2024 Update Rollup 2

Definition of a Bulk JobPermanent link for this heading

A bulk job can be executed via the context menu “Start Operation”.

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Alternativly the action FSCBULK@1.1001:StartOperationSync can be used to execute a bulk operation using Automated Tasks.

4.1 Settings TabPermanent link for this heading

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  • Use Property Values From
    This property can be used to specify an object that can be used to specify property values, which will be copied from this object to the objects processed by the bulk job. Alternativly, property values can be defined in the property Modify Properties.
  • Modify Properties
    Use this property to define which properties should be modified by the bulk job. If the Value  is not specified the value will be used from the object defined in Use Property Values From.
  • Execute Expression
    Use this property to define a Fabasoft Folio Expression that should be executed on each object of the bulk job. The current affected object is accessible via the variable cooobj or the global scope variable ::obj. Additionaly the current bulk job object can be accessed via the global scope variable ::bulkobj.
  • Validation Operations
    Use this property to define action and parameters, which should be called on each object of the bulk job.
  • Operation Mode
    Use this property to define how the duplicate check should occur. Note that the mode Compare to All objects (Dual Pass) is only available if the object selection is based on an object class.
  • Duplicate Detection
    Use this property to define properties that should be used to perform a duplicate check.
  • Method Called When Finished
    Use this property to execute an action when the bulk job has finished.
  • Save Version
    Set this property to true to create an object version of each object included in the bulk job.
  • Version Text
    If Save Version is set to true, in this field the version text can be specified.
  • First Object
    In this property specify the record from which starts the bulk process.
  • Number of Objects to Be Processed
    Use this property to determine the maximum number of records to be processed
  • Number of Records for Commit
    Use this property to determine the maximum number of records to be processed in one transaction.
  • Skip Setting Modification Properties
    Use this property to determine whether the properties Last Change on/at and Last Change by are updated for the objects that are changed during the bulk job.
  • Simulation Mode (No Changes)
    Set this property to true to simulate the process.

Attention: Fabasoft app.ducx Expressions or actions specified in the properties Execute Expression or Validation Operation which commit local transactions can not be simulated.

4.2 Objects TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Search Form / Select Result / Object Class
    In this field a search form, select result or an object class can be specified. Objects returned from this selection are the objects that are affected by the bulk job.
  • Or Object List
    If the property value of Search Form / Select Result / Object Class contains a search form this object list shows the objects returned by the query.
    If the property value of Search Form / Select Result / Object Class is empty this field can be used to define the objects that should be affected by the bulk job.
    This property is also accessible via the tree view.
  • Select Clause
    Use this field to define additional query restrictions if the property value Search Form / Select Result / Object Class contains an object class.
  • Select Objects
    Use this field to set additional restrictions based on the last execution time, if the property value Search Form / Select Result / Object Class contains an object class.
  • Last Start Time
    The date defined in this property is used in conjunction with the Select Objects modes: “Only Objects Created After Last Start Time” or “Only Objects Updated After Last Start Time”.
  • Query Scope
    Use this field to define a query scope, if the property value Search Form / Select Result / Object Class contains an object class

4.3 Log TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Logging Mode
    In this field the scope of the created log file will be specified. Working with bulk jobs the Logging Modes “No Log”, “Error Log” and “Detailed Log” are available. By default the mode “Error Log” will be used.
  • Folder for Logs
    Log Objects created by the execution of the bulk job will be stored in a folder object referenced in this property.
  • Additional Object Properties in Log
    Use this field to specify additional properties those values should be written to the log.
  • Display Layout
    Use this this field to specifiy a XSL transformation that should be used to view the log. By default the XSL transformation Default XSL Transformation for Bulk Jobs will be used.