Advanced Administration TasksPermanent link for this heading

In general, advanced administration tasks should only be carried out by Fabasoft Folio specialists.

Managing DevicesPermanent link for this heading

Device objects are automatically created for each device used (identified by the MAC address). Device objects can be used to define authorized devices for users (User object > “Authentication” tab > Authorized Devices field).

Devices are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > Devices.

Creating a Device

When creating a Device enter at least a name.

Editing a Device's Metadata

Use the “Properties” context menu command to edit the device’s metadata.

Device” tab

  • Name
    The name of the device.
  • Device Type
    The device's system environment.
  • Device Identification
    The device's MAC address.
  • Frontend Server
    Specifies whether the device acts as a frontend server (Fabasoft Folio Webserver).
  • Number of CPUs
    The number of available processors on the device.
  • Number of CPU Cores
    The number of CPU cores on the device.
  • Used Products
    The Fabasoft software products used on the device.
  • Cached Device Licenses
    Cached Software Product Licenses are used for a cross-domain license verification.

Managing ACLsPermanent link for this heading

An ACL (Access Control List) is a list of Access Control Entries (ACE - access authorization). ACLs define access rights to Fabasoft Folio objects for domains, organizational units, groups and positions or users. An ACL is assigned to every Fabasoft Folio object (even ACL objects).

ACLs are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > ACLs.

Creating an ACL

When creating an ACL enter at least a reference and a software component.

Editing an ACL's Metadata

“ACL” tab

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • ACL Entries
    Defines the access control entries. An entry is only taken into account, if the following conditions are met:
    • Domains
      Defines the domain condition (e.g. “Owner Domain” or “All Domains”).
    • Organizational Unit Types/Groups
      Defines the organizational unit type/group condition (e.g. “All”). The symbol has following meaning:
      • Diamond symbol
        No additional condition.
      • Arrow up symbol (and superordinate groups)
        The ACL entry applies to the group or organizational unit type selected and its superordinate groups or organizational unit types.
      • Arrow down symbol (and subordinate groups)
        The ACL entry applies to the group or organizational unit selected and its subordinate groups or organizational unit types.
      • Double arrow up symbol (if superordinate to object group)
        The ACL entry applies to the superordinate group or organizational unit type of the selected group or organizational unit type.
      • Double arrow down symbol (if subordinate to object group)
        The ACL entry applies to the subordinate group or organizational unit type of the selected group or organizational unit type.
    • Positions/Users
      Defines the position/user condition (e.g. “All”).
    • Access Types
      If all conditions are met, the defined access types (e.g. Create object) are granted. If the conditions of several ACEs are met, the access types are merged.

Managing DomainsPermanent link for this heading

Make settings for the entire Fabasoft Folio domain in the Primary Domain. In particular, properties that can only be defined once per system can be found here. In a Tenant you can make tenant-specific settings (the settings in the primary domain are used as fallback).

On the “Components Configuration” tab, you can reference the corresponding configuration objects.

Domains and tenants are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Domains.

Unlocking All Objects

Use the “Unlock All Objects” context menu command to unlock all non-permanently locked objects of the selected domains.

