2024 Update Rollup 2

Indexing und SearchingPermanent link for this heading

Manual IndexingPermanent link for this heading

  1. In the “Domain Administration”, under “Domain Objects”, click the “Services” tab.
  2. Open the context menu of the indexing service for Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise and click “Build/Update Index”. All objects defined in the Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise configuration will be indexed. If the index already exists, each object gets checked, if it has been changed after the last indexing. Changed objects are updated.

Rebuilding an IndexPermanent link for this heading

If you want to rebuild an index, e.g. because of a restore, it is necessary to restore the database values with the RecoverIndex() action. This can be done with the context menu entry “Recover Index State” on the indexing service in the “Services” tab. Delete the old index in the file system.

Online RebuildPermanent link for this heading

Rebuilding an index usually involves downtime because the new index cannot be built without disabling the old index for delta indexing.

The Fabasoft Integration for Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise provides an alternative that is based on an external index state stored in a file system. The following steps can be executed to rebuild an index with minimal update delay:

  1. Create a new Indexing Service object with a configuration for the new Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise Indexing Service.
  2. Enable Ignore Default Scope in the Indexing service to allow indexing objects without being required to assign the indexing service to COO Stores. By default, all COO Stores are included after enabling the option. For additional restrictions, configure Alternate Condition.
  3. Configure File for External Index State to enable the external storage of the index state created during the indexing process.
  4. Start the indexing process using the new Indexing Service. Re-indexing using the old indexing service can remain active throughout the duration of the operation.
    If indexing was successful, the start time of the indexing process is stored as a new Start Point for the next indexing run. A tolerance of one hour will be used to cover objects which are created or changed via long-running transactions.
  5. Restart the indexing process using the new indexing service once or several times in a row to minimize the number of unprocessed changes.
  6. Once completed, trigger re-indexing using the old indexing service one more time and disable automatic re-indexing.
  7. Start an index recovery using the new Index Service to transfer the index state to Fabasoft Folio. The process recovers all objects changed after Start Point and objects that have not been indexed since index creation.
  8. Move the indexing service URLs from the new indexing service object to the old indexing service object. The new index is now online. Re-enable re-indexing.

Index-Based RecoveryPermanent link for this heading

Index Recovery using the IndexRecovery() action resets the index state stored in Fabasoft Folio comprised of an index date per Fabasoft Folio object and an index date per Fabasoft Folio content. In some scenarios, it is useful to be able to reset the index state.based on the actual state information stored in a Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise index rather than specifying a single recovery date.

By setting the parameter loadstate when executing the IndexRecovery() action, the recovery process reads information on indexed objects and contents from Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise and resets the index state in Fabasoft Folio accordingly. The index state of objects not stored in the index is reset automatically based on the configured scope (included COO Stores and alternative condition).

Re-IndexingPermanent link for this heading

During re-indexing new objects and objects that have been changed since the last indexing will be indexed. If the ACL of indexed objects has changed, the affected objects will be updated during a re-indexing.

Note: If users get permissions on an object due to an ACL change, those users will not find the corresponding objects until a re-indexing.

Specifically for PostgreSQL: After indexing, where many objects have been changed (e.g. initial indexing, ACL changes, migrations and so on), a CLUSTER <table name>; should be conducted on the tables cooobject and fsclogcontentmappinglist for performance reasons.

SearchPermanent link for this heading

Searching in MetadataPermanent link for this heading

Select in a string property the command Full-Text Query, if you want to send a metadata full-text query to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.

Note: This command is also available when the property is not indexed. In this case the search request is sent to the database.

Search in ContentsPermanent link for this heading

If you make a full-text search request in a content property, the metadata is also searched.

Quick SearchPermanent link for this heading

If you use quick search with Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise in Fabasoft Folio, the search request will search in metadata and contents from each object that can be inserted in the selected field.