2024 Update Rollup 2

CollaborationPermanent link for this heading

Collaboration is the joint work of several users on objects. The access rights of users or groups are defined via ACLs (Access Control Lists). The rights concept is generally implemented on a customer-specific basis.

Note: As long as a user edits an object, it can only be read by other users.

Access RightsPermanent link for this heading

For each object, it is defined who is allowed to perform which action on the object. You will find the corresponding settings for each object on the “Security” tab and optionally on the “Security Details” tabs.

In general, access rights are already defined via the respective context. However, you can change the authorizations within your rights. If you have any questions, please contact your IT help desk.

To authorize a user on an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Properties”.
  3. Switch to the “Security” tab.
  4. Add the appropriate user in the Full Control, Change Access or Read Access field.
  5. Click “Next”.


  • How and whether the Full Control, Change Access and Read Access fields are evaluated depends on the ACL. In general, full control also entitle the user to delete.
  • For objects that are assigned to Teamrooms, access rights are primarily defined by the team defined in the Teamroom.

Using a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

The Teamroom enables informal collaboration across departmental boundaries. A separate area in the Teamroom is available for the administration of the team. The simple access rights structure makes it easy to exchange documents within the team. Team calendars, news feeds and other useful features complete the functionality of the Teamroom.

Not all object types can be stored in the Teamroom. These are, for example, business objects that are intended for formal cooperation with its own rights concept.

Creating a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

To create a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in your “Personal Folder”.
  2. Click the “New” action.
  3. Select the “Teamroom” entry and click “Next”.
  4. Enter a name for the Teamroom and select a group if applicable.
    Note: When you define a logo for the Teamroom, the logo of the defined group is offered for selection.
  5. Click “Next”.

Structuring TeamroomsPermanent link for this heading

For structuring documents in a Teamroom, folders are provided.

To create a folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate in the desired Teamroom.
  2. Click the “New” action.
  3. Select the “Folder” entry.
  4. Enter a name of the folder and click “Next”.


  • You can also create folders within folders.
  • In Teamrooms, additional Teamrooms can be created. The access rights defined by the Teamroom only apply to assigned objects but not to contained Teamrooms. A Teamroom always defines its own security context.

Defining Team MembersPermanent link for this heading

To define access rights for a Teamroom, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate in the desired Teamroom.
  2. Click the “Team” action.
  3. You can add users or groups to the team using the plus symbol at the corresponding rights.

The Teamroom is stored in “Teamrooms Shared With Me” for the added team members. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare the Teamroom first, to create structures and to store the documents before the team is authorized.

Access rights:

  • Read Access
    These team members can
    • read existing documents,
    • only see release versions (if existing) and
    • add additional team members with read access (if correspondingly configured for the Teamroom).
  • Change Access
    These team members can
    • change existing documents, create new documents or folders and delete them (wastebasket),
    • define Teamroom templates and
    • add additional team members with change access or read access (if correspondingly configured for the Teamroom).
  • Full Control
    These team members can
    • change existing documents, create new documents and delete documents (wastebasket),
    • define Teamroom templates,
    • empty the wastebasket,
    • dissolve the Teamroom,
    • define settings regarding access protection, shortcuts, team visibility, adding team members and group restrictions,
    • define logos,
    • delete the history,
    • read audit log entries,
    • change the branding,
    • change the group and
    • grant all access rights.


