2024 Update Rollup 2

Document ManagementPermanent link for this heading

Document management covers the basic functionality of managing objects, documents and metadata in Fabasoft Folio.

Creating and Deleting ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

By creating objects, you can save your data (metadata and content).

Creating an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

To create a new object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the folder in which the object should be stored.
    The folder's object list is displayed in the content area.
  2. Click the “New” action.
  3. Click the desired object type. A filter field is available in the top area that allows you to restrict the selection based on the name of the object type or template. If the filter term is contained in the name of a category, all object types and templates of this category are displayed. A category can be selected in the drop-down menu.
  4. Depending on the selected object type, selected metadata can be entered.
  5. Click “Next”.

The newly created object is stored in the object list into which you navigated previously.

Deleting an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

Objects are deleted with the “Delete” command. If no wastebasket is set up, the object is deleted irretrievably. If a wastebasket exists, the item is first placed in the wastebasket, where it can be permanently deleted or restored.

To delete an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Delete”.
  3. In the confirmation prompt, click "Yes" to confirm that the item is to be deleted or placed in the wastebasket.


  • To delete an object, you need the corresponding rights.
  • Some objects are protected from deletion for reasons of traceability.
  • Before deleting an object, remember that this object may be required by other users. After deletion, it is no longer available for other users.
  • If no confirmation prompt is displayed, the wastebasket is configured such that deleted items are placed in the wastebasket without being asked.

Excursus “Shortcuts”

Objects exist independently of their visual representation in the Fabasoft Folio Web Client. The Fabasoft Folio Web Client displays shortcuts that refer to an object.

  • If you remove a shortcut to an object, the shortcut to this object is deleted. The object itself remains intact.
  • If you delete an object, the object itself is deleted, regardless of how often it is referenced. Further shortcuts to this object point to nothing after deleting the object.
  • If a shortcut to an object is removed, a new shortcut to the object can be inserted again using the search, for example.

Using a WastebasketPermanent link for this heading

If you delete an object (“Delete” command), this object is permanently deleted if no wastebasket has been set up. Otherwise, the object is placed in the wastebasket and can be restored as long as the wastebasket is not emptied.

Wastebasket Types

  • A Wastebasket is personally available to a user (must be created).
  • A Global Wastebasket is available for all users (must be created by an administrator). To restore an object, contact your administrator. If a global wastebasket exists, user-specific wastebaskets are ignored.
  • Teamrooms have their own wastebasket. Objects that are assigned to a Teamroom are stored in the wastebasket of the Teamroom when you delete them.

Confirmation Dialogs

  • If you delete an object and no wastebasket or global wastebasket is available, the following message is displayed: 'Are you sure, you want to delete “<name>“?’ If you click “Yes”, the object is permanently deleted.
  • If a wastebasket is available, the following message is displayed: ‘Are you sure, you want to move “<name>” to the wastebasket?’ If you click "Yes", the object is placed in the wastebasket. As long as the wastebasket is not emptied, the object can be restored.
  • If a global wastebasket is available, the following message is displayed: ‘Are you sure, you want to move “<name>” to the global wastebasket?’ If you click “Yes”, the object is placed in the global wastebasket. As long as the global wastebasket is not emptied, the object can be restored.
  • You can configure the wastebasket so that deleted items are placed in the wastebasket without a confirmation prompt.

Emptying a Wastebasket

Items in the wastebasket can be permanently deleted. The following menu commands are available:

  • Empty Wastebasket
    All items in the wastebasket are permanently deleted.
  • Delete Expired Objects
    You can define a retention period for deleted objects in the wastebasket. All objects that have exceeded the retention period are permanently deleted.
  • Delete
    Select the objects that you want to delete permanently.

Restore an Object From the Wastebasket

Objects in the wastebasket can be restored. Select the desired object and execute the “Wastebasket” > “Restore” menu command. The restored object is placed in the original folder. If the original folder no longer exists, the object is moved to “Home”. The security-relevant metadata, ACL Object and Referenced Object are also restored.

Copying and Moving ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

Objects can be copied, pasted, cut, duplicated and removed. In object lists, it is generally possible to perform the described actions on several objects simultaneously by selecting the desired objects.

The permitted object types can be restricted in fields. Not every object can be stored in every field.

Copying an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

To copy an object to the clipboard, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Copy” (Ctrl + C).

The selected object is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted again as a duplicate or shortcut (see chapter “Pasting a Duplicate” and “Pasting a Shortcut”).

Pasting a DuplicatePermanent link for this heading

The “Paste Duplicate” command inserts duplicates of the objects from the clipboard. When an object is duplicated, a new object is created with the values of the original object. Values of some fields (for example, Change Access) are not copied to the duplicate by default.

To insert an object from the clipboard as a duplicate, proceed as follows:

  1. Copy the desired object to the clipboard (e.g. “Copy” command).
  2. Navigate to the field in which you want to insert the object as a duplicate.
  3. In the context menu of the field, click “Paste Duplicate”.

The object from the clipboard is inserted as a duplicate. By default, the object name is extended by the suffix “(Copy)”.

Pasting a ShortcutPermanent link for this heading

The “Paste Shortcut" command inserts a shortcut to the object. No new object is created.

To insert an object as a shortcut, proceed as follows:

  1. Copy the desired object to the clipboard (e.g. “Copy” command).
  2. Navigate to the field in which you want to insert the object as a shortcut.
  3. In the context menu of the field, click “Paste Shortcut” or “Paste”.

The object from the clipboard is pasted as a shortcut.

Cutting/Moving an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

To remove an object from one field and insert it into another field, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Cut” (Ctrl + X).
    The selected object is removed and copied to the clipboard.
  3. Navigate to the field in which you want to insert the object as a shortcut.
  4. In the context menu of the field, click “Paste Shortcut” (Ctrl + V).

Duplicating an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

In object lists, objects can be duplicated with a single command “Duplicate” (instead of the otherwise required two commands “Copy” and “Paste Duplicate”). When an object is duplicated, a new object is created with the values of the original object. Values of some fields (for example, Change Access) are not copied to the duplicate by default.

To duplicate an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object in an object list.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Duplicate”.

The selected object is duplicated. By default, the object name is extended by the suffix "(Copy)".

Removing an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

When objects are removed, the shortcut to the object is removed, and the object is not deleted.

To remove an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Remove” (Ctrl + X).

Note: If an object is removed, the object can be inserted again using the search, for example.

Displaying and Editing ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio objects are generally available to several users. To prevent an object from being changed by several users at the same time, the object is automatically locked during editing. If another user tries to open this object while editing, a dialog indicates the object lock.


  • If an object you want to open is locked by another user, you can still open it in read mode.
  • Objects that are opened in read mode are not locked for editing.
  • If the edit mode is not completed correctly, the object lock is released automatically after eight minutes.

Properties of an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

The property editor displays the properties (metadata) of objects as fields. You can open the properties of an object using the “Properties” context menu command.


  • According to the Read Properties by Default option of the basic settings, an object is opened in read mode or edit mode by default. If an object is opened for reading, you can switch to edit mode at any time by clicking on the “Edit” button.
  • If an object is open in edit mode, it is locked for other users to edit.



  • “Role”
    Defines the rights context in which you see the properties.
  • “Object Role”
    Some objects (e.g. employee, user, person) can have object roles. Defines the object for which the properties are displayed.
  • “Open in New Window”
    pens the property editor in a new window. This allows you to continue working in the otherwise hidden background.

Edit mode

By default, the following buttons are available in edit mode of the property editor:

  • “Cancel”
    Click the “Cancel” button to cancel the editing process. Changes that have not yet been applied are not saved.
  • “Apply”
    Click the “Apply” button to save the changes you have made. The property editor remains open for editing.
  • “Next”
    Click the “Next” button to save changes and close the property editor.

Read mode

The following buttons are available in read mode of the property editor:

  • “Cancel”
    Click the “Cancel” button to close the property editor.
  • “Edit”
    Click the “Edit” button to switch to edit mode. If you have the appropriate rights and the object is not being edited by another user, the object is opened in edit mode.
    Note: This button is not displayed if the object is already locked.
  • “Next”
    Click the “Next” button to close the property editor.

Display of Fields

In the edit mode of the property editor, you can change the values of the properties of an object.

  • Mandatory fields
    Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. They must contain a value.
  • Editable fields
    Editable fields are displayed with a white background.
  • Not editable fields
    Fields that cannot be edited are displayed with the background color.

Types of Properties

The most important property types are described below and how you can edit them in the property editor.

