2024 Update Rollup 2

Fabasoft app.ducx ExamplePermanent link for this heading

The following example shows how to define an action in Fabasoft app.ducx and how to add a friendly URL to the configuration.


app.ducx Use Case Language

usecases SAMPLERENAME@200.200

  import COOSYSTEM@1.1;

  RenameObject(string objid, string newname) {
variant Object {
impl = expression {
        Object(objid).objname = newname;





app.ducx Object Model Language

// The following example shows how to add the friendly URL to the configuration.
objmodel SAMPLERENAME@200.200

import FSCOWS@1.1001;

  extend instance FSCOWS@1.1001:WebServiceConfiguration {






                      > =






        { {1,
"objid"}, {2, "newname"} },



