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This document describes the functionality and use of Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction Manager.

If a transaction is performed on several Fabasoft Folio COO Services it is called distributed transaction. A distributed transaction is a transaction, in which different resources are involved. Distributed transactions must, like all other transactions too, fulfill so-called “ACID”-properties. This means, that each transaction has to be atomic, consistent, isolated and durable. A transaction manager is used to ensure this behavior also for distributed transactions.

Up to Fabasoft software products version 6.1 P2 the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) was used in a Microsoft Windows environment, independent of using Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database. In a Linux environment with Oracle Database the Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction Manager (FSCDTM) was used.

From Fabasoft software products version 6.1 SP1 when using Oracle Database the Fabasoft Distributed Transaction Manager is used (also in a Microsoft Windows system environment). For the combination of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft SQL server the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator is used further on.