  • String property
    String properties are fields that can contain strings. Depending on the definition, up to 254 characters can be entered.
  • String list
    Strings can be entered in text fields with several lines.
  • Properties with date and time
    Properties with date and time can store date and time information. The input and display format depends on the locale (“Basic Settings” > “Locale”). You can insert the current date and time by pressing the “F6” function key. You can also select the date using a calendar.
    Note: Times are stored in the database as Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time by default. The UTC time corresponds to the time at the zero meridian (Greenwich time). Conversion to local time is performed automatically by the system.
  • Boolean property
    A Boolean property is a property whose value can be “Yes” or “No”. If the value is “Undefined”, the default value for this property (either “Yes” or “No”) is assumed.
  • Content property
    Objects can also store files as property values. The files are stored in content properties.
    Content properties can be edited in the property editor:
    • If you want to open the file that is saved in the content property in the associated application, click the “Read” button. The content is displayed in read mode.
    • If you want to overwrite an existing file with a file from your file system, click the “Select file” button. Select the file you want to save as new content. As soon as you confirm your entry by clicking the “Apply” or “Next” button, this file is saved as the content of the object.
    • Use the “Download” button to download the contents to the file system.
  • Enumeration property
    An enumeration property is displayed in the property editor as a drop-down list. A value can be selected from a set of predefined values.
    Note: To open the drop-down list, you can click the down arrow button or directly the field. You can then select the desired value from the list.
    It can be helpful to type the first letter or letters of the desired value on the keyboard. The appropriate entry is selected and can be accepted by pressing the Enter key.
  • Object property
    Object properties are similar in appearance and behavior to enumeration properties. However, there is a significant difference. For an enumeration property, you can only select from a predefined set of values. An object property allows you to reference an object.
    The values in the list are determined dynamically. If you cannot find the desired object in the list, you can perform a search by clicking the “Search” button. Use the “Create” button to create a new object.
    Quick search
    You can perform a quick search by pressing the Insert key. Enter the first letters of the name of the desired object and press the Enter key. All matching objects are displayed. You can also use wildcards in the search query (* or ?).
  • Object list
    A multi-valued object property is called an object list. An object list can contain several objects.
  • Aggregate (compound property)
    Aggregates consist of individual properties. For example, the File aggregate consists of the properties Content, Size, etc. Compound properties allow displaying complex representations.
  • Aggregate list
    A multivalent aggregate is called an aggregate list. The context menu buttons are available for handling aggregate lists. With these buttons you can edit, copy, paste and remove line entries. You can create new lines using the “Add Entry” button. A click on the “Show Details” button opens the full view of the aggregate list.

Reading or Editing an Object With ContentPermanent link for this heading

Depending on the object type, objects can also save a content (for example, a Microsoft Word document). The “Edit” context menu command can be used to open and modify the content directly in the corresponding third-party product and save it in Fabasoft Folio.

If you do not want to change the content, use the “Read” context menu command instead. The object is not locked and changes cannot be saved in Fabasoft Folio by mistake.

Note: You can also crop or scale images directly in Fabasoft Folio. To do this, execute the “Properties” context menu command and click “Edit” on the “Image” tab.

View as PDFPermanent link for this heading

Objects can be displayed as PDF documents, whereby the content of the PDF document depends on the object type.

  • For documents, the document itself is displayed.
  • For business objects, the documents contained are displayed.
  • For Teamrooms, folders and ZIP files, a table of contents is displayed.
  • For other objects, the metadata is displayed.

To display an object as a PDF document, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Tools” > “View as PDF”.

Renaming an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

To rename an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Rename”.
  3. Enter a new name and click “Rename”.

The object has been renamed. Alternatively, you can rename a selected object in an object list using the F2 function key.

Editing Common PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

If you select several objects and execute the “Edit properties” context menu command, you can change the common properties of the objects simultaneously. This is possible for scalar properties (such as a string), object lists, aggregate lists, and aggregates (with scalar values).

Scalar property

  • If the corresponding value is the same in all objects, the value is displayed during common editing. Otherwise, an empty field is displayed.

Object list

  • If the content of the object list is the same in all objects, the content is displayed during common editing. Otherwise, an empty object list is displayed.
  • If the content of the object list is the same in all objects, the old object list is overwritten by the new object list. Otherwise, you can decide whether the new objects are added to the object list or whether the old object list is overwritten by the new object list.

Aggregate list

  • If the content of the aggregate list is the same in all objects, the content is displayed during common editing. Otherwise, an empty aggregate list is displayed.
  • If the content of the aggregate list is the same in all objects, the old aggregate list is overwritten by the new aggregate list. Otherwise, you can decide whether new aggregate lines are added to the aggregate list or whether the old aggregate list is overwritten by the new aggregate list. If an existing key is violated during adding, the corresponding aggregate line is ignored.


  • If the corresponding aggregate value is the same in all objects, the value is displayed during common editing. Otherwise, an empty field is displayed.

Showing New EventsPermanent link for this heading

In order to be able to trace changes in the course of time of objects, an own overview of the history is available, which can be viewed from various angles.

To display events, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object and select it.
  2. In the "Tools" menu, click "Show New Events".

An overview of past events is displayed. The “Timeline” tab visualizes the course of time, the “History” tab provides a textual overview. The other tab pages provide various grouping types.

Navigating in an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

Objects with an object list (e.g. folders) can be opened in a separate web browser tab or window (depending on the web browser settings).

To open an object in a new window, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Open in New Window”.

Uploading, Scanning, Downloading and SynchronizingPermanent link for this heading

Files can be uploaded to or downloaded from Fabasoft Folio. The following options are available for this.

Uploading a FilePermanent link for this heading

To upload files from your operating system environment to your Fabasoft Folio Web Client, following options are available:

  • “Tools” > “Upload” menu command or “Upload” context menu command
  • drag and drop
  • clipboard (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V)


  • Depending on the web browser used, not all options are always available.
  • Depending on the configuration, the confirmation dialog may not appear: “account menu (your user name)” > “Basic Settings” > “General” tab > "Show Upload Confirmation".
  • In the settings of a Teamrooms, on the “Content Settings” tab, in the Remove PDF Document Restrictions on Upload field, you can specify whether to remove the PDF document restrictions when uploading PDF documents. A possibly defined password to open the document will not be removed.

Upload via drag and drop

Using the drag and drop feature, files, folders or folder hierarchies can be uploaded. The following description refers to a file. Folders or folder hierarchies can be uploaded the same way.

  1. Locate the relevant file in your operating system environment.
  2. Drag and drop the file into the Fabasoft Folio Web Client, directly onto the object into which the file is to be uploaded (e.g. a folder). If the file is dragged onto the background in the content area, it is stored in the displayed object.
  3. Confirm the upload by clicking the “Yes” button.

If there is already an object with the same name in the object list, you can either create a new object or overwrite the existing one. Identically named folders can be merged.

Upload via the clipboard

Using the clipboard, files, folders or folder hierarchies can be uploaded. The following description refers to a file. Folders or folder hierarchies can be uploaded the same way.

  1. Locate the relevant file in your operating system environment.
  2. Copy the file to the clipboard (e.g. Ctrl + C).
  3. Navigate in the target folder and press Ctrl + V (alternatively, you can use the “Paste Shortcut” context menu command).
  4. Confirm the upload by clicking the "Yes" button.

If there is already an object with the same name in the target list, you can either create a new object or overwrite the existing one. Identically named folders can be merged.

Note: Screenshots can be uploaded directly into Fabasoft Folio using the clipboard, without the need to create a file beforehand. Select the field where the image should be uploaded and press Ctrl + V. This will open the upload dialog and a PNG image named “clipboardimage” is created.

Upload via the “Tools” > “Upload” menu command or “Upload” context menu command

  1. Navigate in the desired destination folder.
  2. In the “Tools” menu, click “Upload”. Alternatively, execute the background context menu command “Upload”.
  3. Select the file. Depending on the web browser, you can select multiple files at the same time.
  4. Confirm the upload by clicking the “Yes” button.

The newly created object is stored in the object list from which you started the upload process. If there is already an object with the same name in the object list, you can either create a new object or overwrite the existing one.

Uploading a file into an existing content object

A file can be uploaded to the content of an existing object using the property editor. The property editor can be opened, for example, using the “Properties” context menu command. Click the “Select File” button in the File field.

Alternatively, you can also execute the “Upload” context menu command of the object.

Downloading a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

To download a document from the Fabasoft Folio web client, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired document.
  2. In the context menu of the document, click “Download”.


  • Alternatively, you can copy objects to the clipboard (Ctrl + C) and paste the corresponding files in the operating system environment (Ctrl + V).
  • You can download multiple files or entire folder structures at once. To do so, select the desired objects and execute the “Download” context menu command.
  • If the downloaded folder structure contains recursions, the recursion-triggering folders are downloaded only once.
  • If you have installed the Fabasoft Folio Client, multiple documents or even extensive folder structures are downloaded using the Fabasoft Folio Client. Single documents are downloaded using the standard web browser functionality. You can access the downloaded documents or folders by double-clicking the corresponding entry in the automatically opened overview of the notification symbol. Alternatively, the “Show” context menu command is available. Folders with more than 200000 objects cannot be downloaded.
    In the options of the Fabasoft Folio Client, you can define the download folder.
  • If you have not installed the Fabasoft Folio Client or in case of public links, folder structures are combined into a ZIP file. Note that you can download folder structures with a maximum of 1000 objects. The ZIP file must not exceed 2.5 GB in size.

Uploading an E-Mail from Microsoft OutlookPermanent link for this heading

To upload an e-mail from Microsoft Outlook to the Fabasoft Folio Web Client, proceed as follows:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Drag and drop the e-mail into the Fabasoft Folio Web Client, directly onto the object into which the file is to be uploaded (e.g. a folder). If the e-mail is dragged onto the background in the content area, it is stored in the displayed object.
    Note: Not every web browser supports drag and drop. Alternatively, use Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste the e-mail.
  3. Confirm the upload by clicking the “Yes” button.
  4. If the e-mail contains an attachment, you can define the way in which the e-mail text and the attachments are uploaded. The following options are available:
    • E-Mail Text and Attachment
    • E-Mail Text and Separate Attachment
    • E-Mail Text Only
    • Attachment Only

Click the desired entry to upload the e-mail and/or the attachment.

The e-mail will be saved in the selected object as E-Mail (Microsoft Outlook). Specific e-mail metadata is automatically taken over.

Note: When uploading e-mails from the “Sent Items” folder, the values of the Bcc field are only displayed if the sender e-mail address matches an e-mail address stored with the user.