  • Via the context menu of a team member, you can change the access rights or even remove the team member.
  • In the properties of a Teamroom, on the “Teamroom” tab, you can define following settings:
    • Access Protection
      Defines who is allowed to access the Teamroom. By default, only the specified team is allowed to access the Teamroom.
    • Security Level
      Defines (if you have a security level by yourself) whether only users with the specified or higher security level have access.
    • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
      Defines which type of shortcuts may be stored in the Teamroom. You can restrict the permitted shortcuts to objects that are assigned to the group or to objects that are assigned to the Teamroom. In this way, you can prevent, for example, that shortcuts are stored to which the members of the Teamroom do not have access.
    • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
      If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during tagging.
    • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device
      Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content at the device.
    • Roles That Are Allowed to Open or Download Content on the Device
      Defines which permissions a team member must have in order to open or download content at the device.
    • Team Members Visible to All Members
      Defines whether all members are allowed to see the team members. Note that disabling this setting also restricts other use cases.
      Note: Team members with change access can be eventually seen by all members, since changes are logged in log properties such as Last Change by.
      • Only team members with “Full Control” have access to the “Team”, can start processes, use templates and release templates and presettings.
      • Only team members with “Full Control” see the events by default. The display of events can also be enabled for team members who are not allowed to view the team. However, only events that could not lead to conclusions about team members with read access will be displayed.
      • Team members with read access cannot use remarks, public comments, signatures, processes or comment on news feeds.
      • Team members with read access cannot use the time travel.
      • Team members with read access cannot be selected as participants in processes.
      • Team members with read access cannot create public links.
    • Display Events for Team Members Who Are Not Allowed to View the Team
      Only team members with “Full Control” see the events by default. The display of events can also be enabled for team members who are not allowed to view the team. However, only events that could not lead to conclusions about team members with read access will be displayed.
    • All Team Members May Add Members
      Defines whether all team members can add users to the team or only team members with “Full Control”. Members with change access may grant or revoke change access or read access to other members. Members with read access may grant or revoke read access to other members.
    • Restrict Team Members
      Defines the groups whose members may be added to the Teamroom. If the list does not contain any entries, members can be added without restriction.
    • Main Administrator
      Defines the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the Teamroom. Otherwise, all Teamroom administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as contact in case of missing permissions.
  • When editing the properties of several Teamrooms together, you can also define the permissions on the “Security” tab. This allows you to efficiently adjust the access rights of many Teamrooms.

Sending an E-Mail to Team MembersPermanent link for this heading

To simplify collaboration even further, e-mails can be sent directly from Teamrooms to the team. The “Send” > “Send E-Mail to Team Members” context menu command is available for Teamrooms and for objects assigned to Teamrooms. When using the context menu command on objects, they are added as links to the e-mail.

For easy selection of recipients, they can be set based on their role in the Teamroom.

Note: The sent e-mails can be viewed in the Teamroom properties on the “Recently Sent E-Mails” tab.

Working With ShortcutsPermanent link for this heading

The same objects can be stored as shortcuts (“Paste Shortcut” context menu command) in different Teamrooms or subfolders.

  • When you delete a shortcut, only the shortcut is removed. The object itself and other shortcuts are not affected. If the object is in the wastebasket, the shortcuts are displayed with the additional text “(Deleted)”. If the object is permanently deleted, the shortcuts will be removed, too.
  • When you store shortcuts within a Teamroom in different folders, the shortcuts are visualized with an arrow. If the object itself is cut, the next succeeding shortcut becomes the “object”.
  • Each object can be assigned to only one Teamroom, which defines the access rights. If you store an object in several Teamrooms, the shortcuts are visualized with an arrow in a square. Note that team members have no access to the shortcut, if they are not authorized in the assigned Teamroom of the object.
  • When you cut an object that has no shortcut in another Teamroom and paste it to a Teamroom, the object will be assigned to that new Teamroom.
  • When you cut an object that has a shortcut in exactly one other Teamroom, the object will be assigned to that Teamroom. If shortcuts exist in several Teamrooms, the object is not assigned automatically to another Teamroom. In this case you can assign the Teamroom manually with the “Tools” > “Change Teamroom” context menu command.
    The change of the assignment can only be carried out, if you have full control in the original Teamroom and at least change access in the target Teamroom.
  • In the properties of an object, on the “General” tab, in the Teamroom field you can find the assigned Teamroom that defines the access rights. The Contained in field shows the Teamrooms and folders in which the object is stored.
  • In the properties of a Teamroom, on the “Teamroom” tab, in the Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom field you can define which type of shortcuts should be allowed. This way, for example, it can be prevented that not accessible shortcuts are stored.

Changing the Teamroom AssignmentPermanent link for this heading

An object is always assigned to only one Teamroom. In case shortcuts of the object are stored in further Teamrooms, the assigned Teamroom can be changed.

To change the Teamroom assignment, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the object, which should be assigned to another Teamroom.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Tools” > “Change Teamroom”.
  3. Select the Teamroom the object should be assigned to.
    Note: If the object is stored in exactly two Teamrooms, the Teamroom must not be selected.
  4. Click “Change Teamroom”.

Note: To change the assigned Teamroom of an object, full control is needed in the original Teamroom and at least change access in the target Teamroom.