Editing a Primary Domain's Metadata

System Configuration” tab

  • Test System
    Defines whether it is a test system.
  • Test System Type in Unit Tests
    Defines the test system type.
  • Enable 2-Phase Commit
    Set whether 2-phase commit is to be used for distributed transactions.
  • Enable Full Text Queries
    Defines whether full text searches are to be supported. Full text queries require an index server to run on the server on which the Fabasoft Folio MMC Services are running. To enable full text queries, set this field to “Yes”. If no index server is available, the field must be set to “No”, otherwise any full text search will cause an error.
  • Enable Optimized Full Text Queries
    The default setting is for a full text search to first search the Fabasoft Folio database. It will subsequently also search index server catalogues where this database's objects are stored, but not the other index server catalogues. Define whether the search engine is to search the index server before the Fabasoft Folio database, in the case of a pure full text search (without any further restrictions on other properties).
  • Queries are Case-Insensitive
    Defines here whether upper/lower case is significant for local searches and server searches.
    Note: “Yes” means that the search will ignore upper/lower case.
  • Enable Queries With Starting ‘*’
    Defines whether queries with a starting ‘*’ are supported.
  • Disable Group Substitutions
    Defines whether substitutions based on groups should not be used.
  • Display Owner if Read Access Is Denied
    Defines whether the name of the owner is shown, if the access rights of a user are not sufficient.
  • Enable Public Access
    Defines whether public links can be created.
  • Enable Quotas
    Defines whether storage quotas can be used.
  • Archived Versions Remain in Fabasoft Folio
    Defines whether the archive versions of archived objects and their contents will not be deleted from the Fabasoft Folio domain after archiving.
  • When Archiving Convert Content to Final Form
    Defines whether the object's content is converted to a final format (e.g. PDF) before being archived.
  • When Versioning Convert Content to Final Form
    “Yes” means that, on creating a new version of an object, the current version's content will be converted to a final format (e.g. PDF).
  • Format for Final Form
    Defines the file format for finalized contents.
    Example: PDF, TIF
  • Conversion Table
    Defines the conversion table.
  • Used Holidays and Time Intervals
    Defines non-working days, holidays and time periods.
  • Default Holiday Tables
    Defines the default holiday tables.
  • Privileged Users
    Reference Users in the context of accessing Fabasoft Folio Services. The login name of these privileged users is specified during Fabasoft Folio Services installation.
  • Anonymous User
    Defines the user for anonymous access.
  • Replacement User for Anonymized Users
    Defines the user who is referenced if a user has been anonymized due to legal requirements.
  • Used Licenses
    Lists the Fabasoft software product licenses currently in use.
  • Cache Notifications (UDP Multicast)
    The cache and UDP multicast protocol optimizes the Fabasoft Folio kernel cache behavior. The goal is to reduce the RPCs (Remote Procedure Call) necessary between server and client during read access to objects, if the object already exists in the client cache. To achieve this, Fabasoft Folio COO Service sends UDP Multicast packets to inform clients of any object modifications.
    Configure in this field whether or not the Cache and UDP Multicast Protocol is to be used. Also make settings for the Multicast address and the Multicast port.
    • Enabled
      Enable and disable the protocol.
    • Multicast Address
      Defines the multicast address.
    • Port
      Defines the multicast port.
  • Cache Notifications (Event Queue)
    The event queue optimizes the Fabasoft Folio kernel cache behavior.
  • Delegated Access
    Defines the delegated access options.
  • Target Domains
    Defines the target domains for transferring Teamrooms.
  • Source Domains
    Defines the source domains.
  • Distinguished Names of Assigned Organizational Units
    Defines the distinguished names of assigned organizational units.
  • Audit Data Sources
    Defines the audit data sources.
  • Default COO Services for Moved Objects
    Defines the default COO service for moved objects.
  • Disabled Apps (Blacklist)
    Defines disabled apps.
  • Enabled Apps (Whitelist)
    Defines enabled apps.
  • User Profile
    Defines the user profile.
  • Custom Task Panes, Toolbars and Menus
    Defines a User Interface Scoping Rule. A Fabasoft DUCX Expression for calculating the applicable validity area is provided in this field (Expression To Compute The Current Scope field). This validity area enables menus, task interfaces and toolbars to be configured, e.g. as role-specific.
  • Template Collections
    Defines templates (objects in Template Collections) that are available across domains. Templates are available for creating objects in the Template Categories area.
  • Global Wastebasket
    Deleted objects are stored in the global wastebasket. As default setting, the Global Wastebasket is managed by administrators. The global wastebasket contains a separate object for each user and date, where the destroyed objects are located. The administrators are authorized to restore or permanently destroy objects in the global wastebasket.
  • Available Departments
    Defines the available departments.
  • Code Editor Requires App License
    Defines whether the code editor requires a license.
  • LDAP Data Source
    Defines the LDAP data source.
  • Print Configuration
    • Printers
      Defines the used printers.
    • Papers
      Defines the used papers.
  • Enable Fabasoft app.telemetry on Clients
    Defines whether the support button is available.
  • Fabasoft app.telemetry Web Server URL
    Define the Fabasoft app.telemetry web server URL.
  • Fabasoft app.telemetry Option
    Defines Fabasoft app.telemetry options.
  • Fabasoft app.telemetry Form ID
    Defines the ID of the support form.
  • Fabasoft app.telemetry Form ID for Public Links
    Defines the ID of the support form displayed in the context of public links.
  • Open E-Mail Links With the Fabasoft App (iOS)
    If enabled, the user can choose whether to open e-mail links with the Fabasoft App (iOS) or with the web browser. If disabled, e-mail links are opened with the web browser.
  • Open E-Mail Links With the Fabasoft App (Android)
    If enabled, the user can choose whether to open e-mail links with the Fabasoft App (Android) or with the web browser. If disabled, e-mail links are opened with the web browser.
  • Force Open E-Mail Links With the Fabasoft App
    Defines whether e-mail links are always opened with the Fabasoft App (if Open E-Mail Links With the Fabasoft App (iOS) or Open E-Mail Links With the Fabasoft App (Android) is enabled).
    • iOS: If the app is not installed, an error dialog is shown. If the user refuses to open a link once, e-mail links will no longer be opened. This can only be undone by resetting the Safari data.
    • Android: If the app is not installed, a blank page appears in the web browser.
  • Default Data Source (Reporting)
    Defines the default data source for reporting.
  • Key Server
    Defines the Fabasoft Secomo key server.
  • E-Mail Address (No Reply)
    Defines the no reply e-mail address.
  • E-Mail Address (Sender)
    Defines the sender e-mail address.
  • Record Global Coverage Data
    Defines whether coverage is recorded.
  • Prefix for Global Coverage Data Files
    Defines the prefix of coverage files.
  • Excluded Components
    Defines the components that are excluded from coverage.

Components Configuration” tab

Defines the used configurations.

“Placement” tab

Defines in which COO store the objects of the defined object classes are created. Object classes not configured are distributed to all COO stores. If a COO store that belongs to another tenant should be used, the Allow All Tenants option must be selected.

Note: Placement configuration changes and new COO stores work immediately without the need to restart all Fabasoft Folio Kernel instances (neither the current nor others).

“Upgrade” tab

Defines information for updating a domain.

Domain” tab

Note: The Domain ID identifies the domain. The Domain ID is a unique label for each individual Fabasoft Folio domain. It comprises two numbers, the Major and Minor Domain ID, separated by a dot (e.g. 10.110).

  • Major Domain ID
    Shows the Major Domain ID of the Fabasoft Folio domain. It is fixed by the software product license on installation of the Fabasoft Folio domain.
  • Minor Domain ID
    Shows the Minor Domain ID of the Fabasoft Folio domain. It is fixed by the software product license on installation of the Fabasoft Folio domain.

Managing LicensesPermanent link for this heading

A Software Product License contains information on Fabasoft Software Product Suites and Fabasoft Software Products that may be used with this license. License objects cannot be edited.

Licenses are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Licenses.

