2024 Update Rollup 2

HistoryEventTypePermanent link for this heading

On the one hand objects of object class Event Type (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:HistoryEventType) define an event (e.g. “Content Changed” or “Document Removed”) and on the other hand they are also used for the categorization of event types.

The following example shows the event types “Annotations” and “Collaboration” that are used as categories. The event types like “Rating Added” or “Collaboration Accepted” are assigned to the category event types.

The properties Broader Terms (FSCTERM@1.1001:broadercompterms) and Narrower Terms (FSCTERM@1.1001:narrowercompterms) are used to define which event type belongs to which category.

Event types for categories are prefixed with EC and event types for events are prefixed with ET.

Root for Event Categories (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Root) is the root element containing the categories in the Narrower Terms property. By default the following categories for event types are available:

  • Annotations (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Annotate)
  • Uncategorized (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Other)
  • Common Changes (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_General)
  • Workflow and Signatures (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Workflow)
  • Collaboration (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Collaboration)
  • Security (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Security)
  • Newsfeed (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:EC_Social)

If no category is available for an event type, the Uncategorized category is used.

The following properties can be defined for an event type:

  • FSCFOLIO@1.1001:hetdescription
    This text describes the event and is used for displaying the event in the welcome screen, in an e-mail or as RSS feed entry.
    The following placeholders can be used within the description text:
    • <~histuser~>
      The user who triggered the event.
    • <~cooobj~>
      The object on which the event has been triggered.
    • <~histevent~>
      An object related to the event, e.g. the object that has been added to a folder (<~cooobj~>).
    • %s, %d
      Placeholders for arguments.
  • FSCFOLIO@1.1001:hetsingletext
    In case of an accumulated display of events this text is used instead the hetdescription text, if the event occurred once.
    Note: An accumulated display appears if more than three events need to be displayed in the welcome screen or in an e-mail. If more than three events occurred, the three most recent events are displayed as usual and all the other events are displayed accumulated.
  • FSCFOLIO@1.1001:hetmulitpletext
    In case of an accumulated display of events this text is used if the event occurred more than once. In this case %d is a placeholder for the number of events.
  • FSCFOLIO@1.1001:hetpersist
    Defines whether events of this type should not be deleted from an object’s history in case of the maximum number of history entries has exceeded.
  • FSCFOLIO@1.1001:hetrequiredetails
    Defines whether the <~histevent~> object has to be a valid object.

Note: The values for hetdescription, hetsingletext and hetmultipletext have to be defined in the language files.