Setting the Access ProtectionPermanent link for this heading

The access protection defines whether non team members can read the Teamroom.

To change the access protection of a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired Teamroom.
  2. In the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Properties”.
  3. Select the Access Protection on the “Teamroom” tab.
    • “Default”
      The Teamroom and its content can only be read by team members.
    • “Extended by category”
      The defined team can access the Teamroom and its contents. Access to individual objects can also be granted via the category.
      Note: You can assign access rights on the “Permissions” tab of the category. When the category is assigned to an object, the defined permissions are considered.
    • “Extended by category and workflow”
      The defined team can access the Teamroom and its contents. Users participating in workflow are granted read access. Access to individual objects can also be granted via the category.
    • “Generally searchable and readable”
      The Teamroom and its content can be found and read by all users.
    • “Generally readable”
      The Teamroom and its content can be read by all users.
  4. Click “Next”. You will receive a notice that this Teamroom becomes public. Click “Next” again.

Note: An access protection can only be selected, if the Teamroom has no security level.

Setting the Security LevelPermanent link for this heading

If a user has a security clearance (user object > “User” tab > Security Clearance), the user can define a Security Level for the Teamroom.

To change the security level of a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. In the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Properties”.
  2. On the “Teamroom” tab, select the desired Security Level.
    Note: The security levels inclusive all subordinated security levels that are assigned to the user are provided for selection.
  3. Click “Next”.

Only users with the specified or higher security level have access to the Teamroom.


  • The symbol of the Teamroom denotes if a security level is defined.
  • The security level cannot be defined if the Teamroom is public.

Defining a LogoPermanent link for this heading

For each Teamroom an own logo can be defined. This logo is displayed in the card view, the thumbnail view and the preview.

To define a logo for a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. In the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Properties”.
  2. Switch to the “Logos” tab.
  3. Click “Select” to browse for an image on your computer or select one from Folio.
  4. Click “Next”.

Note: You can select a second logo that is used as a thumbnail. This logo will be displayed for example on the welcome screen.

Managing Teamroom TemplatesPermanent link for this heading

You can define objects in a Teamroom as Teamroom templates that are available in the create dialog.

To define a Teamroom template, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the desired Teamroom to the document that should serve as template.
  2. On the context menu of the document click “Tools” > “Add to Teamroom Templates”. The document is added to the Teamroom templates as shortcut.
    Note: If you have enabled “Customizing”, the “Add to Templates” context menu command is available. In this case, you can specify in a further step whether the template should be added as a copy to the Teamroom templates of the Teamroom (or superordinate Teamroom) or to a template collection.

The Teamroom template is displayed in the create dialog in the “Teamroom Templates” category.


  • Documents that already serve as Teamroom templates provide the “Tools” > “Remove From Teamroom Templates” context menu command.
  • To display a list of all Teamroom templates, click the “Templates and Presettings” action and navigate in the “Templates” list. Here you can also add and remove Teamroom templates.
  • Objects that are assigned to other Teamrooms can also be used as Teamroom templates. Make sure that the team members are authorized in the other Teamrooms to use the templates.

Changing the Owner of a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

You can become the owner of a Teamroom, only if you have “Full Control” on this Teamroom. The owner has the same rights as a team member with full control, but the object quota and storage quota (if configured) are assigned to the owner.

To change the owner of the Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Teamroom.
  2. In the „Tools” menu, click “Take Ownership”.
  3. Click the “Yes” button.

You are now the owner of the Teamroom and therefore the owner of the objects inside this Teamroom. The previous owner becomes a team member with full control.

Note: You just can enter yourself as owner of a Teamroom.

Wastebasket and Orphan ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

When deleting objects of Teamrooms they are not deleted immediately but put in the Teamroom wastebasket. The “Open Wastebasket” action is only available if at least one object is in the wastebasket. Objects in the wastebasket can be permanently deleted (“Empty Wastebasket” or “Delete”) or restored.

You can find objects that are assigned to the Teamroom but no longer stored in the Teamroom via the “Tools” > “Show Orphaned Objects” context menu command.

Displaying New EventsPermanent link for this heading

In the card view, the number of changes of Teamrooms is displayed, since you viewed the history for the last time.

  1. Navigate in a Teamroom with new events.
  2. Click the “Show New Events” action.
  3. On the “New Events” tab, you find all current events. The tab is only shown if there are current events.


