UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Follow-UpsPermanent link for this heading

  • In addition to the date, also the time can be defined for follow-ups. The follow-ups are displayed in the calendar of the follow-up dashboard at the corresponding time.
  • A default category can be defined for follow-ups (“Default Values” tab in app configurations or app rooms).
  • If a form category is assigned to a follow-up, the name build of the form category is considered for the follow-up name.
  • If a follow-up date has been defined as an explicit date, it can be changed programmatically via a low-code expression using the ReCalculateResubmissionDate action.
    Example: cooobj.myproperty.FSCNOTIFICATION@1.1001:objresubmissions[0].FSCNOTIFICATION@1.1001:ReCalculateResubmissionDate(null, datetime("2030-01-01"));

Value FilterPermanent link for this heading

The column value filter for date values now has a tree structure and is therefore easier to use with keyboard and screen reader. Due to this structural change, the behavior in the following areas has changed:

Expanding and Collapsing

The tree elements can be expanded or collapsed using the keyboard or by clicking on the corresponding symbol. The status can be seen on the symbol and for screen readers via the aria-expanded attribute.

Expanding and collapsing does not change the filter behavior and only serves to make operation easier.

Keyboard Operation

Until now, each checkbox had a tabindex and you could only navigate through the filter using the tab key. Now only one tree element has a tabindex. The arrow keys, End and Pos 1 can be used to navigate between the tree elements.

  • Up
    Navigates to the element above the current element.
  • Down
    Navigates to the element below the current element.
  • Left
    If the element is expanded, the element is collapsed. If it is collapsed and there is a superordinate element, it is navigated to this element.
  • Right
    If the element is collapsed, the element is expanded. If it is expanded and there is a subordinate element, it is navigated to the first subordinate element.
  • Home
    Navigates to the first element "Select all" in the filter.
  • End
    Navigates to the last element in the filter.

Partial Selection

If subordinate tree elements have only been partially selected (for example, only one day of several in a month), then the superordinate tree elements have the status "partially selected". This is made clear when using screen readers with the attribute aria-checked="mixed". The partially selected elements are displayed with their own symbol so that this status can also be recognized when the elements are collapsed. Clicking on a partially selected element selects all subordinate elements.

Public LinksPermanent link for this heading

In the properties of a Teamroom, on the “Content Settings” tab, in the Storage Period of Expired Public Links field, you can specify the period of time after which entries from expired public links should be deleted. This allows you to clean up the list automatically. If no time period is specified, the entries are kept.

Alternatively, you can use the “Manage Public Links” context menu command for a Teamroom and manually delete the expired public links of the Teamroom using the “Delete Expired Public Links” button.

For performance reasons, the All Public Links Within This Teamroom field is no longer available. Instead, you can use the “Manage Public Links” context menu command and the “All Public Links” button to open a query-based list that allows you to search for objects with public links. Via the “Delete Public Links” context menu command, all public links of the selected objects can be deleted.

General ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

The following general improvements are available to you.


