If a non-kerberized setup should be used (e.g. working without a Microsoft Windows domain using LDAP), Kerberos should be disabled, as the according settings of the Fabasoft Folio Server Management Service will be inherited to all services created for new domains.
To disable Kerberos, perform the following steps:
Now Kerberos is disabled.
Only users that are local to the system (via Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM), see according documentation shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and that are members of the group fsc are permitted to access the Fabasoft Folio Server Management Service.
Microsoft Windows domain users that should be permitted to administer the Fabasoft Folio Service must be added as local users with membership to the group fsc. Their login name must match exactly on the Linux side (case sensitive). The domain name has to be omitted.
To add an administrative Microsoft Windows domain user, perform the following steps:
A local user has now been created and added to the group fsc.
Alternatively to these commands, the tool system-config-users on Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides a graphical user interface for adding or modifying user accounts. For more information consult the Red Hat Enterprise Linux manuals on user management.
After the installation of the RPM packages the Fabasoft Folio Service user (fscsrv) is available. The ownership and permissions of the file /etc/fabasoft/krb5.keytab, that has been created during preparation of Linux (see document “Fabasoft on Red Hat Linux – Preparation Guide”), need to be adjusted. Therefore perform the following steps:
The ownership and permissions for the file /etc/fabasoft/krb5.keytab have been changed.
The file /etc/fabasoft/base.conf contains settings for the database. Ensure that these settings match the Oracle Instant Client installation and the database server environment.
Note: Reasonable defaults are provided as a reference only. Except for the Oracle SID, these default settings will be sufficient in most cases. Please consult the documentation provided by Oracle for further information on the required database settings.
In chapter “Installation and Configuration of Oracle Instant Client” the /usr/lib64/oracle/<version>/network/admin directory has been created. The environment variables in the file /etc/fabasoft/base.conf have to match this directory.
To check and, if necessary, adjust the configuration, perform the following steps:
The environment variables have been checked.
Character set
Make sure that the NLS_LANG parameter used by the Oracle Instant Client is set to “AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8”. More information about the NLS_LANG parameter can be found here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/globalization/nls-lang-099431.html: new window
To specify a NLS_LANG value different from the default value, adapt it in the file /etc/fabasoft/base.conf. The value must be “AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8”.
This setting corresponds to the database settings as described in the white paper “Fabasoft on Microsoft Windows and Linux - Oracle Database Preparation Guide”.
Each Fabasoft Folio COO Service creates default database indexes which are documented in the indexes.txt file located in /opt/fabasoft/share/db.
The index usage for columns of type VARCHAR or NVARCHAR depends on the property “Queries Are Case-Insensitive” (COOSYSTEM@1.1:domaincisqry) which is configurable in the current domain object. When changing the value of this property, the indexes should be changed accordingly.