  • You can use the “Disable Notification” or “Enable Notification” button to specify whether you want to see new events about this Teamroom at all. Alternatively, corresponding context menu commands are available for Teamrooms.
  • Which changes are considered as new events can be configured under “account menu (your user name)” > “Advanced Settings” > “Notifications” > “Settings”.
  • The “Show New Events” action leads to the timeline and history that contains older entries, too. The “Delete History” button allows deleting the history and all versions of the objects that are assigned to the Teamroom (full control is needed).

Hierarchical Teamroom RelationsPermanent link for this heading

In order to manage hierarchies of Teamrooms easily and clearly, relations between Teamrooms are available as metadata. The relations are displayed on the “Relations” and “Relation (incl. Hierarchy)” tabs.


  • The tabs are only displayed, if the Teamroom is related to at least one other Teamroom.
  • The access rights defined by the Teamroom only apply to assigned objects but not to assigned Teamrooms. A Teamroom always defines its own security context.
  • The Teamroom hierarchy includes all types of rooms.


  • Superordinate Teamroom
    A Teamroom can be assigned to exactly one superordinate Teamroom.
  • Referencing Teamrooms
    A list of all Teamrooms in which the current Teamroom is stored.
  • Subordinated Teamrooms
    A list of all Teamrooms that are assigned to the current Teamroom.
  • Referenced Teamrooms
    A list of all Teamrooms that are stored in the current Teamroom.
  • Orphan Teamrooms
    A list of all Teamrooms that are assigned to the current Teamroom but which are no longer stored in this Teamroom.
  • Subordinated Teamrooms (incl. Hierarchy)
    A list of all Teamrooms that are assigned to the current Teamroom or to a Teamroom in the Teamroom assignment hierarchy.
  • Referenced Teamrooms (incl. Hierarchy)
    A list of all Teamrooms that are stored in the current Teamroom or in a Teamroom in the Teamroom hierarchy.
  • Orphan Teamrooms (incl. Hierarchy)
    A list of all Teamrooms that are assigned to the current Teamroom or to a Teamroom in the Teamroom assignment hierarchy but which are no longer stored in the Teamroom.

Transferring a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

Transfer Teamrooms to the Fabasoft Cloud to profit from the possibilities of cross-company collaboration. With the Teamroom, all folders and contents as well as all object types (that are not programmatically excluded from transferring) are transferred. Later you can retract the Teamroom to the Folio installation again.

Note: For the functionality to be available, it must be configured accordingly by an administrator: https://help.folio.fabasoft.com/index.php?topic=doc/Administration-Help-Fabasoft-Folio-eng/configuration-tasks.htm#transferpublish-a-teamroom: new window

To transfer a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. In the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Transfer Teamroom” > “name of the target domain”.
  2. In the Access Rights of the Source Teamroom field, define the access rights to the source Teamroom after the transfer.
    • Keep Access Rights of Previous Team Members
    • Restrict Access to the Members of My Group
    • Restrict Access to the Team Members With “Full Control”
  3. In the Dissolve Source Teamroom field, define whether the source Teamroom should be dissolved.
    • Do Not Dissolve
      The Teamroom will not be dissolved.
    • Assign Activity “Dissolve Teamroom”
      A workflow activity will be assigned to the specified recipient at the specified time.
    • Dissolve Automatically
      The Teamroom will be dissolved at the specified time.
  4. Click “Transfer” to confirm the transfer.
  5. If you are not logged in to the target domain, a login dialog is displayed.
  6. Click “Allow” to grant the “OAuth Client” the “Transfer Teamroom” right (only necessary once).
  7. Click “OK” after the transfer has been completed.


  • The Teamroom and the associated objects are marked as transferred in Fabasoft Folio.
  • The Teamroom and the associated objects are no longer editable in Fabasoft Folio.
  • The Teamroom is stored in the "Personal Folder" of the target domain.
  • The user rights are transferred. Users are identified by the e-mail address. If contacts do not yet exist in the target domain, new contacts are created.
  • Categories of objects are also considered if they exist in the source and target systems and can be identified by a unique import ID.
  • With the “Transfer Teamroom” > “Restore Version Before Transfer” context menu command you can restore the version of the Teamroom, which was saved by default prior to the transfer. Incompletely transferred Teamrooms will be deleted in the target domain. If a Teamroom was successfully transferred, the connection to the transferred Teamroom in the target domain will be lost.
  • With the “Transfer Teamroom” > “Define Dissolve Period” context menu command, you can also subsequently specify whether and when the source Teamroom should be dissolved.
  • With the “Transfer Teamroom” > “Open in <name of installation>” context menu command, you can navigate directly to the target Teamroom. The corresponding action is also available for objects in the Teamroom.

