Fabasoft Folio supports the following authentication methods in addition to those provided by the web server:
Authentication Method | Environment Variable Value |
Default | DEFAULT |
Kerberos (Basic, Cookie) | KERBEROS_BASIC |
LDAP (Basic) | LDAP |
LDAP (Basic, Cookie) | LDAP_COOKIE |
OAuth | OAUTH |
To change an authentication method, perform the following steps:
To set an authentication method for a domain, perform the following steps:
To set an authentication method for a host and all its web services, perform the following steps:
Other environment variables can be set in a similar manner.
In a Microsoft Windows environment, the service specific environment variable can be set by adding the following keys to the registry, where <id> represents the virtual directory of the web service:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
<id> represents the directory name in %ProgramFiles%\Fabasoft\Components\Web that corresponds to the target web service.
In a Linux environment, the registry keys can be created as follows:
su – fscsrv
mkdir –p /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FscWeb/Modules/<id>
cd /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FscWeb/Modules/<id>
echo -n /opt/fabasoft/share/web/<id>/asp/content/bin/libfscvext.so > registry.default
echo -n "<environment-variable-value>" > FSCVEXT_AUTHMETH/registry.default
<id> represents the directory name in /var/opt/fabasoft/instances that corresponds to the target web service.
On Linux, install a Kerberos-enabled Fabasoft Folio Web Service. In case of existing web services with basic authentication, this can be done by commenting out the authentication relevant entries in the file /etc/fabasoft/web/WebService_<id>.conf like shown below. <id> is the number of the web service.
<Location /fsc>
SetHandler fscvext
#AuthName "Fabasoft Components"
#Require valid-user
#AuthType Basic
#AuthUserFile /etc/fabasoft/web/htpasswd
#AuthGroupFile /etc/fabasoft/web/htgroups
On Microsoft Windows environments, enable anonymous access to the Fabasoft Folio Web Service and disable all other authentication methods. Ensure that the Application pool identity is used for the Anonymous Authentication method.