At the startup of the Fabasoft Folio COO Service an event log entry is generated, which shows the status of the multicast server.
In the following example the “UDP multicast transport” is enabled, the used multicast address is and the multicast port is 1190.
Example |
ReportEvent: FSCRMP-00006: RMP::MulticastServer: startup |
In the following example the “event queue transport” is enabled, the used RabbitMQ broker hostname is and the port is 5672.
Example |
ReportEvent: FSCRMP-00006: RMP::EventQueueServer: startup |
If the cache notification is disabled, an entry in the event log is created when starting the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
Example |
ReportEvent: COOSTD-00803: Multicast and event queue based cache invalidation is disabled |
The client (Fabasoft Folio Kernel) writes an entry in the event log after a successful start.
Example |
ReportEvent: FSCRMP-00006: RMP::MulticastClient: startup |
UDP package losses (modification notices and heartbeats) are written as warning in the event log.
Note: A package loss does not lead to a data loss or inconsistency. It is simply impossible to perform optimized cache behavior.
Example |
ReportEvent: FSCRMP-00108: RMP::MulticastClient: server lost: heartbeat missing |
For analyzing the network traffic, a network sniffing tool like “Wireshark” ( new window) may be used.
With an appropriate filter all UDP packages of a certain address (e.g. IP address of the server) can be filtered in a certain area.
Example: ip.addr == and udp.port == 1190
This filter restricts to UDP packages with the sender IP address and the destination port 1190.