2024 Update Rollup 2

Common Administration TasksPermanent link for this heading

The following chapters describe common administration tasks in Fabasoft Folio.

Managing UsersPermanent link for this heading

In order that a user can log on, an own user object and a user environment must exist for the user.

Users are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > Users.

Creating a User

When creating a User enter at least the surname and the login name.

Editing a User

Use the “Properties” context menu command to edit the user's metadata.

User” tab

  • Photo
    A photo of the user.
  • Name and Address
    Shows the name and address of the user.
  • Active
    Only users marked as active can log on to the Fabasoft Folio domain. Deactivate any user no longer required.
    Caution: Do not delete user objects that have already been used, but instead deactivate them to avoid inconsistencies. For example, in all Fabasoft Folio objects, the field Created by refers to a user object. If this user object is deleted, the shortcut can no longer be resolved.
  • Login Name
    Defines the login names with which the user can log on (one login name per line). For example, enter the Microsoft Windows domain user name (e.g. domain1\username). The user name has to be unique and lower case only.
    Note: To define a login name, which only exists locally on a device, add the prefix :name_of_local_computer:\ to the login name.
  • First Name/Surname/Middle Initial/Title/Post Title
    These fields define the names and titles of the user.
    Note: The Surname field is mandatory.
  • Abbreviation
    Defines an abbreviation for the user.
  • Sex
    Defines the sex of the user.
  • Date of Birth
    Defines the date of birth of the user.
  • Salutation
    Defines the salutation that may be used in e-mails.
  • Substitutions
    Defines the user substitution object (see chapter “Managing User Substitutions”).
  • Tenants
    A Fabasoft Folio Domain can consist of several tenants. Tenants for which roles are defined are automatically entered in this field.
  • Roles per Tenant
    Assigns roles to the user. Roles are commonly used for defining access rights or workflow participants.
    • Default
      If the user does not change the role manually, the user works in the default role. If more than one role is defined as default, the first listed default role will be used.
    • Position
      Defines the user's positions.
      Example: Manager
    • Group
      Each position is defined for a group.
      Example: Marketing
    • Tenant
      Defines in which tenant the role can be used.
    • User Environment
      Defines which user environment should be used when the user switches to this role.
    • Function
      Defines a short description of the role.
    • Dispatch Clause
      Defines the text to be attached to a document signed by the user.
  • Member of
    Defines the groups to which the user belongs. Groups for which roles are defined are automatically entered in this field.
  • Security Clearance
    Defines the security clearance of the user. For example, Teamrooms can be secured by security clearances.
  • Organization (Text)
    Defines the organization of the user as free-text.
  • Function in Organization
    Defines the function of the user as free-text.

“Address” tab

  • Addresses
    Defines the addresses of the user.
  • Telephone Numbers
    Defines the telephone numbers of the user.
  • E-Mail Addresses
    Defines the e-mail addresses of the user.
  • Web Sites
    Defines the web sites of the user.
  • Language for Communication
    Defines the language that should be used for communication with the user.

Environments“ tab

  • Environments
    Defines the user environments of the user and which one should be used as default.
  • Default Environment Template
    Defines an environment template. The user's first login triggers a copy of this environment template. This copy is entered in the Environments field.
  • Environment Template per Tenant
    Defines tenant-specific user environment templates. Users working in multiple Fabasoft Folio tenants will have a separate user environment for each specific Fabasoft Folio tenant.
    • Environment Template
      Defines the user environment to be used as a template for a tenant-specific environment.
    • Tenant
      Defines the Fabasoft Folio tenant for which the template is to be used.
  • Automatically Create Local Environment
    Selecting “Yes” means that, if a user is not working in the default tenant, a local user environment will be created in the corresponding tenant. This means that the desktop can be generated more quickly than when it is loaded from the user's default tenant. The template for this user environment is stored in the Default Environment Template field. If no template has been defined, the template of the Group will be used. If no template is defined in the group as well, it is not possible to create a user environment.
  • Automatically Create Environment in Tenant
    Selecting “Yes” means that a user environment will be created automatically for the user in the tenant where the user is logged on. The following hierarchy applies for choosing the template:
    1. Environment Template per Tenant in the user object
    2. Environment Template per Tenant in the group object
    3. Default Environment Template in the user object
    4. Default Environment Template in the group object
  • Template Collections
    Defines template collections for the user. The user can use templates from the template collection when creating objects.