Editing a License's Metadata

“Software Product License” tab

  • Name
    Shows the license name.
  • Software Product Suites
    Shows the licensed software product suites.
  • Software Products
    Shows the licensed software products.
  • Contract ID
    Shows the number of the contract on which this software product license is based.
  • Customer Name
    Shows the name of the organization for which this software product license was issued.
  • Person Responsible
    Shows the name of the customer employee responsible for Fabasoft software products.
  • Major Domain ID
    Shows the Major Domain ID assigned to the customer by the software product license.
  • Minor Domain ID
    Shows the Minor Domain ID assigned to the customer by the software product license.
  • Additional Domain IDs
    Shows further Domain IDs that the customer can use with this software product license.
  • Minimum Minor Domain ID for Tenant
    Shows the lowest number for the Minor Domain ID that can be used for additional Fabasoft Folio clients.
  • Maximum Minor Domain ID for Tenant
    Shows the highest number for the Minor Domain ID that can be used for additional Fabasoft Folio clients.
  • Type of Contract
    Shows the type of contract on which the software product license is based.
  • Date of Contract
    Shows the date on which the contract was signed.
  • Key Type
    Shows the type of license key.
    • “Test key”
      This key is only used for test installations. Test keys have an expiry date and a restricted number of MAC addresses that can be used.
    • “Production key”
      This key is used for productive systems. These keys have no expiry date and no restriction on the number of MAC addresses.
  • Expiration Date
    Shows the date when the software license expires.
  • Server Info
    Shows descriptions of the servers that can be used within this Fabasoft Folio domain.
  • Concurrent User License Timeout (Minutes)
    Shows the timeout for reusing the license.
  • Key
    Shows the registration key for this software product license.

Managing StoresPermanent link for this heading

There are two sorts of Fabasoft Folio Stores:

  • Fabasoft Folio COO Store:
    Fabasoft Folio Component Object Stores (COO Stores) store metadata for objects. A Fabasoft Folio COO Store uses a Fabasoft Folio COO Service to store data.
  • Fabasoft Folio MMC Store:
    Fabasoft Folio Multimedia Content Stores (MMC Stores) store contents for objects (documents, spreadsheets, images etc.). A Fabasoft Folio MMC Store uses a Fabasoft Folio MMC Service to store data.

Besides Fabasoft Folio Stores, Fabasoft Folio Outbound Gateways can also be managed. You can only create these in Fabasoft Folio Server Management.

Use a Fabasoft Folio Outbound Gateway

  • to access objects of other Fabasoft Folio domains (through communication with the Fabasoft Folio Inbound Gateways of the foreign Fabasoft Folio domains) and
  • to store component objects not created in the local Fabasoft Folio domain. Component objects are objects created when installing software components.

The Fabasoft Folio Outbound Gateways are also divided into Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateways and Fabasoft Folio MMC Outbound Gateways. Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateways support communication with other Fabasoft Folio domains. The contents of the replicated component objects are stored in Fabasoft Folio MMC Stores.

Stores are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Stores.

Managing COO StoresPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio Component Object Stores (COO Stores) store metadata for objects.

Creating a COO Store

When creating a COO Store enter at least a name.

Editing a COO Store's Metadata

COO Store” tab

  • COO Store Active
    Defines the state of the Fabasoft Folio COO Store. Do not delete any COO Store object.
  • COO Store Number
    This number is automatically assigned to the store being created. The first Fabasoft Folio COO Store is assigned the number “1”. The number cannot be changed.
  • COO Service
    Each Fabasoft Folio COO Store requires a Fabasoft Folio COO Service. Fabasoft Folio COO Services are generated when setting up a Fabasoft Folio domain or in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management. Manage Fabasoft Folio COO Services in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
  • Indexing Service
    Defines any indexation service configured. The Fabasoft Folio COO Store is indexed according to the settings of the indexation service.
  • Default MMC Store
    Assigns a Fabasoft Folio MMC Service to the Fabasoft Folio COO Store.
  • Maximum Number of Versions Kept
    Defines the largest number of versions that an object can have. The oldest version will be deleted if this number is exceeded.
  • Days After Which Older Versions Are Automatically Destroyed
    Defines how long an older version is to be stored. On this time expiring, the version will be deleted.

Managing MMC StoresPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio Multimedia Content Stores (MMC Stores) store contents.

Creating a MMC Store

When creating a MMC Store enter at least a name.

Editing a MMC Store's Metadata

“MMC Store” tab

  • MMC Store active
    Defines the state of the Fabasoft Folio MMC Store. Do not delete any MMC Store object.
  • MMC Store Number
    This number is automatically assigned to the Fabasoft Folio MMC Store being created. The first Fabasoft Folio MMC Store is assigned the number “1”. The number cannot be changed.
  • MMC Service
    Fabasoft Folio MMC Services are created when setting up a Fabasoft Folio domain or in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management. Manage Fabasoft Folio MMC Services in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
  • Archive Configuration
    • Object Class
      Defines the object classes the objects of which are to be archived.
    • Archive Store
      Defines in which Archive Store the objects are to be archived.
    • Alternative Archive Store
      Defines in which Archive Store objects are to be archived if the main archive store is not available.
    • Archive Store for Versions
      Defines in which Archive Store older version of objects are to be archived.
    • Alternate Archive Store for Versions
      Defines in which Archive Store older versions of objects are to be archived if the main archive store for object versions is not available.
    • Retention Period in Years
      Defines the minimum length of time for which the objects are to remain archived.
    • Retention Period for Versions in Years
      Defines the minimum length of time for which the older versions of objects are to remain archived.

Managing COO Outbound GatewaysPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateways support communication with other Fabasoft Folio domains.

Editing a COO Outbound Gateway's Metadata

“COO Outbound Gateway” tab

  • COO Outbound Gateway Active
    Defines the state of the Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway. Do not delete any COO Outbound Gateway objects.
  • COO Outbound Gateway Number
    This number is automatically assigned to the Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway being created. The first Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway is assigned the number “1”.
  • COO Service
    The value in this field cannot be changed. A Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway is assigned to a Fabasoft Folio COO Service. The assignment takes place when installing the Fabasoft Folio domain or creating a Fabasoft Folio COO Service in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
  • Default Gateway
    Defines whether to use the Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway as default gateway. To use this Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway as default gateway set this field to “Yes”.
  • Domains
    In this object list you can assign the Fabasoft Folio COO Outbound Gateway to different Fabasoft Folio domains.
  • Default MMC Store
    Assigns a COO Outbound Gateway to the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
  • Maximum Number of Versions Kept
    Defines the largest number of versions that an object can have. The oldest version will be deleted if this number is exceeded.
  • Days After Which Older Versions Are Automatically Destroyed
    Defines how long an older version is to be stored. On this time expiring, the version will be deleted.

