Besides the configuration of the buttons, it is also possible to configure error messages, which are for example shown when no e-mail is selected. The entries can be found in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fabasoft\Fabasoft Components GroupWise Extension\MESSAGES
The following entries can be set:
WARNINGNOTIMPORTED_TITLE[2,3,4] | Title of the message, which informs the user, that one or more objects could not be imported. Example: Warning: %u objects have not been imported %u is replaced by the number of objects that could not be imported. |
WARNINGNOTIMPORTED_TEXT[2,3,4] | Text of the message, which informs the user that one or more objects could not be imported. This error message is displayed, when objects not of type e-mail were selected. Example: The following objects could not be imported: %s %s is replaced by the names of the objects that could not be imported. |
ERRORNOMAILS_TITLE[2,3,4] | Title of the message, which informs the user that no e-mail was selected. Example: Error: no e-mails selected |
ERRORNOMAILS_TEXT[2,3,4] | Text of the message, which informs the user that no e-mail was selected. Example: No e-mails have been selected for import. |