Triggering an EscalationPermanent link for this heading

To trigger an escalation an Escalation Definition has to be defined for example when prescribing or editing an activity. An Escalation Definition can also be predefined in an Activity Definition or for all activities of a process in a Process Definition.

Deadlines for the escalation can be defined in Activity Definitions, in Activities or when prescribing an activity.

Activity DefinitionPermanent link for this heading

The following properties are available in an Activity Definition on the “When” tab:

  • Period of Time for Submission
    In this field a period of time can be defined within that the activity should be submitted.
  • Period of Time for Start
    In this field a period of time can be defined within that the activity should be started. The calculation starts when the user receives the activity in the worklist.
  • Period of Time for Completion
    In this field a period of time can be defined within that the activity should be completed. The calculation starts when the user receives the activity in the worklist.
  • Working Days Until Submission
    In this field a number of working days can be defined within that the activity should be submitted.
    Note: For evaluating working days when calculating deadlines in the current domain a Holyday Table has to be defined.
  • Working Days Until Start
    In this field a number of working days can be defined within that the activity should be started. The calculation starts when the user receives the activity in the worklist.
  • Working Days Until Completion
    In this field a number of working days can be defined within that the activity should be completed. The calculation starts when the user receives the activity in the worklist.
  • Expressions to Compute Deadlines
    In addition to defining periods and working days, deadlines also can be calculated using Fabasoft DUCX Expressions. Therefore, the Expressions to Compute Deadlines field is available. For the evaluation of the expression the current activity is in the global scope.
  • Escalation
    In this field an Escalation Definition can be selected or created.

The values of the Activity Definition are used when creating an activity.

Performing PrescriptionsPermanent link for this heading

Deadlines for the escalation and an Escalation Definition can be defined during the prescription an activity.

To configure an escalation in the scope of prescribing an activity, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a business object.
  2. On the “Tools” menu click “Start new Activities” and click the button “Advanced View”.
  3. Click “Open Detail” to get the detail view of an aggregate line.
  4. Edit the fields of the prescription as needed. In the Escalation field select an Escalation Definition.
  5. Click “Next” to close all dialog windows and save the settings. The prescription is performed automatically.

If in the scope of the prescription the fields Period of Time for Submission, Period of Time for Start, Period of Time for Completion and Escalation are left empty, the values are taken from the Activity Definition.


  • Only values that are not defined in a prescription are taken from the Activity Definition.
  • If in the User Environment of a user the option Use Working Days for Deadlines is set to “Yes” (“Workflow” tab) deadlines can be defined using working days.

ActivityPermanent link for this heading

The Escalation Definition and periods for submission, start and completion can be read, defined and changed directly in the activity.

For this purpose, the following fields are available on the “When” tab of an activity:

  • Date for Submission
    In this field a date for submission can be defined, if the activity has yet not been submitted.
  • Deadline for Start
    In this field a date for starting the activity can be defined.
  • Deadline for Completion
    In this field a date for completing the activity can be defined.
  • Escalated on/at
    In this field the date of the last escalation gets noted.
  • Escalation
    In this drop-down list an escalation definition can be selected.