Retracting a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

After completing the cross-company collaboration, the Teamroom can be retracted to Fabasoft Folio.

To retract a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. In the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Transfer Teamroom” > “Retract form <name>”.
  2. Click “Retract” to confirm the retraction.
  3. If you are not logged in to the target domain, a login dialog is displayed.
  4. Click “Allow” to grant the “OAuth Client” the “Retract Teamroom” right (only necessary once).
  5. Click “OK” after the retraction has been completed.


  • The Teamroom and the associated objects are marked as retracted in the target domain.
  • The Teamroom and the associated objects are no longer editable in the target domain.
  • If users do not yet exist in the source domain, contact persons are created.
  • If the Teamroom could not be successfully retracted, you can restore the version of the Teamroom in the source domain and in the target domain, which was saved by default prior to the transfer, with the context menu command “Transfer Teamroom” > “Restore Version Before Transfer”.

Publishing a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

Teamrooms can be published read-only to the Fabasoft Cloud.

To publish a Teamroom, proceed as follows:

  1. In the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Publish Teamroom” > “name of the target domain”.
  2. Click “Publish” to confirm the transfer.
  3. If you are not logged in to the target domain, a login dialog is displayed.
  4. Click “Allow” to grant the “OAuth Client” the “Transfer Teamroom” right (only necessary once).
  5. Click “OK” after the transfer has been completed.

Note: Teamrooms may be republished (either all objects or only the changes since the last publishing).

Converting a Folder to a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

The access rights to Teamrooms and the contained objects are defined by the team specified in the Teamroom. Folders are used for structuring, but do not have their own rights context.

If you want to give a folder in a Teamroom a different right context, you can use the “Tools” > ‘Convert to “Teamroom”’ context menu command to convert a folder to a Teamroom. Conversely, you can also convert a Teamroom located in another Teamroom to a folder.


  • To convert a folder into a Teamroom, you need to have full control in the Teamroom associated with the folder. If there are other Teamrooms in the folder, you also need full control in these Teamrooms.
  • To convert a Teamroom to a folder, you need full control in that Teamroom and change access in the target Teamroom for the folder.
    If the converted Teamroom is located in multiple Teamrooms, you can select the target Teamroom for the folder.

Dissolving a TeamroomPermanent link for this heading

As a user with full control in a Teamroom, you can delete the Teamroom and all its objects.

To delete a Teamroom and its objects, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the desired Teamroom.
  2. in the context menu of the Teamroom, click “Dissolve”.
  3. Click “Delete” to confirm that the Teamroom and its objects should be deleted. Shortcuts to these objects will also be removed from other Teamrooms.
    Note: If the Teamroom contains subordinate Teamrooms, you can either resolve all Teamrooms or only the parent Teamroom.

Using Newsfeeds in TeamroomsPermanent link for this heading

With the newsfeed, you can keep your team members up to date with the latest news.

Creating a NewsfeedPermanent link for this heading

To create a newsfeed, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the desired Teamroom.
  2. Click the “New” action.
  3. Select the “Newsfeed” entry.
  4. Enter a name and click “Next”.

Creating Newsfeed EntriesPermanent link for this heading

Any user who has change rights in the Teamroom can write posts in the newsfeed. These posts are readable for all team members. For a newsfeed, it can be configured that team members with read access can also write posts.

To write a post in the newsfeed, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the newsfeed.
  2. Enter the text in the textbox and possibly add an attachment.
  3. Click “Send”.

Any user can remove their posts. Team members with full control can remove any post.


  • A maximum of 2000 characters can be entered.
  • Posts can be commented.
  • Links starting with http://, https:// or ftp:// will be displayed as a hyperlink.

Using a ProjectPermanent link for this heading

Projects can be used to manage the documentation of projects. Properties like External Project Sponsor, Project Manager, Deputy Project Managers, and Project Members can be used to represent the project organization.

Business objects, which are stored within a project, are explicitly assigned to this project. A business object can only be assigned to one project.

