).

After a restart of Fabasoft Folio COO Services the new settings are active. Starting the Fabasoft Folio COO Services the used settings are written to the event log (see chapter “Event Log”).

UDP MulticastPermanent link for this heading

For UDP multicast you need to configure the multicast address and the port number.

Performing a Fabasoft Folio update or a reinstallation, the “UDP multicast transport” is activated by default and the multicast address and the appropriate port are initialized with default values. These default values are dependent on the installed Fabasoft Folio Domain. The assigned multicast address stays between and


  • The address range between and is assigned to low level protocols. Datagrams that are sent to addresses within this range are not routed by a multicast capable router.
  • The transport works only if the UDP packets sent by the server can be received by the client. Ensure an appropriate network configuration. On Linux systems, the following command can be executed to add the appropriate route:
    route add -net netmask dev <device>
  • If the “UDP multicast transport” does not work (error message in the event log), it is possible that another Fabasoft Folio Domain with the same license (same domain ID) exists in the network. In this case change the automatically calculated default values to prevent that several domains use the same multicast address and the same port.
  • If you are using Linux and no default gateway is set you have to set a route entry for the Multicast address-range.

Event QueuePermanent link for this heading

The event queue transport requires a RabbitMQ broker be installed within the network. In addition, the broker address or host name, port number, routing key, username, and password can be configured.

The event queue transport is disabled by default. For the use of containers, the use of RabbitMQ is recommended as UDP might not be available.

Event Queue Technical Settings

The event queue has some technical settings like timeouts set.

The values are:

  • Message lifetime: 10 minutes
    This applies if a message is not consumed by the customer which is the kernel.
  • Queue lifetime: 1 hour without consumers
    This applies if a queue has no consumers for the given time. That can happen when OpenShift terminates connections because of certain reasons like the licenses has to be renewed or a node failure occurs.

DeploymentPermanent link for this heading

It is possible to have a configuration where both the UDP multicast and the event queue transport are enabled. In this case the Fabasoft Folio COO Service generates both types of events.

In this case an override should be used in the process hosting the Fabasoft Folio Kernel to enable just one of the transports. To configure the event listener set the environment variables EVENTQUEUELISTENERENABLED to 0 or 1 and MULTICASTLISTENERENABLED to 0 or 1 to override the “Enabled” setting in the corresponding configuration.

Note: If both protocols are enabled, the Fabasoft Folio Kernel will receive notifications twice that may slow down the system.