2024 Update Rollup 2

InstallationPermanent link for this heading

As preparation of an installation of a new product version, a state-of-the-art backup of your dataset is absolutely necessary. After installation of the new product version and before making the installation productive you want to accomplish reliably, a state-of-the-art quality assurance (test run) based on your hardware and software environment.

  • Installation in a Microsoft Windows Environment:
    Execute setup.exe.
    Follow the installation wizard.
  • Installation in a Linux Environment:
    Execute setup.sh.
    Follow the installation wizard.


  • For further information, see the corresponding installation guides (Documents\White Papers).
  • Make sure that a valid Fabasoft Folio key for the version of the Fabasoft Folio Domain that you want to install is available at the time of installation. For further information, please contact Fabasoft Licensing (licensing@fabasoft.com: new window).