2024 Update Rollup 2

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This example illustrates the use of Event Type (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:HistoryEventType) and Log an event to objects history (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:LogHistoryEvent).

In this example a new history entry is created when a trip is added to a logbook.


objmodel FSCLOGBOOK@111.100

   * Event type for recorded trips
  instance HistoryEventType ET_NewTrip {
symbol = SymbolRecordTrip;
    hetdescription = {}

    hetsingletext = {}

    hetmultipletext = {}

    hetpersist =
    hetrequiredetails =
    broadercompterms = {




   * Category for event types of driver's logbook
  instance HistoryEventType EC_DriversLogbook {
    symbol = SymbolLogbook;
    narrowercompterms = {

    broadercompterms = {

  // Add category "EC_DriversLogbook" to the root of event categories "EC_Root"
  extend instance EC_Root {
    narrowercompterms = {




  // Define default values for event type "ET_NewTrip"
  extend instance DefaultConfig {
    cfgnotificationsettings<notsettingstype, component, notsettingsnotification,  

                            notsettingsmail, notsettingsrss> = {

      { ET_NewTrip, FSCLOGBOOK@111.100,
true, true, true }




usecases FSCLOGBOOK@111.100

   * Record a new trip in a trip log
  RecordTrip(Trip trip) {
    variant TripLog {
      impl = expression {
        cooobj.ObjectLock(true, true);

         * Add trip to trip list


       cooobj.trltrips += trip;

         * Log the recording of a trip in the history


        cooobj.LogHistoryEvent(#ET_NewTrip, null, null, null,
                                null, null, null, null, null,

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