Uploading and Downloading ContactsPermanent link for this heading

For uploading and downloading contacts following functionality is provided:

  • Contacts can be uploaded directly from Microsoft Outlook into Fabasoft Folio (e.g. with Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V). These contacts include both the original uploaded Outlook MSG file and a converted VCF file.
  • VCF contact files can be uploaded into Fabasoft Folio (e.g. with drag and drop).
  • Folio contacts can be downloaded into Microsoft Outlook, for example, using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
  • Downloaded contacts are stored as VCF files in the file system.
  • When you access Fabasoft Folio via WebDAV contacts are displayed as VCF files.
  • If you upload a contact and a contact with the same e-mail address already exists in Fabasoft Folio a version is created and the contact is updated. This requires that the user who uploads the contact has search and edit rights for the existing contact.

Uploading and Downloading EventsPermanent link for this heading

For uploading and downloading events following functionality is provided:

  • Events can be uploaded directly from Microsoft Outlook into Fabasoft Folio (e.g. with Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V). These events include both the original uploaded Outlook MSG file and a converted ICS file.
  • ICS event files can be uploaded into Fabasoft Folio (e.g. with drag and drop).
  • Folio events can be downloaded into the Microsoft Outlook calendar, for example, using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
  • Downloaded events are stored as ICS files in the file system.
  • When you access Fabasoft Folio via WebDAV events are displayed as ICS files.

Downloading an ImagePermanent link for this heading

Images in Fabasoft Folio can be downloaded in different formats in the file system or in the clipboard.

To download an image, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the desired image in an object list.
  2. In the “Clipboard” menu, click “Download Image”.
  3. Specify the desired width, height and target format. Following buttons are provided for the download: “Copy Image to Clipboard”, “Copy Link to Clipboard” and “Download Image”.

Frequently used export formats can be predefined by the administrator in the digital assets configuration and are available as own menu commands. The standard product defines the export formats “Copy Image for Presentation”, “Copy Image for E-Mail” and “Copy Link for Website”.

Scanning and Editing a Paper DocumentPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio uses software from third-party manufacturers to scan paper documents and edit scanned documents. The functions in respect of scanning and editing are therefore dependent on the functions supported by the respective third-party manufacturers.

For scanning on the device, following two possibilities are provided:

First possibility:

To scan a document in Fabasoft Folio perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate in the business object or the particular folder where the document should be stored.
  2. On the “Tools” menu, click "Scan". Now it is waited as long as the scanner puts a file path to the scanned document in the clipboard.
  3. Perform the necessary steps in the scan software. The scanned file is uploaded.

Note: Make sure that the scan software writes the file path of the scanned document automatically in the clipboard. Either this is supported directly by the scan software or you can assign the tool copytoclipboard.exe as post-processing step in the scan software. The tool can be downloaded here: https://<webserver>/<vdir>/fscasp/content/lib/copytoclipboard.zip

Second possibility:

A document scanned on the device can be uploaded to Fabasoft Folio using the drag and drop feature. The scanned document can be stored directly in Fabasoft Folio using a web folder and “Save as”.

SynchronizationPermanent link for this heading

The Folio Folder allows you to synchronize folder structures of your Fabasoft Folio Web Client with the file system. You can synchronize either your entire “Home” or a dedicated folder.


  • System administrators can enable the functionality in the user environment or the group of the user (“Advanced” tab, Synchronization Mode field: “No Synchronization”, “Synchronized Folder”, “Synchronized Desktop or Synchronized Folder”).
  • The Folio Folder supports local NTFS 3.1 file systems on Microsoft Windows, and local HFS+ or APFS file systems on Apple macOS. Each Folio Folder is assigned to one user and one device only. Hence, several users cannot synchronize into the same Folio Folder, and one user cannot synchronize from several devices into the same Folio Folder. The Folio Folder is not supported on Microsoft Windows server operating systems.

Using the Synchronization for the First TimePermanent link for this heading

Depending on the system settings you can decide whether you want to synchronize your entire “Home” or just one dedicated folder with the file system.

To activate the dedicated synchronized folder, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the account menu (your user name) and then “Advanced Settings” > “Synchronization”.
  2. Click the “Enable Synchronized Folder” button.
    Note: the button is only visible, if the system settings allow this.
  3. Click the “Enable” button. All previously synchronized data is removed from your device.
  4. Click “Close”.

The dedicated synchronized folder is automatically stored on “Home”.

Note: Deactivating the dedicated synchronized folder works in the same way (“Disable Synchronized Folder” button).

Start Synchronization

On the notification icon in the task bar, execute the “Open Folio Folder” context menu command.

  • If you synchronize “Home”, the top level is synchronized to the file system. When you navigate in a folder, the contents of this folder are synchronized (at the first level). You can also synchronize entire folder hierarchies (see next chapter).
  • If you use a dedicated synchronized folder, the entire folder hierarchy is synchronized to the file system by default.
  • The successful synchronization is visualized by a green checkmark.

Now you can edit the files and folders either in the Fabasoft Folio Web Client or in the file system.

Selecting Folders and Documents for SynchronizingPermanent link for this heading

You can select folders and documents for synchronization as follows:

  • If you synchronize “Home”, the contents of the current folder are automatically synchronized and kept synchronized as you navigate through the folder structure.
    Note: If you use a dedicated synchronized folder, the entire folder hierarchy is synchronized to the file system by default.
  • To synchronize an entire folder hierarchy and keep it synchronized, you can use the “Folio Folder” > “Keep Folder Up to Date” context menu command for folders.
  • Synchronized folders can be excluded from synchronization using the “Folio Folder” > “Remove Local Files” context menu command. Thereby the local files of the entire folder hierarchy will be deleted. This has no effect on the corresponding objects in the Fabasoft Folio.


  • Synchronization takes place automatically in the background, but can be deactivated via the options dialog of the notification icon ("General” tab > “Folio Folder” > Offline field).
  • If you no longer need synchronization, you can remove the Folio Folder from the file system using the “Delete Folder” button in the options dialog of the notification icon.

Symbols for Visualizing the StatusPermanent link for this heading

Notification Symbol

The notification symbol is displayed smaller when you set the Folio Folder to “offline” or if you are not logged in. If there are several Folio Folders, the status refers to the currently selected Folio Folder.

File System

Following symbols visualize the synchronization status in the file system:

  • Not synchronized
    Not synchronized folders are displayed without any special visualization.
  • Synchronized
    Synchronized folders and documents are marked with a green check mark.
  • Keep folder up to date
    Folders in which the entire hierarchy should be synchronized are represented with a blue border.
  • Modified
    The element has been modified locally or a synchronization process is currently carried out.
  • Error
    If an error occurred, the context menu provides corresponding commands under “Resolve Error”.

Note: In order that changes and errors can be easily identified, they are displayed over the entire hierarchy.

Context Menu of the Notification SymbolPermanent link for this heading

In the context menu of the Fabasoft Folio notification symbol following commands that are relevant for the Folio Folder are available:

  • Open Folio Folder
    Opens the folder in the local file system that was created for synchronizing with Fabasoft Folio.
  • Synchronize
    Starts the synchronization process manually.

Note: If you work with different Fabasoft Folio installations, you can also choose the system that should be synchronized in the context menu.

Context Menu of the Folio FolderPermanent link for this heading

In the context menu of synchronized elements the following commands are available under “Folio Folder”:

  • Show in Folio Web Client
    The Fabasoft Folio Web Client is opened and the element is selected.
  • Show Properties in Folio Web Client
    Opens the properties of the element in the Fabasoft Folio Web Client.
  • Copy Link
    Copies the link to the respective object to the clipboard.
  • Keep Folder Up to Date
    The entire folder hierarchy is synchronized and is kept synchronized.
  • Remove Local Files
    The local files are removed. This has no effect on the corresponding elements in the Fabasoft Folio.
    If a folder contains unsynchronized documents, an error will be displayed. When you execute the context menu command again, the unsynchronized documents are removed and a backup is stored in \Users\<user>\Documents\My Recovered Documents.
    Note: If you want to cancel the download of a too large file, you can execute this context menu command on the parent folder.

Resolving a ConflictPermanent link for this heading

If a document has been changed in the web client and file system simultaneously, this is detected during synchronization. For visualization, a yellow call sign is displayed on the notification icon and in the web client on the document.

To resolve the conflict via the file system, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the notification icon.
  2. Click “Resolve Conflict” for the corresponding document.
  3. In the following dialog, you can choose whether you want to continue using the current version or the last version before the conflict. The content of the discarded version is still accessible via time travel and can be taken over manually, if necessary.

Alternatively, you can execute the “Resolve Conflict” context menu command in the web client. If you edit the document using the web client, the conflict dialog opens automatically.

Error HandlingPermanent link for this heading

If an error occurred, the context menu provides corresponding commands under “Resolve Error”. In order that errors can be easily identified, they are displayed over the entire hierarchy.

LAN SynchronizationPermanent link for this heading

By default, synchronization is carried out with Fabasoft Folio. Alternatively, you can also enable LAN synchronization.

When data in Fabasoft Folio has changed, all Folio Folders in the local network are contacted first, whether the changed data is already available locally. If this is the case, the data is synchronized over the LAN and not over the Folio installation. Security is ensured in both cases by encryption.

To be able to use the LAN synchronization, you have to enable it:

  1. Click the account menu (your user name) and then click “Advanced Settings” > “Fabasoft Folio Client”.
  2. Enable the Allow LAN Synchronization option.
  3. If necessary, define trusted networks for LAN synchronization.
    If no network is configured, LAN synchronization is possible on Microsoft Windows in all private networks and on Apple macOS in all networks.
    If one or more networks are configured, LAN synchronization is only enabled in these networks (connection to the Fabasoft Folio must be possible). Define one IPv4 address or IPv4 address range per line (in CIDR notation, e.g.
  4. Click “Next”.