Note: If both the Automatically Create Local Environment and the Automatically Create Environment in Tenant fields are activated, the former field will be ignored.

“Apps” tab

  • Apps Changed on/at
    Is used to define whether the license cache must be updated.
  • Licensed Apps
    Defines the apps licensed to the user.

“Collaboration” tab

Shows information about Teamrooms, invitations and apps.

“Workflow” tab

Shows information about workflow tasks of the user.

Authentication” tab

  • Used Products
    Shows the software products used by the user.
  • Used Devices
    Shows the Devices where the user has already worked.
  • Authorized Devices
    Defines devices where the user can log in. The user will not be able to log in on other devices, as identified by the Device Identification field of the device object.
    Note: A device object will be created automatically for each device where the user has worked at least once. A Device is defined by at least two values:
    • Device Type
      Defines the system environment to be used on the device.
    • Device Identification
      Defines the device's MAC address.

Advanced“ tab

  • Must Use Role
    Defines whether a user must always work in a role. If the user does not work in any role, the rights of all groups entered in the Member of field will apply.
  • Check License Locally
    Defines whether the license is always checked locally for this user. This means that the user can log in even if cross-domain license verification is not available. A valid local license must be available for this to happen. If you select “Yes” in this field, you must enter at least one license in the Cached User Licenses field.
  • Cached User Licenses
    Defines the licenses that have been cached for the user. The user can use the licenses entered even if cross-domain license verification is not available.

Deactivating a User

Deactivate any user object that is no longer required. Do not delete user objects that have already been used to avoid any inconsistencies. For example, in all Fabasoft Folio objects, the field Created by refers to a user object. If this user object is deleted, the shortcut can no longer be resolved.

  1. Navigate to the user.
  2. Edit the properties of the user.
  3. Disable the Active option to deactivate the user.

Managing User EnvironmentsPermanent link for this heading

In order that a user can log on, an own user object and a user environment must exist for the user. In general, you will create one or more user environments manually as templates. The template will be referenced in user objects. When the user logs on the first time, a copy of the template is created automatically and used for the user.

User environments are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > User Environments.

Creating a User Environment Manually

When creating a User Environment define at least the available user profiles (e.g. end user or administration user) for the user.

If the user environment is not intended as template, edit the properties of the user environment, switch to the “Security” tab and define the respective user as Owner.

Creating a User Environment Automatically

It is assumed that a user environment that should serve as template has already been created.

Edit the properties of the user, switch to the “Environments” tab and select a user environment in the Default Environment Template field. In this way, a copy of the environment template is created automatically when the user logs on the first time. The copy is entered in the Environments field of the user object.

Editing a User Environment's Metadata

Use the “Properties” context menu command to edit the user environment’s metadata.

General” tab

  • Show Hints
    Defines whether tool tips should be displayed.
  • Read Properties by Default
    Defines whether an object is opened in read or edit mode, when opening it via the “Properties” command.
  • Show Upload Confirmation
    Defines whether a confirmation dialog is shown when uploading a file.
  • Show Exit Confirmation
    Defines whether users are asked to confirm that they wish to exit Fabasoft Folio when they close their web browser.
  • Use Release Version by Default
    Defines whether release versions should be shown by default.
  • Days after Which a New Version is Automatically Created
    If an object has not been edited for the period of days defined here, a new version is automatically started the next time the object is edited.
  • Enable Domain Selection During Create
    The user can select the Fabasoft Folio domain in which the object is to be created.
  • User Profile
    User profiles can restrict the options of the user (menus, buttons, forms, and object classes for creating or searching).
  • Available User Profiles
    Shows all user profiles, which are available for the user. If there are multiple user profiles available, the user can choose one of them.
  • Use the PDF Viewer
    Defines whether the internal PDF viewer should be used.
  • Show Welcome Screen
    Defines whether the welcome screen should be shown.

