2024 Update Rollup 2

Solution Manager IntegrationPermanent link for this heading

SLD-RegistrationPermanent link for this heading

The environment variable “JAVA_HOME” (path to Java) must be set.

Type fscaradmPostSLDREG http://<SLDserver>:<port>/sld/ds <username> <password> [<proxy> <proxy user> <proxy password>] to register your system.

Example: fscaradmpostsldreg http://sapserver:50000/sld/ds sldadmin sldpwd)

The response should look like this (Status: 200, Status-Text: OK):

Calling: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\bin\java" -cp "ThirdPartySystemXMLGenerator.jar" com.sap.lcr.tools.xmlTools.ThirdPartySystemXMLGenerator . FabasoftiArchiveLink.properties.tmp FabasoftiArchiveLink.template . FabasoftiArchiveLink.properties.xml
Wed May 07 09:21:25 CEST 2008

ThirdPartySystemXMLGenerator - generates XML Documents to send with the SLDReg.

Returncode = 0
SLDReg XML File successfull created. All variables replaced.

FileUpload - Response Status: 200

FileUpload - Response Status-Text: OK

FileUpload - Response-Text:

Log and Configuration FilesPermanent link for this heading

The log and configuration files are placed in <temp-folder>/sapdata/ (e.g.: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\sapdata (Microsoft Windows) or /tmp/sapdata/ (Linux)).