To create a Project, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “New” action.
  2. Select the “Project” entry and click “Next”.
  3. Edit the metadata of the project (for example, Project Name and Start on/at) and click “Next”.

Involving a User via WorkflowPermanent link for this heading

Users can be included in the processing of business objects via workflow by prescribing an activity (for example, “Approve” or “For information”) to a user, which is then placed in the user's work list.

To involve a user via workflow, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Tools” > “Start New Process”.
  3. Define the prescription and click “Next”.

Depending on the configuration the user will automatically obtain the permissions required to perform the activities.

Using NotificationsPermanent link for this heading

Via notifications, a user can be informed automatically about certain changes on subscribed objects.

To edit the settings for notifications, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the account menu (your user name) and then click “Advanced Settings” > “Notifications”.
  2. Click the “Settings” button.
  3. Define about which events you want to be informed and click “Save”.
  4. Click the “Define Affected Objects” button.
  5. In the newly opened window, use, for example, the “Enable Notification” or “Disable Notification” context menu commands to specify the Teamrooms or dashboards for which you want to receive notifications and close the window.
    Note: For the objects entered, the setting applies to the entire hierarchy unless another setting has been made for a subordinate object.
  6. Click “Close” to close the notifications dialog.

Following settings are available:

“Settings” tab

  • E-Mail Notification Interval
    In this field you can define how often you want to receive an e-mail containing new events.
  • Schedule E-Mail Notification
    In this field the date and time for the next e-mail to be sent can be defined.
    Note: This setting also schedules all following e-mails according to the value in the E-Mail Notification Interval field.
  • Notify Me About the Following Events
    In this field you can define how to be informed about certain events.
    • Symbol
      The number of events is displayed for Teamrooms in the card view.
    • E-Mail
      The selected events are displayed in the notification e-mail and in the RSS feed. See chapter “RSS Feeds” for further information on RSS feeds.

Using Follow-UpsPermanent link for this heading

When using the follow-up functionality an e-mail can be sent to a user or a process can be started at a particular time.

To define a follow-up, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. On the context menu of the object, click “Tools” > “Create Follow-Up” or “Manage Follow-Ups” (at least one follow-up is already defined).
  3. If you mark the follow-up as personal (only valid for the "Send e-mail" action), it will not be visible to other users.
  4. Select the Action that should be executed.
    • Send E-Mail
      Define Recipients for the e-mail. In the Message field, you can specify the e-mail text.
    • Start Process
      Define the process that should be executed.
      Note: The process has to be released for the organization.
  5. If applicable, enter a reason. The text is displayed as a suffix of the follow-up name and calendar event.
  6. Define the date of the follow-up and whether it should be repeated. For more information, refer to the “Point in Time” and “Repetition” sections below.
  7. Click “Next”.

Upon reaching the follow-up date and after processing the automatic task the defined action will be executed.

Note: “Immediately after last change on/at” can also be selected for the execution time. Changes within the first 10 seconds after definition of the follow-up are ignored. After that, the next change to the object is considered.

Point in Time

You can either specify an explicit date or let the date be calculated based on a base date field of the object. Optionally, the execution date can be redefined if the base date is changed.


It is also possible to repeat follow-ups. The following cases can be distinguished.

Explicit date or date is not recalculated when the base date is changed

You can define a repetition rule that is applied starting with the execution time.

  • Unit
    Defines the unit of the interval (e.g. day or month).
  • Interval
    Defines the interval between the repetitions (number).
  • Repeat Until
    Defines the end time of the repetitions (infinite, explicit date, date value of a property).

Date is recalculated when the base date is changed

The background task is rescheduled after the selected action is executed and the base date is changed. Only Repeat Until can be defined as a repetition rule.

Follow-Ups Dashboard

You can manage the follow-ups in the follow-ups dashboard. The dashboard is divided into the following areas:

  • Calendar
    Shows all follow-ups of the “My Follow-Ups” list.
  • My Follow-Ups
    Shows the follow-ups that were created by you or in which you are entered as the recipient. You can also store other follow-ups by yourself. You can use the “Settings” action to adjust the filter criteria and to find the CalDAV URL, which you can use to integrate your follow-ups as a calendar in Microsoft Outlook, for example.
  • Further Follow-Ups
    Shows follow-ups determined by you. You can define the search criteria using the “Determine Follow-Ups” action.