“Accessibility” tab

  • Play Acoustic Signals
    Defines whether a signal sound is played for successful processing steps, errors and questions.
  • Include all Fields in Tab Order
    If you are reliant on keyboard navigation, activate this option so that read-only fields are also included in the tab order.
  • Use Advanced Mode for Prescriptions per Default
    Defines whether the tabular mode is used for prescriptions. The default displayed graphical process editor is not suitable for keyboard operation.
  • Show Alternative Text for Highlighted Fields
    Highlighted fields are marked in color only. Activate this option to show an additional text alternative.
  • Prepare Foreign Language Expressions for Speech Output
    If you are using speech output, enable this option to correctly pronounce selected foreign language expressions.
  • Preview in the Document View
    Defines whether the PDF preview or only a preview image will be displayed in the document view. Choose the preview image, if you rarely use the PDF preview and if you want to benefit from a fast loading document view. Note that when choosing the PDF preview the navigation between documents using the keyboard is no longer simple possible in some web browsers (e.g. with the left and right arrow keys) since you have to leave the PDF first. If you are reliant on keyboard navigation, it is recommended to use preview images.

“Localization” tab

  • Language
    Defines the language of the user environment.
  • Locale
    Defines how numbers and dates are displayed.
  • Multilingual Input
    Defines whether multilingual input is available for multilingual names.
  • Default Currency
    Defines the default currency. This currency will be used for amounts entered by the user.
  • Disable Currency Symbol
    Defines whether the currency symbol for the default currency is displayed.
  • Reference Currency
    Defines the reference currency. This can only be used in conjunction with a Conversion Table. A conversion table is used to convert between currencies.
  • Disable Reference Currency Symbol
    Defines whether the currency symbol for the reference currency is displayed.

“Search” tab

  • Extended Search for Object Pointer Properties
    Defines whether the "Search" symbol is displayed for object pointer properties. By default, it is displayed.
  • Search Defaults
    • Object Limit
      Defines the maximum amount of the objects that can be found within a search.
    • Time Limit (sec)
      Defines how much seconds a search can require.
    • Query Scope
      Defines a query scope. For example, a query scope can be used to search in specific domains, COO Stores or COO Services.
    • Show Query Text
      Defines whether the “Edit Query” button is available when executing a search.
    • Show Search Options
      Defines whether the “Search Options” button is available when executing a search. This button provides further search options that only apply within the current search.
  • Search Forms
    Defines search forms, which should be available for the user.
  • Search Results
    Shows search results.

“E-Mail” tab

  • Use Access via Send by Default
    Defines whether an access token should be included in sent links.
  • E-Mail Settings
    • Use Formatted Text
      Defines whether formatted text (HTML text) should be inserted into an e-mail when sending an object. If set to “No”, links are inserted into the e-mail in plain text and not as HTML text. It is possible to insert the HTML text into the e-mail using the clipboard. This setting is only considered if Microsoft Outlook is used as default e-mail program on the client.
    • Open “E-Mail (Microsoft Outlook)” as
      For objects of the E-Mail (Microsoft Outlook) object class the content is stored in the Microsoft specific MSG format and additionally in the standardized MIME format. This setting defines in which format this e-mail object should be opened. Select “MIME (Internet Standard)” if E-Mail (Microsoft Outlook) objects should be opened, although there is no Microsoft Outlook installed on the client.
      Note: In case the content of the e-mail is not available in MIME format, the MSG content is opened.
    • Open “E-Mail (MIME)” with Microsoft Outlook
      Defines whether e-mails, which are stored in MIME format, should be converted into the Microsoft specific MSG format when opening them. This enables the possibility to open E-Mail (MIME) objects with Microsoft Outlook by default.
      If set to “No”, the e-mail is not converted into the MSG format and the default program for files in MIME format is opened. Usually this is not Microsoft Outlook, but e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird.
      Note: In newer versions of Microsoft Outlook, files in MIME format can be opened directly without a conversion (see Microsoft Outlook option “/eml”). If Microsoft Outlook is defined as default for opening files in MIME format on the client, the conversion is not necessary. This setting is only considered if Microsoft Outlook is used as default e-mail program on the client.