Managing ServicesPermanent link for this heading

It is not possible to create objects of object classes COO Service or MMC Service at the desktop. These object classes are abstract. Service objects are created automatically when using the Fabasoft Folio Server Management to create a Fabasoft Folio Service.

Services are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Services.

Managing COO ServicesPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio COO Service are used to store metadata.

Unlocking All Objects

Use the “Unlock All Objects” context menu command to unlock all non-permanently locked objects of the selected services.

Editing a COO Service's Metadata

“COO Service” tab

  • Primary COO Service
    The Fabasoft Folio COO Service with instance number “1” is always the primary Fabasoft Folio COO Service. You can view the instance number in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management. This field cannot be edited. The network addresses of the other Fabasoft Folio Services are obtained from the primary Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    Note: All Fabasoft Folio Service objects are stored in the primary Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Database Name
    Defines the identifier the Fabasoft Folio COO Service uses to identify the database.
    • Microsoft SQL Server: Name of database
    • Oracle: Oracle SID / TNS Name
  • Database is Read Only
    Defines whether the Fabasoft Folio COO Service can write to the database. For Fabasoft Folio COO Service to write to the database, set this field to “No”.
  • Object Cache Parameter
    • Maximum Cache Size (MB)
      Defines the maximum cache size in megabyte. The default value is 5000.
  • Additional Database Parameters
    Defines additional parameters for the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. These parameters can be used, for example, for debugging purposes.
    • Parameter Name
    • Parameter Value

Information” tab

  • COO Service Information
    • Number of Objects
      Contains the number of objects stored in the Fabasoft Folio COO Stores that are served by this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Number of Object Versions
      Contains the number of all object versions stored in the Fabasoft Folio COO Stores that are served by this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Object IDs in COO Stores
      This list contains all Fabasoft Folio COO Stores that use this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
      • COO Store
        Contains the Fabasoft Folio COO Store.
      • Next Object ID
        Shows which object address will be assigned to the next Fabasoft Folio object created in this Fabasoft Folio COO Store.
      • Available Object IDs
        Shows how many object addresses are available in this Fabasoft Folio COO Store. IDs of destroyed Fabasoft Folio objects may not be reused.
    • Used in Bootstrap Query
      Shows whether component objects are queried again on starting the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. The value in this field is defined by the Fabasoft Folio Kernel and cannot be changed by users.
    • Stored Object Classes
      Shows the object classes of the objects stored in Fabasoft Folio COO Stores and served by this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Object Cache Information
    • Maximum Cache Size in MB
      Shows the maximum cache size for the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Current Cache Size in MB
      Shows the current cache size for the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Number of Currently Cached Objects
      Shows how many Fabasoft Folio objects are currently cached in this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Number of Hits
      Shows how often Fabasoft Folio objects have been found in and loaded from the cache.
    • Number of Misses
      Shows how often Fabasoft Folio objects were not found in the cache.
    • Object Refreshes
      Shows how often Fabasoft Folio objects in the cache were refreshed. The figure is calculated from the point-in-time of the last emptying of the cache and its subsequent default stocking. The cache is refreshed each time that Fabasoft Folio COO Services is started.
  • Database Information
    • Size of Database in KB
      Shows the kilobytes of memory taken up by the database assigned to this Fabasoft Folio COO Service. This value can be larger than the memory actually needed by the Fabasoft Folio objects, since the size is defined when the database is created.
    • Reserved Space in Database in KB
      Shows in kilobytes how much memory is reserved in the database assigned to this Fabasoft Folio COO Service. This reserved memory is not used for database entries.
    • Used Space in Database in KB
      Shows in kilobytes how much memory in the database assigned to this Fabasoft Folio COO Service is actually used by database entries.
    • Last Update of Statistics
      Shows when the database statistics were last updated. If the dates of last updates differ from table to table within the database, this field will display the earliest date.
    • Last Backup
      Shows when the last database backup was made.
    • Database Version
      Shows the database version currently in use.
    • Database Server Instance
      Shows the name of the server on which the database is located.
    • Database Name
      Shows the name of the database assigned to the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Locking Information
    • Locked Objects
      Shows how many Fabasoft Folio objects of this Fabasoft Folio COO Service are currently blocked. For example, an object is blocked when its metadata is being edited. The block will be lifted when
      • metadata editing is finished, or the attribute editor is closed.
      • 8 minutes have passed since blocking, if the attribute editor has not been correctly closed.
      • an administrator removes the entry from the database.
    • Maximum Number of Locked Objects so Far
      Shows the maximum number of Fabasoft Folio objects that have been blocked at any one time.
  • Pending Configuration Updates
    Shows whether synchronization of information on object classes and communication settings for Fabasoft Folio Gateways between Fabasoft Folio Services is pending. By default, synchronization takes place immediately on starting the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. Subsequently synchronization is conducted every 60 minutes.
    Creating new object classes (e.g. when installing Fabasoft software components) also requires synchronization. Installing a Fabasoft software component creates a number of identical synchronization tasks. A timeout of 60 seconds is defined to avoid processing identical tasks simultaneously. This timeout will be restarted each time that a pre-existing task is created. This means that synchronization is implemented 60 seconds subsequent to the last task being created.