  • The clients must be connected to both, the LAN (same subnetwork) and Fabasoft Folio.
  • The communication uses the TCP port 17096 and the IP multicast address or ff02::1 (local subnetwork). If necessary, appropriate settings must be made in the firewall. If you are encountering problems with LAN synchronization, please contact your network administrator with this information.
    In the Windows firewall, for example, two inbound rules can be defined (one for the TCP protocol and one for the UDP protocol):
    • Program:
      C:\Program Files\Fabasoft\Folio <version>\Client\x64\FabasoftFolioUI<version>.exe
    • Local address, remote address, local port, remote port, authorized users, authorized computers: any
    • Protocol: TCP or UDP

Synchronization ExceptionsPermanent link for this heading

Excluded Files

To avoid the temporary files from third-party products are uploaded, there are following synchronization exceptions:

  • Hidden files.
  • Files that start with ~WRD, ~WRL, ps or ppt, followed by at least one decimal or hexadecimal (upper case) digit and followed by .tmp (uppercase and/or lowercase).
  • Files that start with ~, followed by an arbitrary string and followed by .idlk.
  • Files that start with a least one decimal or hexadecimal (uppercase) digit and followed by .tmp (uppercase and/or lowercase).
  • Files that consist solely of digits (decimal or hexadecimal digits in capital letters). However, files beginning with “00” followed by any number of decimal digits are excluded from this rule.
  • Files that start with aa, followed by a lower-case character, followed by five digits and optionally followed by a string that also matches the previously stated rule.
  • Files that start with Icon follow by a “carriage return” (only Apple macOS).


  • The PDF representation for “Search” is not displayed.
  • Folders with more than 10000 objects cannot be synchronized. A corresponding error is displayed.

Additional file information

Additional file information (e.g. file tags), such as those provided on Apple macOS, are not synchronized and will be lost.

Configuration in the Web ClientPermanent link for this heading

Which objects are synchronized on which devices can also be seen in the Fabasoft Folio Web Client.

  1. Open the Fabasoft Folio Web Client.
  2. Click the account menu (your user name) and then click “Advanced Settings” > “Synchronization”.
  3. One line is displayed for each device on which you keep objects up to date. Click on the magnifying glass symbol to see the details.
    Note: You can delete all settings using the "Remove Synchronization Settings" button.
    • Device
      Shows the ID of the respective device.
    • Included Objects
      Shows the folders that are to be kept up to date.
      Note: If a folder is kept up to date, all subordinate objects are automatically synchronized.
    • Excluded Objects
      Shows folders that are not synchronized even if they are in a folder kept up to date.
  4. Click “Close”.

Working with DocumentsPermanent link for this heading

Documents in Fabasoft Folio are objects that save a file.

Editing a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

There are various ways of editing a Fabasoft Folio document (e.g. Microsoft Word document):

  • Via the “Edit” action
    Navigate in a document and click the “Edit” action.
  • Via the context menu
    Execute the “Edit” context menu command on the document.
  • Via the menu
    Select the document. Open the “Object” menu and execute the “Edit” command.
  • Upload a content
    Execute the “Upload” context menu command on the document.

Saving a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

A document is saved using the saving function of the third-party product. The document is automatically uploaded to Fabasoft Folio via the Fabasoft Folio Client.

Printing a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

You can print the content of a document using the print function of the assigned third-party product (for example, for a Microsoft Word document using Microsoft Word).

Commenting DocumentsPermanent link for this heading

PDF documents, images or documents that can be converted into PDF documents can be commented using an integrated PDF viewer. The comments are extracted from the PDF document and saved in a public or private layer. Thus, the document does not have to be duplicated if you want to share general comments with other team members but private comments should only be visible to you.

To attach comments, navigate in the document. In the PDF preview, use the “Comment” button to open the PDF document for commenting.

  • Select “Comment Privately” or “Comment Publicly” in the toolbar.
  • Use the “Drawing”, “Note”, “Text” and “Line” buttons to select the desired comment type. Depending on the comment type, further options are available.
  • In the left area you will find an overview of the attached comments, which you can also delete again if necessary.


  • Commented documents are marked with a status symbol.
  • If the content itself changes (e.g. by replacing it with another file), the previous documents including comments are still available. The documents can be selected via a drop-down field in the PDF preview.
  • When you download a PDF document with comments or execute the “Send” > “Send Commented PDF” context menu command, the PDF content is commented with the comments visible to you.
  • When an AutoCAD file is printed to PDF, comments are implicitly created. These comments are not separated.
  • For Teamrooms, the following can be defined on the “Content Settings” tab:
    • Allow Comments
      Defines whether PDF comments can be added to documents of the Teamroom.
    • Allowed Types for Comments
      Defines the allowed types of comments (public or private).
    • Preferred Type for Comments
      Defines the type of comment initially selected when commenting (overrides the setting in the user's basic settings).
    • Users With Read Access Are Allowed to Comment Publicly
      Defines whether users with read access are allowed to add public comments.

Encrypting or Decrypting a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

To protect your documents from unauthorized access, you can encrypt documents beside the definition of access rights.

Encrypting a Document

To encrypt a document, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired document.
  2. In the context menu of the document, click “Tools” > “Encrypt”.
  3. Enter the desired password and click “Next”.

Decrypting a Document

To decrypt a document, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired document.
  2. In the context menu of the document, click “Tools” > “Decrypt”.
  3. Enter the password and click “Next”.

Editing an Encrypted Document

The document does not need to be decrypted manually for editing, as the password is asked when opening it. The document is still encrypted after processing.

Downloading or Uploading an Encrypted Document

Like non-encrypted documents, encrypted documents can be downloaded using the “Download” context menu command, but they are not decrypted. Decryption can then be done using the external tool openssl. If an encrypted document is uploaded, it must be manually defined on the “Content” tab in the Encryption field that it is an encrypted document (AES 256 CBC).

Non-encrypted documents can be encrypted directly during upload. To do this, mark the Encrypt file(s) with a personal password before uploading field.

Encryption: openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -nosalt -p -in ./inputFile -out ./outputFile

Decryption: openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -nosalt -p -in ./inputFile -out ./outputFile

Assigning Addressees to a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

One or more addressees can be assigned to a document in the properties on the "Addressees" tab. An addressee is either an object (for example, a person) or a free text addressee, that is, an address defined individually for this document and not reusable. Addressees can be inserted into Word documents as mail merge fields, for example.

Inserting DocProperties or FieldsPermanent link for this heading

To insert a DocProperty or field into a Microsoft Word document, proceed as follows:

  1. In Microsoft Word, switch to the “Fabasoft Folio” tab.
  2. In the group “Document”, click “Insert text” > “Property” or “Insert Field”.
  3. Select the desired property.

The property is inserted in the document as DocProperty or field.


  • DocProperties are used to display metadata. Fields can also be changed in the Word document. The change is automatically saved in the properties of the object.
  • This functionality is only available if the Fabasoft Folio COM add-in is activated.
  • To have metadata available in a Microsoft Excel worksheet, you can enable the option Use Fields in Microsoft Excel on the “Contents” tab. The “Define Fields” button allows you to define the available fields and the name of the worksheet on which the values of the fields are to be included.
    The selected fields are exported to the defined worksheet and can be linked in the Excel workbook. Available columns: “Identity” (short reference), “Display Name” (tab > property name) and “Display Value” (value of the property).

Working with Object ListsPermanent link for this heading

A folder is a typical object with an object list. Object lists are mainly displayed in the content area, but you can also repeatedly find object lists in the property editor.

Similar to a file manager, Fabasoft Folio offers a context menu (background context menu) in the empty area of an object list, which provides frequently used commands.

If a large number of objects is stored in an object list, not all objects are loaded at once for performance reasons. When scrolling, the corresponding areas are loaded. Operations that affect all objects in the object list are still performed on all objects.

For more information on keyboard operation, see chapter “Content Area”.

Selecting ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

You can select one or more objects in an object list to execute commands on them.

  • To select an object, click in the checkbox.
    Note: Depending on the view, the checkbox may be only visible when you move the mouse pointer over the corresponding object.
  • To select multiple objects in any order, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.
  • To select several objects in a range, click on the first desired checkbox and, while holding down the Shift key, click on the last desired checkbox.
  • In the detail view, you can select all objects by clicking on the checkbox in the column header. With Ctrl + A, you can select all objects independently of the view.

For example, if you execute the “Copy” context menu command, all selected objects are copied.

Modifying the Order of Objects in an Object ListPermanent link for this heading

You can freely adjust the order of objects in an object list using drag-and-drop. To do this, the object list must not be grouped or sorted.

  • Clicking on the cell in the first column of the object to be moved and holding the mouse button initiates the move.
  • The object is not moved until the mouse button is released. The object can either be moved to another position in the list or in another object.
  • The target for the move operation is visualized graphically by a line.
  • Several selected objects can be moved at the same time, even if the objects are not in consecutive lines.
  • If not all list entries can be displayed, the list is scrolled when the mouse pointer is at the top or bottom of the list. Thus, even in long lists, the desired result can be achieved with a single move operation.

Sorting Objects Within the Object ListPermanent link for this heading

The objects in an object list can be displayed unsorted, sorted in ascending order or descending order. If several columns are displayed, multiple sorting is also possible. The sorting only affects the view, the stored order of the objects is not changed and corresponds to the unsorted view.

