Apple macOSPermanent link for this heading

This chapter refers to an Apple macOS operating system.

In order to select the correct package depending on the processor, check the chip of the macOS device you are using:

  1. At the top left, open the Apple menu.
  2. Select "About This Mac".
  3. In the appearing window, look for "Processor" or "Chip".
  4. Check if it says "Intel" or "Apple".

InstallingPermanent link for this heading

To install the Fabasoft Folio Client, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the installation package that fits the chip type of the device from the Fabasoft Folio installation.
    Apple Chip
    Intel Chip
    Alternatively, you find the DMG file in the Setup\ComponentsBase\Client folder of the Fabasoft Folio distribution media.
  2. Double-click the DMG file.
  3. Drag the app to the “Applications” folder.
    Note: In case of an update keep in mind to close the Fabasoft Folio Client (menu bar > Folio symbol > Quit) before dragging the new app to the “Applications” folder and replacing the old one.
  4. Open the “Applications” folder and run the Fabasoft Folio Client.
  5. Enter the credentials of an administrative user to finish the installation.
    Note: For users without administrative rights, the administrator can finish the installation by executing the following command.
    sudo /Applications/Fabasoft*/Contents/MacOS/Fabasoft*UI* -runsetup:1
  6. For optimum configuration, the authorizations required by the client should also be set. These are initially configured when the Fabasoft Folio Client is started for the first time if you confirm this in the dialogs (e.g. activating the web browser extension in Safari "Safari -> "Settings" > "Extensions").

Deployment via Mobile Device Management ProfilePermanent link for this heading

For preconfigured workstations, where the users do not have administrative rights, the following security settings must be configured for smooth operation.

The code requirements can be obtained by following command:

codesign --display -r - <path to application>




Code Requirement




identifier "com.fabasoft.foliosystraypm24" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = "9FUG84LZ2G"

System Events


Screen Recording


Full Disk Access


Apple Events


  • * For “Apple Events” it is necessary to define the appropriate receiver.

Receiver Process Identifiers

UninstallingPermanent link for this heading

Uninstalling the Client

To uninstall the Fabasoft Folio Client, perform the following steps:

  1. Quit the Fabasoft Folio Client.
  2. Open “System Preferences” > “Extensions” and disable the “Finder” entry under “Fabasoft Folio”.
  3. Open “Finder” and delete the following files:
    • /Applications/Fabasoft Folio
    • /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.fabasoft.finderinjectorpm24
    • ~/Library/Application Support/Fabasoft
  4. Open the following files and remove all lines containing the following:
    Fabasoft Folio,, alcgpfgkdjbabelklflpfkooadcfgoaoor, fabncpfbjhdplfapghonnbhnenohncpp
    • /Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.firefox.plist
    • /Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.thunderbird.plist
    • /Library/Managed Preferences/
    • /Library/Managed Preferences/
  5. Run the command killall cfprefsd and restart your browser or restart the computer.

Removing the Fabasoft Settings (Optional)

To remove the settings, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Finder, point to “Go” and click “Go to folder”.
    A dialog box opens.
  2. Type “~/.fsc” and click “Go”.

    This command leads you to the folder containing the settings.
  3. Delete the .fsc folder.

Note: When removing the .fsc folder all settings and not yet saved files will be lost.

Security SettingsPermanent link for this heading

The following security settings must be made after installing the Fabasoft Folio Client.

  • Access for “Accessibility Access”
    The corresponding pop-up appears directly after the first start of the Fabasoft Folio Client.
  • Allow Control for “”
    The corresponding pop-up appears when clicking "Open Folio Folder" and navigating in the synchronized folder.
  • Allow Control for “”
    The corresponding pop-up appears when executing the use case "Send as Link".
  • Access for “Screen Recording”
    The corresponding pop-up appears when you log in for the first time in Fabasoft Folio.

File and Registry LocationsPermanent link for this heading

The data in this locations must not be removed or modified. The data will be written during the setup process or when logging into the web browser client.

  • /Applications/Fabasoft Folio
  • /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.fabasoft.finderinjectorpm24
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Fabasoft
  • ~/.fsc/