Apple Watch App (iOS Only)Permanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft App for iOS includes an Apple Watch app which allows you to access your worklist on the Apple Watch.

The Apple Watch app provides the following features:

  • Displays the “To Do” list and the “To Do as Substitute” list ofall connected services.
  • Provides a detailed overview of specific activities.
  • Opens a specific activity on the iPhone.

List ViewPermanent link for this heading

The list view contains a cumulated list of all “To Do” and “To Do as Substitute” activities. Each entry in the list consists of a title, subtitle, an abstract, and the “received on/at” date. The activities are sorted by their “received on/at” date in descending order.

Note: It is possible to link multiple cloud services with the Apple Watch app. If there is more than one service, the activities of all connected services are cumulated into one list.

By selecting a list entry, the details of an activity are displayed.


The list is automatically reloaded on several occasions e.g. when opening the app or completing an activity on the iPhone. To reload the list manually, use the context menu on the list:

  1. Perform a long tap on the list using force touch.
  2. Tap the “Refresh” button.

Detail ViewPermanent link for this heading

The detail view offers all details of a specific activity. It consists of at least the title, the subtitle, the “received on/at” date and the full abstract of an activity. Furthermore, there may be more relevant properties, e.g. the “started on/at” date or the hint.

In addition to the details of an activity, there is the “Open on iPhone” button. It opens the selected activity on the iPhone to perform additional actions on that activity.