The log definitions are delivered as an XML file contained in the software component FSCAPPTELEMETRY. Locate the following component objects and export the log definitions.
To use the provided log definitions in the Fabasoft app.telemetry Client perform the following steps:
The application tiers are visible only if the instrumented services have already registered with the Fabasoft app.telemetry Agents. For example, Client is only visible if the Fabasoft Folio Web Client Instrumentation is configured and already has sent telemetry information.
The Application Tier filters for the starting point of a request. If the request involves additional application tiers (for example COO Service), this telemetry information is included automatically.
Note: Application tiers should not overlap. If application tiers overlap, telemetry information may only be collected by one log pool.
After these steps the columns of the imported log definition are available.
Note: In versions prior to 2015 Winter Release, Fabasoft Folio Web Services, Conversion Services and eServices were all registered with the Application Tier “Web Service”. When installing a new service with a current Fabasoft Folio version, the service type is automatically stored in the registry and the type is used for registering with the Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent. In the case of an update, this information must be added to the registry manually. Valid values for the service type are Web Service, Conversion Service, and eService:
@="C:\\Program Files\\Fabasoft\\Components\\Web\\1_CONV\\ASP\\content\\bin\\fscvext.dll"
@="Conversion Service"
Using a Linux environment this information is stored in /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FscWeb/Modules:
su - fscsrv
cd /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FscWeb/Modules
mkdir WebService_101
echo n "/opt/fabasoft/share/web/WebService_101/asp/content/bin/" > WebService_100/registry.default
mkdir WebService_101/FSCSERVICETYPE
echo n "Conversion Service" > WebService_101/FSCSERVICETYPE/registry.default
To update an existing log definition select a log definition and repeat step 3 in chapter Fabasoft app.telemetry Client to update the XML file.