Tables” tab

  • Service Definitions
    Assigns Service Table Definitions to the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. A Service Table Definition defines which properties of an object class or a composite property are to be stored in a separate table in this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Database Table Definitions
    Contains a list of relationalized tables for this Fabasoft Folio COO Service. These tables were created during installation of the Fabasoft Folio domain. No Service Table Definition exists for these tables.
    • Compound Type/Object Class
      Shows the composite type (or the object class) for which a separate table exists.
    • Table Name
      Suggest a name for the table. The character string contained in this field will be automatically modified where necessary.
      • Table names have the prefix “fsc”.
      • The name will be checked for conformity with the syntactic rules of the relevant database system. Special characters are substituted by “_”.
      • No SQL key words can be used.
    • Defined Table State
      Shows whether the table is activated and therefore in use.
    • Table Properties
      Shows which properties are stored in the table.
    • Used by Properties
      Composite types can be used by different properties. This list references properties with data to be stored in the table of the composite type. If no composite properties are listed here, all properties using the composite type will be added automatically on storing.
  • Class Hierarchy as Known by the Service
    Shows all object classes together with the respective basis class from which objects in this Fabasoft Folio COO Service can be instanced and stored.

Service” tab

  • Service Active
    Defines the state of the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. Do not destroy any Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Instance Number
    Shows the instance number of the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. The value is inserted automatically. The Fabasoft Folio COO Service with instance number “1” is always the primary Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Version Number
    Shows the version number of the Fabasoft Folio backend services.
  • Number of Server Threads
    Defines in how many server threads the Fabasoft Folio COO Service is to run. The larger the number of server threads, the more powerful the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. Too many server threads, however, will overload the server, thus reducing performance.
  • Server Name
    Defines the name of the server on which the Fabasoft Folio COO Service is to run.
  • Listening Port of Service
    Defines the port number of the Fabasoft Folio backend server where the Fabasoft Folio Kernel is to establish a connection to this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Network Addresses
    Defines the server name or IP addresses and transmission protocols where the Fabasoft Folio Kernel or the Fabasoft Folio COO Service can be reached.
  • Last Recovery of Service
    Shows when the Fabasoft Folio COO Service was last recreated.
  • Service Information
    Shows information on the current connection and operating status of the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Mode
      Shows the operating status of the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. “Normal operation” signifies that the Fabasoft Folio COO Service is available for queries. “COO Service <Name of Service> is not available” signifies that the Fabasoft Folio COO Service is not available (e.g. when the service is stopped). This value will be displayed in each field that takes its value directly from the Fabasoft Folio COO Service (e.g. fields on the “Information” tab).
  • Server Information
    • CPU
      Shows the processor architecture of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio COO Service runs.
    • Operating System
      Shows the operating system of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio COO Service runs.
    • Database System
      Shows the database system of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio COO Service runs.
    • Hardware ID of Server
      Shows the MAC address of the network card for the server on which this Fabasoft Folio COO Service runs.
    • Number of CPUs
      Shows how many CPUs are on the server that runs this Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
    • Physical Memory in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the total physical main memory of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio COO Service runs.
    • Physical Memory Used in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the total physical main memory of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio COO Service runs.
    • Virtual Memory of Process in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the virtual memory available on the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
  • Additional Parameters
    Defines additional parameters for the Fabasoft Folio COO Service. These parameters can be used, for example, for debugging purposes.

Managing MMC ServicesPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio MMC Service are used to store contents.

Editing a MMC Service's Metadata

MMC Service” tab

  • Transaction Log
    Defines the directory for storing the log files for the 2-Phase Commit. If you change the value in this field, you must restart the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
  • MMC Service Areas
    Defines in the MMC areas the physical memory for the contents of multimedia objects. There must always be at least one writable Fabasoft Folio MMC area. Define in the Change Mode field whether a Fabasoft Folio MMC area is writable.
    • Name
      Defines the name of the Fabasoft Folio MMC area. You are free to choose any name.
    • Start Point (UTC)
      Defines the date from which the Fabasoft Folio MMC area can be used.
    • End Point (UTC)
      Defines the date up to which the Fabasoft Folio MMC area can be used.
      Note: There must be no gap between the End Point of the “old” Fabasoft Folio MMC area and the Start Point of a “new” Fabasoft Folio MMC area.
    • Type
      Defines how the folder structure should be constructed. The following options are available:
      • “One directory per day (Change date)”
        Storage follows the change date of the object, i.e. the file is stored in the directory where it was last changed. This storage structure is suitable for logging Fabasoft Folio MMC areas. Files are located in the directory <Directory on the server>\<Domain ID of MMC Store>\<Change date>. A separate directory is created for the year and the combination of month and day. Furthermore, a daily directory of this type contains up to 256 subdirectories.
        Note: This type is only permitted when logging mode is used.
      • “Content Addressed Storage (CAS)”
        Selecting this type of storage means that identical Contents (COOSYSTEM@1.1:contcontent) of different Fabasoft Folio objects will be only stored once in the Fabasoft Folio MMC area. This saves memory. CAS calculates a hash value for each content and then checks whether it already exists in the system. Only if this hash value does not exist will the content be stored. If the contents of an existing Fabasoft Folio object stored using CAS changes, CAS will calculate and store a new hash value for the changed content. The previous content will however not be destroyed. To delete contents no longer in use, run “Clean up areas with logging” for the respective MMC Service. All contents with hash values no longer assigned to a Fabasoft Folio objects will be deleted from the file system.
        The types “One directory per day (version date)”, “Compound files per day” and “One directory per version of object” are no longer supported for new Fabasoft Folio MMC areas, but remain available for existing Fabasoft Folio MMC areas.
        Note: You cannot change the type once files have already been stored in this Fabasoft Folio MMC area.
    • Change Mode
      Defines which actions can be run in this Fabasoft Folio MMC area. Choose from the following options:
      • “All operations”
        Select this option for active Fabasoft Folio MMC areas. Directory contents can then be read, written and deleted.
      • “Read only”
        Only select this option for Fabasoft Folio MMC areas with contents that may no longer be changed.
      • “Read and delete only”
        Only select this option for Fabasoft Folio MMC areas that should no longer be written to (e.g. because there is insufficient memory). It will then only be possible to read and delete contents.