  • The shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow or Left Arrow can be used to navigate in the document view.
  • On Apple macOS, the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + [0-9] are used instead of Alt + [0-9].
  • When sorting by strings in the user interface, the natural order is considered by default (e.g. "2" comes before "10").
  • The same object cannot be stored multiple times in a Teamroom or in the generic object list via the user interface.
  • The “Team” action in Teamrooms is now called “Permissions”.
  • The currency symbol is now displayed after the value by default.
  • A four-digit year is always used when displaying and editing date properties (applies to the “English (UK)” locale, for example).
  • Annotations can be attached directly in the two-part view of documents (e.g. in the course of registration).
  • When uploading e-mails with attachment a dialog can be displayed that allows the e-mails to be split. The additional option “Original E-Mail and Attachment Separated” is now available, which uploads the original e-mail with attachment and also the attachment separately.
  • & and = are allowed in generated file names and length restrictions have been removed where possible.
  • The formatting of fields in Microsoft Word can usually be considered when instantiating templates and in the PDF preview if a style is set for the field including the surrounding text after the field has been inserted.
  • In the PDF preview of templates, fields are also displayed in the header and footer.
  • You can display the history of objects via the “Tools” > “Show History” context menu command. If there are too many events, the oldest ones are deleted or events worth keeping are saved in an archive.
  • For your personal dashboards, you can use the Enable Notifications option to specify whether you want to receive notifications for the corresponding rooms defined in the Notification Sources field.
    In the notification settings (account menu > “Advanced Settings” > “Notifications”), only the dashboards are listed.
  • To display the Teamroom relations (incl. hierarchy), the “Tools” > “Show Teamroom Relations” context menu command is available. The previous “Relations (Incl. Hierarchy)” tab has been removed for performance reasons.
  • If an additional search is carried out in the search dialog for an object property using the magnifier symbol, also search forms can be selected in the object class selection dialog.
    Note: The object class selection dialog is not displayed if only one object class can be searched for.
  • If another search is started in an object property in the search dialog, the search conditions entered in the first search dialog are not lost if the second search is aborted.
  • When searching, only categories that are permitted for the object class being searched for are offered in the Category field.
  • Status information (e.g. the search form used) in query-based lists is displayed at the top right in the title bar.
  • In the search portal and in search-based lists, the sorting can be adjusted in the detail view via the column header (“Sort” context menu command). This functionality is only available for columns that have been indexed as sortable (e.g. Name or Created on/at).
  • The “Timeline” tab is no longer available under “Show New Events”.
  • The size of interactive elements has been adjusted in accordance with WCAG 2.2 specifications.
  • Buttons such as “Close” or “Open” have been provided for screen reader users with the description of the area to which they refer.
  • The new option Use Simplified Resizer is available in the basic settings on the “Accessibility” tab. If you select this option, for example,  when registering a flap is displayed at the dividing line of the areas which provides a larger area for positioning the mouse pointer in order to enlarge or reduce the areas.
    The Increase Contrast option can also be helpful for recognizing the dividing line.
  • When switching in the detail view to the table editing mode, a warning is displayed that entering text in table cells can in some cases open a dialog and set the focus to this dialog. You can disable the warning directly. In the basic settings on the “Accessibility” tab, the warning can be enabled again using the Warn About Context Changes field.

Business Logic and Workflow

  • The Company Code field, which is hidden by default, is available for organizations in contact management. The field can be enabled in the properties of the contact configuration on the “Organization” tab. The CSV import and the web service interface also consider the new field.
  • If the Team Members Visible to All Members option is disabled for Teamrooms, the “Processes” and “Activities” tabs of assigned objects are hidden for team members with read rights.
  • For work steps that require a password to be entered, the mobile app now offers the option of using biometric authentication instead of a password. This requires an active code lock in the mobile app (including biometric unlocking) and permanent login.
  • If a signature is added via a work step (e.g. “Review”), the previous remarks are also displayed in the signature dialog under the Previous Signatures field.

Fabasoft Folio Client

  • In Microsoft Office applications, under “Open” on the “Fabasoft Cloud” tab, the “Open Document” button is available for your Cloud favorites and history. This allows you to quickly open important or recently used documents for reading or editing.
  • Synchronized devices under account menu (your user name) > “Advanced Settings” > “Synchronization” > Synchronized Devices are removed if there was no access for more than one year.
  • The PDF preview is not generated on the client, if there are text modules within the document.
  • When synchronizing or editing documents, documents can be loaded directly from other workstations via LAN.

Mobile App

  • By default, the mobile app is displayed in the device language. If the device language basically matches the user language in the basic settings, the language characteristic defined in the basic settings is preferred.
    Example: If the device language is German (Austria) and the user language is German (Switzerland), the strings for German (Switzerland) are displayed. If the device language is English (US) and the user language is German (Switzerland), the strings for English are displayed.