“Workflow” tab

  • Activities for Current Role Only
    By default a user receives all activities, which regard him personally or one of his user roles. This field defines whether only activities for the user’s current role are shown in addition to the personal activities.
  • Define Deadlines as Timespan in Days (Instead of a Date)
    Defines whether deadlines should be defined as timespan or as date.
  • Use Advanced Mode for Participants per Default
    Defines whether the advanced view is used by default for the participants within a prescription.
  • Show Advanced Properties for Activities
    Defines whether additional properties are displayed for activities that are generally not user-relevant.
  • Show News About New Activities on the Welcome Screen
    Defines whether new activities are shown in the welcome screen.
  • Automatically Open the Next Activity After Finishing an Activity
    Defines whether the next activity should be opened automatically when finishing an activity.
  • Period for Statistics
    Defines the period for the workflow statistic.
  • Workflow Preferences
    The selected object influences various fields in the workflow, like user, organizational units and distribution lists when forwarding.
  • Workflow Notifications
    Defines how workflow notifications are carried out.
    • Notification Type
      Defines for which event notifications should be received.
    • Receive Notification
      Defines whether notifications should be received.
    • Consider Role/Group Restrictions Even for Personally Defined User
      Defines whether the role/group restrictions are also considered if the user is additionally personally defined. By default, a personally defined user always receives the defined notification.
    • Receive Notification Only for the Following Roles
      If notifications are to be received in general, the notifications can be restricted to the specified roles.
    • Receive Notification Only for the Following Groups
      If notifications are to be received in general, the notifications can be restricted to the specified groups.
  • Workflow Push Notifications
    Defines how the push notification of workflow events is carried out.

“Application” tab

  • Local RSS Feeds
    Defines objects, which should be available as RSS feeds for the user.
  • Favorite Folder (Tasks)
    Defines the user’s favorite folder.
  • User Calendar List
    Defines the calendar list, which is used for the Fabasoft Integration for CalDAV.
  • Address Book List
    Defines the address book list for the Fabasoft Integration for CardDAV.

“User Interface” tab

  • Show Search Field
    Defines whether the search field should be shown.
  • Simple Mode
    Defines the devices for which the simple mode should be used.
  • Open Documents Read-Only by Default
    Defines whether an object is opened in read or edit mode by default.
  • Upper Limits For “Most Recently Used”
    • Object Classes
      Defines the maximum number of object classes that will be shown when creating objects, for instance.
    • Objects
      Defines the maximum number of objects available, for instance, in dropdown lists.
  • Custom Task Panes, Toolbars and Menus
    Defines an object of the object class User Interface Scoping Rule.
  • Slideshow Interval (in Seconds)
    Defines after how many seconds a new picture is displayed within a slideshow.
  • Show Tab Icons
    Defines whether symbols are displayed on tabs additional to the labels.
  • Display Action Texts in Short Form
    Defines whether only short tips are displayed in the task pane, or a long description is displayed.
  • Show Only Symbols in Portal Page Selection
    Defines whether only symbols are displayed in the portal header. For example, for portal pages only the symbol is displayed or the symbol and the name of the portal page is displayed.
  • Limits for Determining the Navigation Path of an Object
    To improve the performance, the limits for determining the navigation path of an object based on “Home” can be reduced. The navigation path is evaluated, for example, when opening a link to an object.
    • Maximum Number of Folders
      The maximum number of folders that are considered (default value: 100).
    • Maximum Folder Level
      The maximum number of folder levels that are considered (default value: 4).
  • Font Size
    Defines the font size (“small”, “medium” or “large”). By default, the font is displayed small.

Advanced” tab

  • Login Name
    Defines the name of the user environment.
  • Class of Desk Object
    Defines the type of desktop for the user.
  • Desk Object
    Defines the desk of the user.
    Note: If this field is left blank, an object of the object class defined in the Class of Desk Object will be entered automatically.
  • Default Dispatcher
    Defines the used dispatcher.
  • Fixed Theme
    Defines the used theme.
  • Portal
    Defines the used portal.
  • Personalized Portal Parts
    If users add their own portal pages to their user environment (e.g. static URLs), these will be listed here.
  • Number of Objects in Kernel Cache
    For internal use.
  • Events
    The object User Events stores a list of all events having taken place and information on the form in which the events are to be communicated to the user.
  • Favorites
    Defines the favorites used in the create dialog.
  • Template Collections
    The user can use templates from the template collection when creating objects.
  • Print Configuration
    • Printers
      Defines the used printers.
    • Papers
      Defines the used papers.
  • Display Support Button
    Defines whether a feedback button is displayed next to the "Help" symbol.
  • Enable Fabasoft app.telemetry on Clients
    Defines whether the support button is available.
  • Enable Folio Network Drive
    Defines whether the Fabasoft Folio Client provides the “Open Folio Network Drive” command.
  • Enable Open Calendar Menu
    Defines whether the “Open Calendar” command is shown.
  • Enable Open Address Book Menu
    Defines whether the “Open Address Book” command is shown.
  • Synchronization Mode
    Defines how the “Folio Folder” can be used.
  • Settings for Test Dispatch
    Defines the recipients for a test dispatch.
  • Attachments from User
    For internal use.

