2024 Update Rollup 2

SearchPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft App provides a versatile GUI to handle various search modes.

  1. Enter the desired search term in the search field below the title bar.
  2. Tap “Enter”.

This causes the search result and the “Search Facet” tool to be opened.

You also can enter the search via the navigation menu or by clicking the search widgets on the home screen.

The “Search Facet” tool is available on the left pane for devices that provide enough screen real estate. If the screen is too small, a button to open the “Search Facet” tool is displayed in the title bar. The button is marked with a red dot in case some filters have been set. When the “Search Facet” tool is opened via the button, it also contains the search field to directly adjust the search.

Note: If the search is opened without entering a search term the “Search Facet” tool is shown instead of the search result list. After entering a search term or changing a search criterion the “Search Facet” tool will move to the left pane or will be accessible via the button in the title bar.

Tap a facet to open the facet selection dialog. The facet selection dialog offers an input field for filtering the available facets. Tap a facet to change the selection. Facets cannot be selected while a search request is running. When the facet selection dialog is saved, the search will reload and display the adjusted restrictions.

The available facets on the search mode. Multiple instances of search can be opened.

Search ModesPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft App provides the search modes “Search with Mindbreeze”, “Search with Backend” and “Search Offline”.

Searching with Mindbreeze

When the search is performed using Mindbreeze, there are typically many facets available to limit the available search results. The facets are generated by Mindbreeze according to the search result for the current search query. Searching with Mindbreeze allows full-text search and finds all folders and documents indexed by Mindbreeze.

Searching with Backend

When a search is performed using the backend search via web service, there are no facets available except for “Type”. Searching with backend only checks for name matching of the desired search query.

Searching Offline

When a search is performed while in offline mode or when there is no connection, there are no facets available except for “Type”. Searching offline only encompasses synchronized entries. Entries that have been cached locally, but are not synchronized, will not be searched.

On iOS, an entry will be displayed as a result to the search query if any cached property matches the desired search query.

On Android, an entry will be displayed as a result to the search query if the name matches the desired search query.

Saving and Loading a Search QueryPermanent link for this heading

To save a search query, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the “Search Facet” tool.
  2. Tap the “Save Search Query” entry.
  3. Enter a name and tap “Save”.

To load an already saved search query, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the “Search Facet” tool.
  2. Tap the “Saved Search Queries” entry.
  3. Select a saved search query.

The search will reload with the saved search query and the previously selected facets.

Due to different available facets, depending on online or offline mode, the search queries are saved in different containers. It is not possible to load a saved search query from an offline search while online and vice-versa.