InstallationPermanent link for this heading

In case of a new single-machine installation, the feature “Fabasoft Folio SELinux Policy” can be selected. By doing so, the Fabasoft Folio Setup installs the fsc-selinux-policy RPM, which automatically installs the policy on the system. Additionally, the setup process registers ports and file system contexts required for selected services.

Rules are available for following services:

  • Fabasoft Folio Web Management Services
  • Fabasoft Folio Backend Services
  • Fabasoft Folio Web Services
  • Fabasoft Folio Conversion Services
  • Fabasoft Folio E-Services
  • Fabasoft Folio AT Services
  • Fabasoft Folio IMAP Services
  • Fabasoft Integration for Mindbreeze Services
  • Fabasoft iArchive Services
  • Fabasoft iArchiveLink Services

In case of a distributed installation on multiple machines, ports of services on remote machines cannot automatically be registered by the Fabasoft Folio Setup and must therefore be configured manually. Before being able to do so using semanage or a custom policy, the Fabasoft Folio policy must be installed before installing relevant Fabasoft Folio Services.

The policy must be installed via the fsc-selinux-policy RPM, which automatically registers and enables the policy.

The Fabasoft Folio policy defines the port types that must be configured in case of remote services local services depend on. Configure these ports accordingly (using semanage or a custom policy) before starting the installation process. Otherwise, one or more installation steps (e.g. steps requiring access to Fabasoft Folio Backend Services) might fail due to SELinux denies.

The license file and the installation kit must be labeled with one of the following SELinux types:

  • cifs_t
  • iso9660_t
  • tmp_t
  • user_home_t
  • user_tmp_t