“Apps” tab

The “Apps” tab provide information about licensed apps.

“Commonly Used” tab

The “Commonly Used” tab contains all objects that the user used last.

“SAP” tab

  • SAP Connection Information
    Defines the SAP connection information.

“Contact Synchronization” tab

  • Contact Folder
    Defines the contact folder for contact synchronization.

“User Environment (Advanced)” tab

  • Current Document to Store
    For internal use.
  • Show Error Message in Status Bar
    Defines whether an error message is displayed in the status bar.
  • Available Departments
    Defines the available departments.
  • Stamps
    Defines PDF stamps.
  • Default Color for Annotations
    Defines the default color for PDF annotations.
  • Settings for Branches
    Defines whether specific branches such as buttons and links should be displayed in specific application views.
  • Show Menu Bar
    Defines whether the menu bar is shown.
  • Office Documents
    Defines how Microsoft Office documents are opened (on the device in Office Online).
  • Recovery Information
    In this field all objects, which could not be recovered automatically, are listed. In the Reason column, the cause is displayed (the appropriate object could be locked by another user).
    Click "Show File in Folder" to execute further steps, for example importing the file manually.
  • Cached Contents
    For internal use.
  • Creation Mode Contracts
    Defines how contracts are generated.
  • Announcements
    Shows announcements of the user.

Managing User SubstitutionsPermanent link for this heading

To enable a user substitution for a user, add a User Substitution object on the “User Substitutions” tab of the user object.

User substitutions are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > User Substitutions.

Creating a User Substitution

When creating a User Substitution enter at least a name.

Editing a User Substitution's Metadata

Use the “Properties” context menu command to edit the user substitution’s metadata.

“User Substitution” tab

  • User
    Shows the user for whom this user substitution was created. Assign the user by entering the user substitution in the user object on the “User Substitutions” tab.
  • Roles With Substitute
    Defines the substitution.
    • Position
      Defines the position of the role.
    • Group
      Defines the group of the role.
    • Substitute
      Defines the user’s substitute of the role.
    • Start of Substitution
      Defines the date when the substitution is to start for this role.
    • End of Substitution
      Defines the date when the substitution is to end for this role.
    • Personal Substitution
      Defines whether the substitute can also process activities assigned personally to the substituted user (e.g. those not assigned to the user by his role).
    • Remark
      Defines a remark.
    • Denied For Substitute
      Defines the access types not permitted to the substitute for this role.
  • Common Substitute
    Defines the common substitution settings. The settings are taken over to all rows in the Roles With Substitute field.
    • Substitute
      Defines the user’s substitute
    • Start of Substitution
      Defines the date when the substitution is to start.
    • End of Substitution
      Defines the date when the substitution is to end.
    • Personal Substitution
      Defines whether the substitute can also process activities assigned personally to the substituted user (e.g. those not assigned to the user by a role).
    • Remark
      Defines a remark.
    • Denied For Substitute
      Defines the access types not permitted to the substitute.

If you only specify a start date and no end date, the substitution will start on the date specified and end when the user ends the substitution.

If you only enter an end date and no start date, the substitution will start immediately and expire on the end date specified.

If you do not specify any of these dates, the substitution will start immediately and can only be ended when the substituted user explicitly ends the substitution.

Managing GroupsPermanent link for this heading

Users can be members of groups. Groups are useful, for example, to provide access rights to all members of a group.

Groups are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > Groups.

Creating a Group

When creating a Group enter at least a short name. The group name will be generated automatically and has the format <short name> (<name>).

Editing a Group's Metadata

Use the “Properties” context menu command to edit the group’s metadata.