The number of objects and the sort order are displayed in the title bar on the right-hand side. You have the following options for changing the sort order:

  • Click on the number of entries in the title bar. In the menu that opens, you can set the sort order.
    Alternatively, you can also define the sort order using the background context menu.
  • In the detail view, you can click on a column in the column header to sort by that column. Another click changes the sort order. A click on another column cancels the previous sorting. The sorting is visualized by an arrow symbol. The sorting can be removed via the context menu of the column in the column header (“Sort” > “No Sorting”).
  • In the detail view, you can also sort by several columns. To do this, open the context menu of the first desired column in the column header and specify the sort order. Proceed in the same way for the other desired columns.
    It is sorted by the first column. If the first column contains same values, the system sorts by the second column, and so on.


  • Keyboard operation: The shortcut Alt + F9 takes you to the column header if the details are displayed, otherwise to the “Sort” button.
  • Objects in unsorted lists can be moved not only by drag-and-drop but also with the context menu commands “Move” > “Prepare for Moving” and "Move" > "Move Before" or "Move After". Thus, the move functionality can also be used via keyboard operation.

Grouping Objects Within the Object ListPermanent link for this heading

In the detail view, it is possible to group objects in an object list according to one or more columns. This means that even long object lists can be displayed clearly.

To group objects in an object list according to the values of a column, execute the “Group by” > “grouping method” command in the context menu of the desired column in the column header.

The objects are grouped together using the grouping method.


  • The symbol next to the column caption indicates whether the grouping is ascending or descending. By clicking on the column in the column header, you can switch between ascending and descending grouping.
  • A grouping in a column containing strings (e.g. Name) can also be carried out for the initial letter of the entries.
  • A grouping in a column containing dates can also be carried out for year, month, day or hour.
  • Keyboard operation: The shortcut Alt + F9 takes you to the column header.

Column Editing in the Details ViewPermanent link for this heading

You can edit property values displayed as columns directly in the object list.

To change a property value, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the cell you want to edit.
  2. Click on the cell again or press the F2 key. This makes the field editable. Depending on the property type, you can select or enter values.
  3. To end editing, press the Enter key or click outside the edit box.

Note: To edit the first cell, select the entire row and press F2.

In addition to the option of entering values in individual cells, the detail view also offers options similar to a spreadsheet program.

Editing options:

  • copy (Ctrl + C, Cmd + C)
  • cut (Ctrl + X, Cmd + X)
  • paste (Ctrl + V, Cmd + V)
  • delete (Del key)

Several non-contiguous cells within a column can be copied and pasted simultaneously. If the number of selected cells during insertion is greater than the number of selected cells during copying, the system starts again with the first value. If fewer cells are selected during insertion, only values in the selected cells are changed.

Note: On Linux no empty object pointers are copied.

The values can also be copied from Fabasoft Folio and pasted into Microsoft Excel, for example. The insertion of values from third-party applications into Fabasoft Folio is only conditionally possible (depending on the clipboard format of the third-party application).

Table Handling

The alternatively available table editing can be activated by pressing the “Table Handling” button (Alt + F2) in the column header. This makes the operation similar to a spreadsheet program:

  • The cells are displayed with border lines.
  • The hover highlighting is displayed per cell.
  • Cells that cannot be edited are displayed with a gray background.
  • Editing a cell is activated with F2, a double-click (fast and slow) or typing letters/numbers.
  • A click on the object name does not open the object.

Calculations Within Object ListsPermanent link for this heading

For numerical and currency values displayed in a column, the number (of entries with a value), the total and the average can be calculated. The “Calculate” command is available in the context menu of the column header for the corresponding column. The result is displayed at the bottom of the page.

If the list is grouped, the calculations are performed per group and displayed at the end of the group entries. For filtered object lists, only the entries displayed are used for the calculation.

If a value is changed, for example, with the F2 key a recalculation only takes place after the list has been updated. The values of the old calculation are grayed out.

Data TablePermanent link for this heading

The columns displayed in an object list can be copied to the clipboard as a table. This allows you to insert a textual representation of the list in Microsoft Excel, for example.

To copy a data table to the clipboard, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the desired object list in the detail view.
  2. In the “Clipboard” menu, click “Data Table” > “Copy Simple” or “Copy Extended”. If you choose “Copy Extended”, entries from displayed object lists and all values of aggregates and aggregate lists are copied as nested tables in addition to the visible columns.

Note: If you select lines, only these are copied to the clipboard.

RefreshingPermanent link for this heading

The view of the displayed objects can be refreshed at any time. By refreshing, you bring the view displayed on the screen up to the current state. This is necessary, for example, if you work with other users simultaneously in an object list (for example, in a folder or a search folder) and want to see the latest state.

To refresh the displayed object list, click on “Refresh” in the background context menu of the object list.

Note: Almost every object list is automatically refreshed when you navigate in it.

Lists in the Property EditorPermanent link for this heading

To reduce the complexity of the property editor and improve the overview, a simplified view is available for object and aggregate lists. The “Show details” button takes you to a full view of the list optimized for editing.

Simplified List

The reduced editing options in the simplified list provide an improved overview.

  • No menu bar is displayed.
  • The number of entries displayed depends on the context. In general, a maximum of 15 entries are displayed. The “Further Entries” button takes you to the full view.
  • Sorting and grouping cannot be carried out in the simplified list. These are taken over by the settings in the full view.
  • Only as many columns as space is available are displayed. Thus, horizontal scroll bars can be avoided.
  • Thumbnails are not displayed in the detail view.
  • Actions on the entries can be carried out via the context menu.
  • Actions concerning the list can be offered via buttons above the list.
  • Direct editing with F2 is possible depending on the list.
  • If there are more entries that can be displayed on a page, the column headings are fixed.

Full List

The full list is used in particular for editing and can be accessed via the “Show Details” button of the simplified list. If the list is the only field on a tab, the full list can also be displayed directly.

  • The full view makes optimum use of the window width.
  • The full list offers the complete list functionality as usual.
  • If there are more entries that can be displayed on a page, the column headings are fixed.

Defining the View of Object ListsPermanent link for this heading

Several views are available for object lists to meet the various requirements.

For more information on keyboard operation, see chapter “Content Area”.

Changing the ViewPermanent link for this heading

To change the view of an object list, open the background context menu and execute the “Change View” > “view type” command.

The following views are available:

  • Details
    The objects are displayed as list entries with the defined column settings.
  • Thumbnails
    The objects are represented by a generated preview (if possible) and the object name.
  • Card View
    The objects are visualized as cards. This view can only be selected for special lists like “Personal Folder”.
  • Content View
    The objects are displayed as list with the most important metadata.
  • Preview
    The objects are displayed as a full-page preview (if possible).

Adjusting Columns in the Detail ViewPermanent link for this heading

You can use the column settings to customize columns in an object list to suit your requirements.

To add a column, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object in the object list whose properties you want to display.
  2. Click “Add Column” in the context menu of the column header and select the property to be displayed from the corresponding category.


  • Which properties are available as columns depends on the object selected in the object list.
  • To adjust the width of one or all columns to the displayed values, use the “Size to Fit” > “This Column” or “All Columns” context menu command.
  • Use drag and drop to move columns. Alternatively, the “Move to” context menu command is available.
  • To remove a column, click the “Remove” context menu command.
  • For object properties, properties of the referenced object can be displayed using the “Next level” context menu command.
  • For aggregates, properties of the aggregate can be displayed using the “Details” context menu command.
  • A separate editor is also available for defining the columns. To display the editor, open the “View” menu and execute the “Display Settings” > “Change” command.
  • Keyboard operation: The shortcut Alt + F9 takes you to the column header.

Freezing ColumnsPermanent link for this heading

Frozen columns can be used to prevent columns from being hidden by horizontal scrolling. For example, the column with the name can always be visible.

To freeze columns, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the context menu of the column header of the rightmost column that should be frozen.
    Note: There must be at least two columns after the last column to be frozen so that the “Freeze” context menu command is available.
  2. Click the “Freeze” context menu command.


  • To unfreeze columns, perform the same steps.
  • The horizontal scroll bar only extends over those columns that are not frozen.
  • Keyboard operation: The shortcut Alt + F9 takes you to the column header.

Filtering ColumnsPermanent link for this heading

The column filter allows you to filter the displayed entries of an object list according to the values in the respective column. The column filter can be enabled in the context menu of the column header with the “Filter” context menu command.

The column filter provides the following functionality:

  • If the string in the column contains the entered filter string, the respective object is displayed.
  • You can use the placeholder * for any number of characters and the placeholder ? for one character.
  • When characters are entered in the filter field, the list is updated after every 350 milliseconds pause.
  • It can be filtered in several columns at the same time.
  • The filter can be removed by executing the “Filter” context menu command again. Alternatively, the entry in the filter field can be deleted and confirmed with the Enter key.
  • For object, date and enumeration properties, a values filter is available in addition to the text filter. When using the text filter, all rows containing the entered string are displayed.  When using the values filter, all rows that correspond to the selected values are displayed.


  • Keyboard operation: The shortcut Alt + F9 takes you to the column header if the details are displayed, otherwise to the “Sort” button.
  • The values filter is only offered if no element of the property path is defined as "multiple".

Display SettingsPermanent link for this heading

With the menu bar displayed, you can make appropriate view adjustments via the menu “View” > “Display Settings”. If “Customizing” is not enabled for you, not all options are available.


Allows you to load a saved display setting or the product setting.


Restores the default display settings (only visible if the current settings differ from the default settings).


The current display setting (view, columns) is saved.

