Installation of Fabasoft Folio Web Services
To install Fabasoft Folio Web Services via the automated setup, perform the following steps:
- Insert the Fabasoft product DVD in the DVD drive of your server. Verify that the Fabasoft product DVD is not mounted with the noexec option. Otherwise you will not be able to run the script.
- Open a root-console and navigate to the mount point of the DVD drive.
# cd /media/dvd - Execute the setup shell script.
# ./ - The setup wizard will be opened in a browser window. Read the license agreement carefully. Afterwards select I accept and click “Next”.

- If Fabasoft software products have already been installed on the computer, you will see a page like the one below, where you can decide to
- Install additional Fabasoft products or to
- Update existing Fabasoft services and products.
- Update existing Fabasoft services only.

But in this chapter we discuss an installation against existing backend services on a different machine with no Fabasoft Folio Services installed. (distributed installation)
- Select Typical as setup configuration template and click “Next”.

- In the next dialog two options are available:
- Choose a license file for the installation of a new Fabasoft Folio Domain
Select this option to install Fabasoft Folio Backend Services. In the License file field, type the path to the license file or click “Browse” to browse the file system. - Use an existing Fabasoft Folio backend installation
Select this option to use an existing Fabasoft Folio backend installation.
Select Use an existing Fabasoft Folio backend installation. In the Hostname field type the hostname of the Fabasoft Folio Backend Server, in the Port field type its port and click “Next”.

- Select Fabasoft Folio Server Management and Fabasoft Folio Web Services, clear the checkboxes of all other services and click “Next”.

- A check on all prerequisites is performed. Its result is presented in an overview. Ensure that your system complies with all requirements (indicated by a green tick) and click “Next”.

Note: You can expand the check overview by clicking the check icon (e.g. green tick). - Select whether Kerberos should be used for authentication and click “Next”.

- In the Review Configuration box, the Fabasoft Folio Service can be configured.
If you want to change the settings, click “Edit” next to Fabasoft Folio Web Services. Otherwise click “Next” to start the installation. In this case the next steps can be omitted.

- The following options are available to configure the Fabasoft Folio Web Services. Click the name of a Fabasoft Folio Web Service, to edit the settings.
- A Fabasoft Folio Web Service can be edited by clicking the name of the service.
- A Fabasoft Folio Web Service can be deleted by clicking “Remove” (
- A Fabasoft Folio Web Service can be created by clicking the plus icon (

The following options are available:- Web Service Port
In this field type the port the Fabasoft Folio Web Service listens on. - Load Balancer Host (optional)
In this field type the hostname of the load balancer. - Authentication
Select the authentication mode which is used for users to log on to the Fabasoft Folio Web Service.
If Basic is selected, a username and password to logon to the Fabasoft Folio Web Service have to be specified. Selecting LDAP the URL to the LDAP directory server has to be specified.

- To close the dialog for configuring the Fabasoft Folio Web Services, click “Apply”.
- Click the title bar to display the Fabasoft Folio Web Services configuration details.

- Verify the configuration settings and click “Next”.

- Click “Install” to start the installation.
The Fabasoft Folio Web Services are installed.