2024 Update Rollup 2

Monitoring of Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction ManagerPermanent link for this heading

Event Log and Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction Manager Log FilesPermanent link for this heading

Errors, problems and information about the work of Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction Manager create an entry in the event log.

After a “Recover” the following entry is created:

When problems occur, the log file of Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction Manager can be opened. The transaction list shows which transactions are closed or still open.

Attention: The log file must not be modified manually.

Recovery ModePermanent link for this heading

Starting a Fabasoft Folio COO Service in the “recovery mode” the log file of the Fabasoft Folio COO Service is deleted. An appropriate note is displayed.

Thus, before starting in “recovery mode” it has to be ensured that the data is consistent. After the start in the “recovery mode” the log file does not exist any longer and a transaction recovery is not possible anymore.

Performance IndicatorsPermanent link for this heading

To monitor the Fabasoft Folio Distributed Transaction Manager during operation different performance indicators and SNMP performance indicators are available:

For the “COO-DTM” performance object the following performance indicators exist:

  • “Transactions/sec”
    Number of started distributed transactions per second.
  • “Active Transactions”
    This value indicates the number of active distributed transactions (recovered transactions are also included in this value).
  • “Transactions committed/sec”
    Number of successfully realized distributed transactions per second.
  • “Transactions rolled back/sec”
    Number of rolled back distributed transactions per second.
  • “Recovered (commit) Transactions/sec”
    Number of successfully closed distributed transactions after recovery per second.
  • “Recovered (rolled back) Transactions/sec”
    Number of rolled back distributed transactions after recovery per seconds. “