Following storage options are available:

  • Set Default View for All Users
  • Create New Display Setting
    • Save as
      The display settings can be saved at different levels. The display setting actually used is determined by the following evaluation hierarchy:
      • For This Object for all Users
        If you have change rights, you can change the display setting for all users.
      • Personal Presettings
        Personal display settings are available only to yourself.
        Note: All saved personal display settings can be found under “account menu (your user name)” > “Advanced Settings” > “Presettings”.
      • Room
        Display settings can be saved in the current Teamroom or shelf.
      • Configuration
        If the room is based on a configuration, the display settings can be saved in the configuration.
      • Presetting Collection
        Display settings can also be stored in a presetting collection to which you are authorized (“Customizing” required).
    • Name
      Assign a name to the new display setting.
    • Define as Default for Objects of This Type
      Defines whether this display setting is applied to new objects of this type and to existing objects whose display settings have not been changed. The display setting actually used is also determined by the evaluation hierarchy.
  • Overwrite Existing Display Setting
    • Existing Display Setting
      Select a display setting to overwrite.
    • Define as Default for Objects of This Type
      Defines whether this display setting is applied to new objects of this type and to existing objects whose display settings have not been changed. The display setting actually used is also determined by the evaluation hierarchy.


Allows you to define and position the displayed columns via a selection dialog. Alternatively, columns can also be added, removed and moved using the header bar.


Copies the current display setting to the clipboard.


Applies the display setting in the clipboard to the current list.

Using Highlighting ColorsPermanent link for this heading

To highlight an entry in a list, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Highlighting Color” > “color”.

The selected highlight color is visible to all users.

Enabling and Disabling FiltersPermanent link for this heading

You can use filters to filter object lists according to specific criteria: Objects that match the filter criteria of the enabled filter are displayed in the object list and in the tree view. Objects that do not meet the filter criteria are not displayed.

Enable filter

To enable a filter, proceed as follows (the administrator must provide filter expressions such that filters can be used):

  1. Switch to the object list whose entries you want to filter.
  2. In the „View” menu, click "Filter" > "filter name“.

The object list is filtered according to the criteria of the filter you executed. Only those objects that meet the filter criteria are displayed.

Note: Objects that are not displayed due to the filter criteria are not permanently removed from the object list. These objects are simply not displayed. If you copy a list for which a filter is enabled using the “Clipboard” > “Data Table” > “Copy Simple” command and paste it into a third-party product such as Microsoft Excel, all objects in the list are inserted and not only those objects that are displayed according to the filter criteria.

Disable filter

To disable a filter, proceed as follows:

  1. Switch to the object list whose filter is to be disabled.
  2. In the „View” menu, click "Filter" > "activated filter“.

The object list is displayed unfiltered.

Performing a SearchPermanent link for this heading

You can use a search to find objects and, for example, store them in a folder for further processing. In the search dialog, you define the search criteria. The result list displays the objects that match your search criteria. Objects that you select can be taken over to the object list from which you started the search by clicking the “Next” button. You can also save the specified search criteria as search form for later reuse.

Note: In order for objects to be found, you must have the “Search Object” right for these objects.

Searching for ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

To perform a search, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Find” action.
  2. There are now three ways to continue the search:
    • From the Selection drop-down list select either an object class, a category of a user-defined form or an object aspect in the Selection field. When selecting a category or an object aspect, the Detailed Selection field is displayed, which allows you to additionally select an object class. The object classes for which the category or object aspect is intended are offered for selection.
    • Click “Next” to accept the selection.
    • In the Suggestion field, click the required object class. This field contains the object classes of objects that are contained in the object list from where the search was started.
    • In the Search Form field, click a search form to perform the search using that search form. The Search Form field is only offered if search forms are available for you in the current context.
  3. Define the search criteria.
    For details on defining search criteria, see chapter “Defining Search Criteria Using Options” and “Defining Search Criteria Using Wildcards”.
  4. Click the “Find Now” button.
  5. The search is performed according to the defined search criteria. The objects that match the search criteria are displayed as search result.
  6. Select the hits that are to be copied to the object list from which the search was started.
    • To collect hits from several different searches in a common list, use the hit collection (“Collect” button). See chapter “Using the Hit Collection”.
    • To change the search criteria, click the “Adjust Search” button.
    • To perform a new search, click the “New Search” button.
  7. Click the “Next” button to add the marked hits to the object list from which the search was started.

Defining Search Criteria Using OptionsPermanent link for this heading

You can define the required values for properties as search criteria. You can specify the type of value comparison (e.g. “begins with”) using the search option of the respective property.

Short description of all options

Different options are available depending on the property type.

  • “equal”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is equal to the defined value.
  • “not equal”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is not equal to the defined value.
  • “any value”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is not empty. If this option is selected, no input is required in the input field. It is therefore displayed inactive.
  • “no value”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is empty. If this option is selected, no input is required in the input field. It is therefore displayed inactive.
  • “begins with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property begins with the defined string.
  • “does not begin with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property does not begin with the defined string.
  • “ends with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property ends with the defined string.
  • “does not end with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property does not end with the defined string.
  • “contains”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property contains the defined string.
  • “does not contain”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property does not contain the defined string.
  • “Full Text” Query
    If this option is selected, a full text search in string properties is performed (corresponding system configuration required). Operators like “AND” and “OR” are supported.
  • “sounds like”
    If this option is selected, a phonetic search is performed. Objects will be found whose value of this property sounds like the defined string.
    Example: A search for “sounds like Meier” will return e.g. “Meyer”, “Meier”, “Maier” and “Mayr”.
  • “does not sound like”
    If this option is selected, a phonetic search is performed. Objects will be found whose value of this property does not sound like the defined string.
    Example: A search for “does not sound like Meier” will return all objects except e.g. “Meyer”, “Meier”, “Maier” and “Mayr”.
  • “from”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is equal or greater than the defined value.
  • “up to”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is equal or lower than the defined value.
  • “between”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is between the defined values.

Defining Search Criteria Using WildcardsPermanent link for this heading

In the search query, wildcards act as placeholders for any characters or strings.

Example: A search using the string “_andy” in the Name field will return all objects with a name containing any character followed by the string “andy”.


  • “*” or “%”
    These wildcards are placeholders for any string.
    A search for “*ergy” will return results containing any string followed by the “ergy” string: “energy”, “synergy”, “allergy”.
    A search for “berg*” will return results containing “berg” followed by any string: “bergamot”, “bergenia”.
    A search for “bl*d” will return results containing “bl” followed by any string and ending with the character “d”: “blood”, “bleed”, “blond”.
  • “?” or “_”
    These wildcards are placeholders for exactly one character. You can either use “?” or “_”.
    Example: A search for “_andy” will return results containing one arbitrary character followed by the string “andy”: “Dandy”, “Candy”, “Sandy”.
  • “~”
    The wildcard tilde “~” will run a phonetic search. All objects will be determined that are pronounced similarly to the defined string. A tilde always has to be entered at the beginning of the search string.
    Example: A search for “~Maier” will return results sounding like “Maier”: e.g. “Meier”, “Mayr”, “Maier”.
  • “%%” or “**”
    To perform a full text search in string properties, the wildcards “%%” and “**” can be used.
    Example: A search for “%%energy” in the Name field will return all objects with a name containing the word “energy”.

Most options available via wildcards can also be defined via options in from the menu (see chapter “Defining Search Criteria Using Options”). For the “?” and ”_” wildcards, no equivalent options are available in lists.

Comparison: options and wildcards

  • '“begins with” agreement' corresponds to 'agreement*'
  • '“ends with” agreement' corresponds to '*agreement'
  • '“contains” agreement' corresponds to '*agreement*'
  • '“sounds like” agreement' corresponds to '~agreement'
  • ''“Full Text” Query' agreement'' corresponds to '%%agreement'

Using the Hit CollectionPermanent link for this heading

To collect search results of several searches in one hit collection, use the “Collect” button. Thus, selected search results are collected on the “Hit Collection” tab and a new search can be performed.

To collect search results of several searches in one hit collection, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the objects, which should be collected in the hit collection.
  2. Click the “Collect” button.
  3. Click the “Hit Collection” tab to check the listed objects.
  4. You have two possibilities to continue your search:
    • Click “Adjust Search” to search for other objects of the same object type but using different search criteria.
    • Click “New Search” to search for objects of another object type.
  5. Perform the search.
  6. Select the objects you want to take over to the hit collection.
  7. Click the “Collect” button.
  8. The selected objects are added to the “Hit Collection” tab.
  9. As soon as all desired hits from the different searches are collected in the hit collection, you can take them over by clicking “Next”. Thus, the objects in the hit collection will be inserted into the object list from which you started the search.

Creating a Search FormPermanent link for this heading

To save your search criteria as a Search Form for reuse, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Find” action.
  2. Select the object type from the Selection drop-down list.
  3. Define the desired search criteria.
  4. Click the “Save as Search Form” button.
  5. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the search form.
  6. Click “Next”.

Making a Search Form AvailablePermanent link for this heading

To use a search form that is not yet offered in the “Search” dialog in the Search Form field, proceed as follows:

  1. In the „Settings” menu, click “User Settings“.
  2. Switch to the “Search” tab, select the Search Form field and perform a search or quick search to add the search forms you want to use.
    All search forms listed in this field are offered when a search is performed.
  3. Click "Next".

Using a Search FormPermanent link for this heading

To avoid having to enter search criteria more than once (for example, for more complex queries or if a search is performed very often), you can save the search as a search form. If you perform a search and select a search form in the “Search” dialog, the search criteria of this search form are displayed pre-filled. The search criteria can still be edited if required.