        Note: Fabasoft Folio MMC areas which can or should no longer be written to, must be set to “Read only” or “Read and delete only” in Change Mode. This change must take place one day after the End Point (UTC) so that no inconsistencies arise when switching to a new Fabasoft Folio MMC area.
    • Log Changes
      Defines whether all changes to files are to be logged.
    • Directory on Server
      Defines the directory in which multimedia contents are to be stored.
    • Backup Directory on Server
      Defines the directory in which backups for multimedia contents are to be stored. We recommend that you do not create the backup directory on the same physical data carrier.
      Note: Creating or changing a backup directory requires subsequent synchronization of registry entries using the Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
    • Path to Directory on Server
      Defines the UNC path to the directory of the Fabasoft Folio MMC area. When cleaning up the Fabasoft Folio MMC area the Fabasoft Folio Kernel uses this specified path instead of the local path.
    • Path to Backup Directory on Server
      Defines the UNC path to the backup directory of the Fabasoft Folio MMC area.
    • Backup Date (UTC)
      Shows the date of the last backup. This date is referred to when cleaning up Fabasoft Folio MMC areas. File versions (not object versions!) older than the date in this field will be removed from the Fabasoft Folio MMC area when cleaning up. Only the most recent version of the file will be kept. If a backup directory has been defined and areas are to be backed up using the Fabasoft product functionality, the Backup Date (UTC) will be set automatically to the corresponding date each time “Create backup for areas” is called. You can also enter the value in this field manually.
    • Cleanup Date (UTC)
      Shows the date the last time the Fabasoft Folio MMC area was cleaned up. If logging mode is activated, each time a multimedia content is stored by an application (word processing program, table calculation etc.) a new file will be created in the Fabasoft Folio MMC area. Cleaning up removes the logged contents from the Fabasoft Folio MMC area. Only the most recent versions of the multimedia content are retained.
      Note: The object versions will not be deleted.
    • Cleaned Up Until (UTC)
      Shows the date up to which the Fabasoft Folio MMC area has been cleaned up. In the case of automatic clean-up, the date refers to the Backup Date (UTC). The most recent versions of multimedia content are not affected.
  • Information about MMC Service Areas
    Shows statistical information on the Fabasoft Folio MMC areas.
    • Name
      Shows the name of the Fabasoft Folio MMC area.
    • Device
      Shows the drive where the Fabasoft Folio MMC area is located.
    • Device Capacity in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the overall memory of this Fabasoft Folio MMC area.
    • Free Space in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the memory available on the drive where the Fabasoft Folio MMC area is located.
    • % Free Space
      Shows what percentage of the memory can still be used.
  • Service Active
    Defines the state of the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service. Do not destroy any Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
  • Instance Number
    Shows the instance number of the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service. The value is inserted automatically.
  • Version Number
    Shows the version number of the Fabasoft Folio backend services.
  • Number of Server Threads
    Defines in how many server threads the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service is to run. The larger the number of server threads, the more powerful the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service. Too many server threads, however, will overload the server, thus reducing performance.
  • Server Name
    Defines the name of the server on which the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service is to run.
  • Listening Port of Service
    Defines the port number of the Fabasoft Folio backend server where the Fabasoft Folio Kernel is to establish a connection to this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
  • Network Addresses
    Defines the server name or IP addresses and transmission protocols where the Fabasoft Folio Kernel or the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service can be reached.
  • Last Recovery of Service
    Shows when the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service was last recreated. If a Fabasoft Folio Service has been deleted, recreate it in the Fabasoft Folio Server Management by clicking “All Tasks” > “Recreate Service” in the Fabasoft Folio domain.
  • Service Information
    Shows information on the current connection and operating status of the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
    • Mode
      Shows the operating status of the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service. “Normal operation” signifies that the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service is available for queries. “MMC Service <Name of Service> is not available” signifies that the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service is not available (e.g. when the service is stopped). This value will be displayed in each field that takes its value directly from the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service (e.g. Information about MMC Service Areas).
  • Server Information
    • CPU
      Shows the processor architecture of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service runs.
    • Operating System
      Shows the operating system of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service runs.
    • Database System
      Shows the database system of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service runs.
    • Hardware ID of Server
      Shows the MAC address of the network card for the server on which this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service runs.
    • Number of CPUs
      Shows how many CPUs are on the server that runs this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
    • Physical Memory in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the total physical main memory of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service runs.
    • Physical Memory Used in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the total physical main memory of the server on which this Fabasoft Folio MMC Service runs.
    • Virtual Memory of Process in KB
      Shows (in kilobytes) the virtual memory available on the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service.
  • Additional Parameters
    Defines additional parameters for the Fabasoft Folio MMC Service. These parameters can be used, for example, for debugging purposes.

Managing Service DefinitionsPermanent link for this heading

Definitions for services (e.g. flattening tables) define access to external data sources (e.g. MAPI integration). Flattening causes certain object properties to be written to a separate table. This functionality shortens search times for properties that are searched for on a frequent basis. Content properties cannot be flattened.

Definitions for services are objects of the following object classes:

  • Stored Procedure for Named Transactions
  • Service External Data Definition
  • Service Data Source
  • Query Procedure
  • Service Table Definition

When installing definitions, new tables are created in the Fabasoft Folio databases for storing flattened properties or keys for external data sources, for example.

Service definitions are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Service Definitions.

Stored Procedure for Named TransactionsPermanent link for this heading

“Named Transactions” are transactions which have been assigned a name. When using transaction tags, this name will be explicitly noted in the database server transaction log.