“Group” tab

  • Active
    The group's default status is active.
    Note: Deactivate any group object no longer required. Deleting a group object can cause inconsistencies to arise in the system.
  • Short Name
    Defines an abbreviation for the group.
  • Description
    Defines the group's name.
  • External ID
    Defines the external ID.
  • Organizational Unit Type
    Defines Organizational Unit Types to which the group belongs.
  • Subgroups
    Defines groups subordinate to this group.
    Note: This field automatically contains those Groups subordinate to the current group.
  • Supergroups
    Defines groups superordinate to this group.
    Note: This field automatically contains those Groups superordinate to the current group.
  • Members
    Defines all members of the group.

“Address” tab

  • Addresses
    Defines addresses of the group.
  • Telephone Numbers
    Defines telephone numbers of the group.
  • E-Mail Addresses
    Defines e-mail addresses of the group.

“User Settings” tab

  • Login Name
    Defines the name of the group.
  • Object Class for Created Users
    Defines the object class (e.g. User) to be used as a template for the automatic creation of a user object.
  • Send Teamroom Invitations to Members
    Defines whether Tearoom invitations are sent if the group is added to a Teamroom.
  • Default Position Template
    Defines the position that will serve as a template
  • Default Environment Template
    Defines the user environment that will serve as a template, if a user environment is to be automatically created for a group member.
    Note: If a user environment also exists in the Default Environment Template field of the user object, two environments will be created. The environment created from the user object template will automatically be the default environment.
  • Environment Template per Tenant
    Defines tenant-specific user environment templates.

“Substitutions” tab

  • Group Substitutions
    Defines substitutions of the whole group. During the substitution period, members of the substitution group become members of the substituted group. The rights of the substitution group can be restricted.
  • Substituted Groups
    Shows the substituted groups.

“Apps” tab

Shows information about licensed apps.

“Workflow” tab

Defines workflow settings.

“Access Permissions” tab

  • Default ACL for New Objects
    Defines the ACL for new objects.
  • ACL Objects
    If ACL objects are entered in this field, no other predefined ACL objects from the “Security” tab will be available for selection for objects of this group.
  • ACL Assignments
    Defines which group will be entered as an object's Group in the case of an ACL change to the object. The choice of group is governed by the assignment of groups to ACLs.

“Advanced” tab

  • Restricted Role Administration
    If, for example, an administrator group is not superordinate to the entire organization, but only to a certain department, members of this administrator group will only be able to assign roles to users of the respective department or its subordinate departments.
  • Distinguished Name (dn)
    Defines the distinguished name of the group.
  • Default Column Settings
    Defines the default column settings.
  • Template Collections
    The user can use templates from the template collection when creating objects.
  • Available Departments
    Defines the available departments.
  • Synchronize Mode
    Defines how the “Folio Folder” can be used.
  • Print Configuration
    • Printers
      Defines the used printers.
    • Papers
      Defines the used papers.
  • Portal
    Defines a Portal for use when a User Environment is automatically created for a group member and no Portal has been created in the template for the user environment. It makes no difference whether the template is created in the Group or in the User.

Managing PositionsPermanent link for this heading

Typical positions are “Staff Member” or “Manager”. A position within an organizational unit type defines a role.

Positions are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > Positions.

Creating a Position

When creating a Position enter at least a reference and a software component.

Editing a Position's Metadata

“Position” tab

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • Template Collections
    Defines templates for the position. Users with this position can use templates from the template collection when creating objects.
  • Activities Assigned to Position
    Shows the assigned activities.
  • Activities with Long Term Deadlines Assigned to Position
    Shows the assigned activities with long-term deadlines.
  • Signature Configurations
    Defines the signature configurations of the position.

Managing Organizational Unit TypesPermanent link for this heading

Typical organizational unit types are “Department” or “Team”. A position within an organizational unit type defines a role.

Organizational unit types are managed here: Domain Administration > User Objects > Organizational Unit Types.

Creating an Organizational Unit Type

When creating an Organizational Unit Type enter at least a reference and a software component.

Editing an Organizational Unit Type's Metadata

“Organizational Unit Type” tab

  • Multilingual Name
    Defines the name.
  • Positions
    Defines the assigned positions.
  • Level
    Defines the hierarchy level.
  • Activities Assigned to Organizational Unit Type
    Shows the assigned activities.
  • Activities with Long Term Deadlines Assigned to Organizational Unit Type
    Shows the assigned activities with long-term deadlines.