To perform a search based on a search form, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Find” action.
  2. In the Search Form field, click the desired search form.
  3. The search dialog is provided pre-filled according to the settings in the search form. If necessary, edit the search criteria.
  4. Click the “Find Now” button to perform the search.

Defining Search OptionsPermanent link for this heading

For example, to limit the number of hits or the search time for a search, the “Search Options” button can be used. To make this button available in the search dialog, select the Show Search Options option (“Settings” > “User Settings” > “Search” tab).

To edit the search options of a search, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Search Options” button.
  2. Define the desired settings. The following search options are available:
    • And Derived Classes
      Defines whether it should also be search for derived object types. For example, contact persons are also taken into account when searching for persons.
    • Object Limit
      Defines the maximum number of objects that are displayed as hits.
    • Time limit (sec)
      In this field you can limit the search time. If a time limit is defined here, the search is terminated after this time limit has expired. All hits determined so far are displayed in the hit list.
    • Choose Domains for Search
      Here you can select the Fabasoft Folio domains to search in.
  3. Click "Next" to accept your settings for the current search.

Performing a Quick Search in Object ListsPermanent link for this heading

To add an object to an object list in the property editor, a quick search can be performed in the search field. This simplified search only searches for a character string without specifying an object type or further search criteria. If returned entries are not unique, the properties of the objects found can be viewed via the context menu.

Note: The “Search and Add” button is only displayed in object lists in which objects may be inserted.

To perform a quick search in the search field, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Search and Add” button.
  2. Select the desired search mode by clicking on the search symbol.
    • When using the Folio search, only the names of objects are searched for.
    • When using the Mindbreeze search, a full text search is performed. In a full text search, the entered character string is searched in all contents and properties of the object, not only in the object name.
  3. Enter the string you want to search for. In a quick search, the character string entered is interpreted as the beginning of the name by default. You can also use wildcards (for example, *).
  4. Press the Enter key to perform the quick search.
  5. All objects whose names correspond to the defined character string are displayed as the result. Select the desired entry from this list of results by clicking it.
  6. The entry is taken over to the object list in which you started the quick search.

Performing a Quick Search in Object PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

A quick search can be performed directly in object properties. The “Search” button next to a drop-down list indicates that you can perform a quick search.

To perform a quick search in object properties, proceed as follows:

  1. Click in the field.
  2. To perform a standard quick search, press the Insert key. In this case, the system only searches in the name of the objects.
    To perform a full text search, press Ctrl + Ins. In a full text search, the entered character string is searched in all contents and properties of the object, not only in the object name. This way the field becomes editable.
    Note: To cancel a quick search, press the Esc key.
  3. Enter the string you want to search for. In a quick search, the character string entered is interpreted as the beginning of the name by default. You can also use wildcards (for example, *).
  4. Press the Enter button to perform the quick search.
  5. All objects whose names correspond to the defined character string are displayed as the result.
    Select the desired entry from this list of results by clicking it.
  6. The entry is copied to the object property in which you started the quick search.

If you could not find the desired object using the quick search, you can still open the search dialog using the “Search” button, to perform a search using further search criteria.

Performing a Full Text SearchPermanent link for this heading

You can use the following full text search options (with the appropriate system configuration):

  • Full text search in content properties
    The content property of documents can be searched for specific words (for example, a full text search can be performed in the content of a Microsoft Word document). All objects that contain the words searched for in the content are displayed as hits.
  • Full text search in string properties
    String properties can also be searched for specific words, such as the names of objects. All objects that contain the searched words in the string property are displayed as search results. For the full text search in string properties, the option ‘”Full Text” Query’ is available in the menu of the search dialog.
  • Full text search in the search field (see chapter “Performing a Quick Search in Object Lists")
  • Full text search in object properties (see chapter "Performing a Quick Search in Object Properties")

Performing a Full Text Search in Content Properties

To perform a full text search in content properties, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Find” action.
  2. Select the object type from the Selection drop-down list.
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. Switch to the “File” tab.
  5. Enter the search criteria in the Content field.
    • It is possible to combine search criteria with operators (e.g. “AND”).
    • Full text searches can take a lot of time. Therefore, it makes sense to limit the search criteria as far as possible.
  6. Click the “Find Now” button.

All objects that you can search for and that contain the specified search criteria in the content property are displayed as result.

Performing a Full Text Search in String Properties

To perform a full-text search in string properties, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Find” action.
  2. Select the object type from the Selection drop-down list.
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. In a string field (for example, Name), enter the required search criteria.
  5. Select the '“Full Text” Query' option to perform the search as a full text search (see chapter “Defining Search Criteria Using Options”). It is possible to combine search queries with operators (e.g. "AND").
  6. Click the “Find Now” button.

All objects that match your search criteria are displayed.

Performing a ResearchPermanent link for this heading

The research is a special variant of search. You can use a simple search form (standard case: one search field) to carry out a preconfigured search for objects of different types in one step.

Note: A research is defined by a Research Configuration object. In most cases a Research Configuration is created by the system administrator.

To carry out a research, proceed as follows:

  1. In the „Tools” menu, click “Research“.
  2. Select the research configuration to be used from the Selection drop-down list.
    Note: This intermediate step only exists if more than one research configuration is available.
  3. In the Search for field, enter the required search criteria.
  4. The result of your research is displayed.
  5. Select the objects to be taken over to the object list from which the search was started.
  6. Click "Next".

Search With MindbreezePermanent link for this heading

You can perform a full-text search using the search field in the top bar (Alt + 4) or via the search portal (“Search” widget on Home).

To perform a search, proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the desired search term in the search field and press “Enter”.
    Note: The search is not case-sensitive. If you start directly in the search portal, you can, if necessary, narrow down the search criteria even before you perform the search. The following search criteria are offered as standard, which can be extended depending on the object types found:
    • Where
      The objects found must belong to the specified context (e.g. objects assigned to your organization).
    • Date
      The objects found must have the specified change date.
    • Type
      The objects found must be of the specified type (e.g. text document).  
    • Contained in Teamroom
      The objects found must be assigned to the specified Teamroom.
  2. The search result is displayed in the search portal. Only results on which you have search rights are displayed. You can use the search criteria to further restrict the search (e.g. to Teamrooms or types).


  • In the search result, next to the search field, you can select the type of conjunction of the search terms: AND (all terms), OR (one of the terms), NEAR (all terms close to each other).
  • The “Save Search Query” action allows you to save the search term and the currently selected search criteria under a freely selectable name.
  • The "Saved Queries” > “<name>” action allows you to execute a saved search query. The last five search queries or the last five favorite search queries are displayed.
  • The “Saved Queries” > “Further Search Queries” action allows you to view a list of all search queries. By clicking on a search query, it will be executed. In addition, you can rename, delete and mark search queries as favorite via the context menu.
  • The “Save Search Result” action can be used to persist the search result in a "saved search result". You can select whether you want to remove entries that are already contained.
    Thus, you can easily perform a research even if there are many hits. To display the saved search result, you can use, for example, the “Open in New Window” context menu command.

The Mindbreeze query language offers the following possibilities. The listed options can also be combined.



Search for a term


Objects that contain a text with the term “Contract”


Not included

NOT term

Objects that contain no text with the term “Contract”

NOT contract

Search for a whole word or an exact phrase


"word1 word2 word3"

Objects that contain a text with the phrase “Contract with Fabasoft”

"contract with fabasoft"

AND operator

term1 term2 term3


term1 AND term2 AND term3

Objects that contain a text with the terms “Fabasoft” and “Contract”

fabasoft contract

OR operator

term1 OR term2 OR term3

Objects that contain a text with the term “Fabasoft” or “Contract”

fabasoft OR contract

Precedence of logical operators by brackets

(term1 OPERATOR term2) OPERATOR term3

Objects that contain a text with the term “Fabasoft” or “Mindbreeze” and the term “Contract”

fabasoft OR mindbreeze) AND contract

Term near to another term

term1 NEAR term2

Objects that contain a text with the term “Fabasoft” near the term “Contract”

fabasoft NEAR contract

Ranking in the search result (importance of terms)

term1^number term2

In the search result ranking, the occurrence of the term “Contract” is rated twice as highly as “Fabasoft”

contract^2.0 fabasoft

Search for defined fields


The following metadata is generally available:


  • title (Name)
  • objsubject (Subject)
  • objcreatedby (Created by)
  • objchangedby (Last Changed by)
  • objterms (Terms)
  • objteamroom (Teamroom)
  • objprimaryrelated (Origin)
  • objfile (File)
  • objappconfigurationroom (App Configuration)
  • objroomapp (App)
  • organization (Organization)


  • content (Content)
  • extension (File Extension)
  • mes:size (File Size)
  • mes:date (Change Date)


  • subject (Subject)
  • from (From)
  • to (To)

Objects that contain the term “Contract” in the subject


Content objects with “DOCX” or “MSG” extension that contain the term “faba”

faba (extension:docx OR extension:msg)

Content objects with size between 5 KB and 10 MB

mes:size:[5KB TO 10MB]

Content objects with a 2020 change date

mes:date:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-12-31]

E-mail objects sent from “Jones”


Working with VersionsPermanent link for this heading

Versions reflect the status of an object at a certain point in time. By creating versions, you can later return to a previous point in time and view the status of the object at that time. Several versions of an object can exist. Even if several versions of an object are available, the object itself only exists once (versions are part of the object).

An object has at least one version: the “current version”. Versions can be created by explicit or automatic versioning. Each object has a “Versions” tab that contains information about the versions of the object. Explicit versions are created by executing “Save Version” from the “Versions” menu. Automatic versions are created, for example, when changing users or when adding a signature (configurable). This ensures that the processing is clearly traceable.