The Microsoft SQL server uses named transactions to restore multiple databases to a consistent status at the same point-in-time.

Editing a Stored Procedure for Named Transactions’ Metadata

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • Install Immediately During Load
    Defines whether to install this definition when loading the software components with Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
  • Installed Statements
    Defines an instruction for creating “Stored Procedures”. In the Database System field enter the database system to which the code in the Statement field applies. The instruction will not be written directly to the Fabasoft Folio domain, but imported as a file (e.g. text file).
  • Executed Statements
    Defines the instruction Fabasoft Folio uses to run the query procedure. In the Database System field enter the database system to which the code in the Statement field applies. The instruction will not be written directly to the Fabasoft Folio domain, but imported as a file (e.g. text file).
  • Statements to Uninstall
    Defines an instruction on uninstalling “Stored Procedures”. In the Database System field enter the database system to which the code in the Statement field applies. The instruction will not be written directly to the Fabasoft Folio domain, but imported as a file (e.g. text file).

Service Data SourcePermanent link for this heading

Service Data Sources are used by Fabasoft Folio COO Services to determine how a Fabasoft Folio COO Service will connect with an external data source.

Editing a Service Data Source's Metadata

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • Parameters
    Defines how a Fabasoft Folio COO Service connects with the external data source.
    • Parameter Type
      Defines the type of parameter.
      Example: Driver
    • Parameter Value
      Defines the parameter value.
      Example: ODBC
    • Software Component
      A defined software component prevents your configuration being overwritten by an update.

Query ProcedurePermanent link for this heading

Query procedures store configuration data that enable “Stored Procedures” to be used for searches. A “Stored Procedure” consists of a series of SQL commands, stored in compiled form in the database system. These can be used in the Fabasoft Folio domain to search for objects (e.g. if the users often run the same search query).

Editing a Query Procedure's Metadata

“Query Procedure” tab

  • Usable for Object Class
    Defines the object class to which the query procedure applies.
  • Parameters
    Defines the properties valid for the query procedure.
  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • Install Immediately During Load
    Defines whether to install this definition when loading the software components with Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
  • Installed Statements
    Defines an instruction for creating “Stored Procedures”. In the Database System field enter the database system to which the code in the Statement field applies. The instruction will not be written directly to the Fabasoft Folio domain, but imported as a file (e.g. text file).
  • Executed Statements
    Defines the instruction Fabasoft Folio uses to run the query procedure. In the Database System field enter the database system to which the code in the Statement field applies. The instruction will not be written directly to the Fabasoft Folio domain, but imported as a file (e.g. text file).
  • Statements to Uninstall
    Defines an instruction on uninstalling “Stored Procedures”. In the Database System field enter the database system to which the code in the Statement field applies. The instruction will not be written directly to the Fabasoft Folio domain, but imported as a file (e.g. text file).

Service Table DefinitionPermanent link for this heading

Editing a Service Table's Metadata

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • Install Immediately During Load
    Defines whether to install this definition when loading the software components with Fabasoft Folio Server Management.
  • Requested Table State
    Defines the table state.
    • “Inactive”
    • “Create on the COO Service next starting”
    • “Active”
    • “Corrupt”
    • “Delete on the COO Service next starting”
    • “Change columns on the COO Service next starting”
  • Internal Tables
    • Compound Type/Object Class
      Shows the compound type (or the object class) for which a separate table exists.
    • Table Name
      Suggest a name for the table. The character string contained in this field will be automatically modified where necessary.
      • Table names have the prefix “fsc”.
      • The name will be checked for conformity with the syntactic rules of the relevant database system. Special characters are substituted by “_”.
      • No SQL key words can be used.
    • Defined Table State
      Shows whether the table is activated and therefore in use.
    • Table Properties
      Shows which properties are stored in the table.
    • Used by Properties
      Compound types can be used by different properties. This list references properties with data to be stored in the table of the composite type. If no composite properties are listed here, all properties using the composite type will be added automatically on storing.

ArchivesPermanent link for this heading

You can find more information on the Fabasoft iArchive in the White Paper “Installation and Configuration of Fabasoft iArchive”.

Archives are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Archives.

Software ComponentsPermanent link for this heading

Software products consist of individual software components.

Note: The software components are located as COO files of the respective software products in the corresponding folder on the installation media (Setup/<software product>/Package).

Software components can be installed and updated not only via a software product, but also individually. To do so, use the Fabasoft Folio Server Management or Fabasoft Folio Web Management.

Software components are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Software Components.

Editing the Software Component’s Metadata

Software Components” tab

The “Software Components” tab provides the following fields:

  • Reference
    Defines the reference of the software component. The reference of software components is in upper case.
  • Version Number
    Defines the software component's version number.
  • Name
    Defines the full name of the software component.
  • State
    Defines the state of the software component:
    • “Installed”
      Defines that the software component is intended for productive use.
    • “In Development”
      Defines that the software component is in development.
    • “Deleted”
      Defines that the software component is deleted and no longer usable. The name of the software component has the suffix “(Deleted)”
  • Copyright
    Defines a copyright note.
  • Translations
    Defines the copyright note for different languages.
  • Prerequisite Components
    Shows software components that are required by this software component. This information is important for the software component to be extracted correctly.
  • Extended Components
    Shows software components that are extended by this software component.
    Note: Extensions are not checked during extraction. If you forget to specify an extended software component, the extensions will not be added to the Fabasoft Folio domain when installing the software component.
  • References of Optionally Extended Components
    Shows software components that will only be extended if they are installed in the Fabasoft Folio domain (such as Help components). The absence of these software components will have no negative effects on the function of the developed software components. This makes “for” instructions possible for optional software components.
    Note: You cannot enter a software component that is required (Prerequisite Components) or has been extended (Extended Components) as an optionally extended component.
  • Contents
    Defines files that this software component requires.
    • Base Name
      Defines the file name.
    • Language
      Defines the language if a different file is to be used for each language. Use this option for Help files, for instance.
    • Device Type
      Defines a value for the file to be transferred only to devices of the corresponding device class.
    • Content Type
      Defines how and when a file is transferred or loaded.
      Choose from the following options:
      • “Normal”
        The file will be loaded at setup by cooprep.exe or on first use of the software component.
      • “Delayed”
        The file will not be loaded by cooprep.exe but instead loaded at first use of the software component. Only use this option for software components deployed on a few devices.
      • “Developer Help File”
        Defines the developer help file of the software component.
      • “Web Server Specific File”
        The file will only be loaded if Fabasoft Folio is run in the context of the Microsoft Internet information service. These files will load when the Fabasoft Folio Kernel is started. Use this file type for controls in the Fabasoft web browser client, for instance. These controls will be registered on the server as COM objects.
    • Content
      Defines the file.
  • Additional Development Domains
    Defines additional Fabasoft Folio domains where this software component can be developed. You can change the status of the Fabasoft Folio domain from “Installed” to “Under development”.
  • Trace
    Enables trace output oft he software component.

“Installation” tab

  • Compatible With Version Number
    Defines a compatibility version number.
  • Action to Install Component
    Defines the Fabasoft Folio action to be used for installing the software component. The action will be run at the device on starting setup. This Fabasoft Folio action can be called several times from the device. This makes it necessary for the Fabasoft Folio action to know whether or not it is being called for the first time.
    Note: The action will run in the context of the user currently logged on.
  • Action to Uninstall Component
    Defines the Fabasoft Folio action to be used for uninstalling the software component from the device.
    Note: The action will run in the context of the user currently logged on.
  • Component Objects to Be Prepared
    When installing or first calling the software component, the Action COOSYSTEM@1.1:ComponentObjectPrepare will be run for all objects entered in this list.
    Use this field for your software component's TypeLib-Object or for data source objects of the Fabasoft Folio/Data ODBC driver. The ComponentObjectPrepare method of a TypeLib-Object checks whether the TypeLib has already been registered on the local computer. If not, the registry will be updated. This check usually generates only slight overhead.
  • Upgrade Actions per Version
    This list is used to have object classes automatically adapted to a specific Fabasoft Folio version on upgrading.

Software ProductsPermanent link for this heading

A Fabasoft Folio installation consists of software products, each providing functionality for specific areas. For example, the software product Fabasoft Folio/Base provides or enables basic functionality, Fabasoft Folio/AT does the same for automatic tasks.

Note: Software products are located on the installation media in the setup directory in a separate folder (Setup/<software product>/Package).

Software products can be installed or updated with the Fabasoft Folio Server Management or Fabasoft Folio Web Management.

Software products are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Software Products.

Editing the Software Product’s Metadata

“Software Product” tab

  • Reference
    Defines the reference of the software product. Component, Edition and Solution are common prefixes for the reference of software products.
    Example: ComponentBase
  • Name
    Defines the full name of the software product.
    Example: Fabasoft Folio/Base
  • Version Number
    Defines the software product's version number.
  • State
    Defines the state of the software product.
    • “In Development”
      Is used for development.
    • “Installed”
      Is used for productive use.
  • Copyright
    Defines the copyright.
  • Copyright Bitmap
    Defines the copyright as BMP file.

“Components” tab

  • Product Components
    Defines all software components of the product.
  • References of Product Components
    Defines all references of the product components.
  • Demo Components
    Defines all demo components of the product. When installing a domain, you can define whether demo components should be installed.
  • References of Demo Components
    Defines all references of the demo components.
  • Unselected Components
    Defines components that are not installed by default.
  • References of Unselected Components
    Defines all references of the unselected components.
  • References of Excluded Components and Products
    Defines all references of components, which are not included in the product.

LanguagesPermanent link for this heading

English and German are the default languages available for multilingual fields. You can install additional languages using the software product Fabasoft Folio/LDK.

Note: The installation only enables multiple language selection for multilingual fields. The user interface will not be available in these languages.

Languages are managed here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Languages.

Creating a System Language

When creating a System Language enter at least a name.

Editing a System Language's Metadata

“System Language” tab

  • Reference
    Defines the reference of the language. LANG_ and SUBLANG_ are prefixes for the reference of language objects.
  • Language Name
    Defines the name of the language.
  • Default Language
    Defines whether this language is used as default in the domain.
  • Part of Language
    Defines a superordinate language, if the object represents a sublanguage.
  • Language IDs on Devices
    Defines the language identifications of the operating systems used.
    Example: de

Query ScopesPermanent link for this heading

Query Scopes can be assigned to object classes or user environments. This limits or expands searches for objects to specific domains, COO stores and COO services. We distinguish between locally created query scopes, which can be edited directly, and predefined query scopes, which can be configured using the “Query Scopes” tab on the “Primary Domain” object.

A list of all query scopes can be found here: Domain Administration > Domain Objects > Query Scopes.

Query Scope Metadata

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name of the query scope.
  • Search All Known Domains
    Defines whether the search covers all accessible domains.
  • Search Default COO Services for Moved Objects
    In domains or tenants default COO services for moved objects can be defined. These COO services can be included in the search.
  • Domains Searched
    Defines the domains to be searched.
  • COO Stores Searched
    Defines the COO stores to be searched.
  • COO Services Searched
    Defines the COO services to be searched.

Check ConsistencyPermanent link for this heading

In case of problems, the “Tools” > “Check Consistency” menu command can be used to check the consistency of objects:

  • Check for Already Deleted Objects
  • Check Consistency of Back Link Properties
  • Check Affinity of Object Pointer Properties
  • Check Consistency of Security Propagation