Verify that the software components Database Export (FSCDBEXP) and Database Export (Virtual Application) (FSCVDBEXP) from the software product Fabasoft Folio/Data are installed in the Fabasoft Folio Domain.
In order to use the database export in a web browser environment the client user must be authenticated on the web server via Kerberos. The database export will not work using NTLM.
Note: You can verify the use of Kerberos turning on the “Security Audits” on the web server and then checking the logon audits in the “Security Events”.
In the Microsoft Active Directory, select the Account is trusted for delegation option for the user in whose context the Fabasoft Folio Web Service is running.
Check the DNS settings via NSLOOKUP
Also configure a Service Principal Name in the format HTTP/<FullyQualifiedDomainName of the web server> for this user.
Note: After changing the service principal name you should restart the web server and login again on the client.
For the user, in whose context the Microsoft SQL Server is running, register a Service Principal Name using the SetSPN tool.