Configuration of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning
Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Lightning can be downloaded from the website new window. Mozilla Lightning is a plug-in for Mozilla Thunderbird, which offers calendar functionality. Alternatively Mozilla Sunbird can be used as a standalone calendar client.
After the installation of Mozilla Lightning or Mozilla Sunbird perform the following steps to add a calendar, which is stored in the Fabasoft Folio Domain:
- Add a new calendar (“File” > “New” > “Calendar”).
- Select On the Network.
- Select CalDAV and specify the Location.
The location parameter can be specified using the following pattern:
<Fabasoft Folio Web Service URL>/caldav/<Calendar Object Address>
(e.g. Fabasoft Web Service URL
Specifies the URL to the Fabasoft Folio Web Service. - Calendar Object Address
This parameter can be specified to access a specific calendar from the user’s calendar list. The keyword "home" is reserved for the user’s default calendar.
- Specify the display name and select a color.
Note: The display name, the selected color and Show Alarms are client settings and therefore only stored on the client. - Click “Finish” to finish the configuration.
Note: If the specified calendar does not exist, it will be created automatically.