Note: Only the current version can be edited. All other versions of an object save a status that can no longer be changed.

To view the versions of an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Properties”.
  3. Switch to the “Versions” tab.

The “Versions” tab contains the following fields:

  • Version Number
    The version number is a consecutive number that starts at one and is increased by one for each version. If the version number displays the number one, only the current version of this object exists. The list of Object Versions is therefore empty.
  • Version Started on/at
    Shows the creation date of the currently viewed version.
  • Released Version Date
    Shows date and time of the released version.
  • Current Released Version Date
    Always shows the date and time of the current release version, regardless of which version is currently being viewed.
  • No Automatic Deleting of Versions
    Settings in this field determine whether versions are deleted automatically. Automatic deletion can occur if a configured time span or the defined Maximum Number of Versions Kept has been exceeded.
  • Maximum Number of Versions Kept
    Defines the maximum number of versions stored for this object. If the number is exceeded, the oldest version is deleted.
  • Days After Which Older Versions Are Automatically Deleted
    Defines after how many days versions are deleted automatically.
  • Object Versions
    In this list the versions of the object are displayed. The basic data of the versions is displayed. This includes the Version Number, the Description as well as the information whether the version was created manually or automatically. The current version is not displayed in this list field.

A version always includes all properties of the object (both structured properties and content properties).

The following sections provide explanations of the individual menu commands in the “Versions” menu.

Using a VersionPermanent link for this heading

To make a version of an object available for reading, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, of which you want to read versions.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Use Version“.
  3. The object versions are listed in the Object Versions field.
    There are two different ways to provide a version in read mode:
    • In the Saved on/at column of the Object Versions field, click the creation date of a saved version. Thus, the current dialog closes and the selected object version is available in read mode.
    • In the Date/Time field, type the date of which you want to read the version. Click “Next” to obtain the object version, which was active at the specified time.

A clock symbol indicates that not the current version but an older version is available in read mode.


  • If you move your mouse pointer over the clock symbol, the creation date and the version number is displayed.
  • The displayed version only affects the respective user and has no effect on other users.

Using the Current VersionPermanent link for this heading

If an object is displayed in a previous, non-editable version, this is indicated by a clock symbol.

To return to the current, editable version, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, which is displayed in a previous version.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Use Current Version“.

The object is available again in the current, editable version. You can recognize this by the fact that the clock symbol no longer exists.

Saving a VersionPermanent link for this heading

To save the current state of an object as a version, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, of which you want to save the current version.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Save Version”.
  3. Type a description of the version in the Description of Version to Be Saved field.
  4. Click “Next” to save the version and start a new version.

Note: A version always covers all properties of an object (structured properties as well as content properties). Thus, it is possible to create a version of an object with object list (e.g. of a folder). Whether the objects in the object list are versioned depends on the superordinate object. For example, objects in a folder or Teamroom are versioned.

Restoring a VersionPermanent link for this heading

To restore an object version, the “Restore Version” command is available. By restoring a version, the current version is overwritten by a previous version. The previous version is as current version editable again.

To restore a version, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, of which the version should be changed to a previous version.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Restore Version”.
  3. In the Saved on/at column of the Object Versions field, click the creation date of a previous version to make this version to the current version.
  4. Click “Yes” to confirm that the selected version is taken over as current version.

Note: The state of the object before the version was restored is lost after restoring a version. If you want to save the current state of the object, you have to create explicitly a new version before restoring the object.

Deleting a VersionPermanent link for this heading

To delete a version, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, of which a version should be deleted.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Delete Version“.
  3. In the Saved on/at column in the Object Versions field, click the creation date of a previous version to delete this version.
  4. Click “Yes” to confirm that the selected version should be deleted.

Note: You can only delete versions of an object, if you have the appropriate permissions.

Releasing a VersionPermanent link for this heading

If a version of an object has been released, the following applies:

  • Users with the right “Read Non-Released Version” can access the current version. To all other users with at least read access the released version is displayed.
  • If an object has a release version and the current version of the object is displayed, it is visualized by a double check mark.
    The release version can be accessed via the menu command “Versions” > “Use Release Version”.
  • If an object has a release version and the release version of the object is displayed, it is visualized by a single check mark.
    The current version can be accessed via the menu command “Versions” > “Use Current Version”.
    Note: Users who can only access the release version cannot access the current version.
  • Under “Settings” > “User Settings”, on the “General” tab, in the Use Release Version by Default field can be defined whether users with write access also get the release version displayed by default.
  • If it is tried to edit a release version, the editing process may be started directly with the “Edit Current Version” button without the need for switching explicitly to the current version beforehand.

To release a version, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, of which a version should be released.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Release Version“.
  3. In the Saved on/at column of the Object Versions field, click the creation date of a previous version to release this version.
    Note: You can revoke this released version if you click “Release Version” again and then “Do Not Use Released Version”.

Displaying Modifications to ContentPermanent link for this heading

For some documents, e.g. Microsoft Word Document, it is possible to compare the content of versions. Therefore, a third-party product, e.g. Microsoft Word, is used.

To compare versions of a Microsoft Word Document, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object, of which versions should be compared.
  2. In the „Versions” menu, click “Show Content Modifications“.
  3. Select the two versions, which you want to compare.
    Note: If you want to compare a previous version and the current version, select only one version.
  4. Click “Compare Contents”.

The differences of the versions are displayed in Microsoft Word.

Note: To use this functionality with LibreOffice as a third-party product, the LibreOffice buttons must be installed.

Time TravelPermanent link for this heading

The time travel is another way to view versions in the past. Via the “Time Travel” > “Start Time Travel” action you can start the time travel. Use the timeline to reach easily and quickly the desired point in time.

  • “Start Time Travel”, “Continue Time Travel”, “End Time Travel”
    Select the version you want to view or end the time travel. As an alternative to selecting a version, you can specify a point in time.
  • “Save Current Version”
    Saves a version of the current state. The version can also be treated as “release version”. This way, team members with read access can only see this version. A new release version replaces a possibly present release version.
  • “Clean up Versions”
    You can delete versions that are no longer needed.
    • How many versions should be kept?
      You can define the maximum number of versions you want to keep.
    • How many days versions should be kept?
      You can define how many days the versions should be kept at maximum.
    • Apply these rules automatically
      You can specify that in the future too many or too old versions will be automatically deleted.
      Note: To disable automatic execution, run the "Clean up Versions" action again. Remove all values, disable this option and click "Clean up".
    • “Select Versions”
      You can explicitly select and delete versions via the “Select Versions” button. The button is displayed if there are at least two versions.
  • “Compare”
    Compares the selected version with an arbitrary other version. The contents of Word documents can also be compared.
  • “Restore”
    The current version is replaced by the selected version.
  • “Delete”
    You can delete the currently displayed version that is no longer needed.

Note: The timeline is not operable with the keyboard.

Indexing Based on Terms (Thesaurus)Permanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio supports extensive indexing of objects in the sense of terms, which enables topic-specific searches or researches using terms.

Indexing an ObjectPermanent link for this heading

To index an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. In the context menu of the object, click “Properties”.
  3. Switch to the “General” tab.
  4. In the Terms field select existing terms or create new ones.


  • Depending on the object type, the Terms field can also be placed on another tab.
  • The Terms field is not available for all object types.

Creating a ThesaurusPermanent link for this heading

A thesaurus allows creating and maintaining a systematically organized collection of terms of a specific field. A term can be set in relation to other terms: Broader Terms, Narrower Terms, Related Terms, Synonyms and Homonyms.

To create a thesaurus, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “New” action.
  2. Select “Thesaurus” entry and click “Next”.
  3. Enter the Multilingual Name of the thesaurus and optionally a Scope Note.
  4. Click “Next”.

Importing or Exporting a ThesaurusPermanent link for this heading

The “Import from File” and “Download as RDF” context menu commands can be used to import and export a thesaurus in RDF format (Resource Description Framework).

With a repeated import, you can determine whether existing and possibly changed names of terms are overwritten. The terms are identified via the import URI (“Relations” tab).

Note: If an RDF file contains multiple thesauri, all contained thesauri are imported or updated.

Creating a TermPermanent link for this heading

To create a term, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in a thesaurus or an existing term.
  2. Click the “Create Top Concept” or “Create Narrower Term” action.
  3. Enter the Multilingual Name of the term and optionally a Scope Note.
  4. Click “Next”.

Searching for Objects Using a TermPermanent link for this heading

You can search for objects using terms. You simply enter the respective term as a search criterion. When entering a term as a search criterion you can stipulate whether the term for the desired hits needs to match the term perfectly or related terms should also be considered.

To search for an object using a term, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “Find” action.
  2. Select the type of the object you want to search for and click “Next”.
  3. Switch to the “General” tab.
  4. In the Terms field, select a term. In the Including field, you can also specify a relationship to other terms.
  5. Click the “Find Now” button.

Releasing TermsPermanent link for this heading

Terms can be released for usage for different groups by defining access rights (ACLs) accordingly.

Templates and Template CollectionsPermanent link for this heading

Templates make daily work easier. They allow you to reuse content and metadata of objects that are defined as templates stored in a template collection. Any objects, but especially documents, can be used as templates. If an object is created based on a template, the template object is copied so that the contents and metadata of the template are copied to the newly created object. The copy can then be edited independently of the template.

Managing Template CollectionsPermanent link for this heading

Multiple template collections can be created. However, so that the templates of a template collection are displayed in the “create” dialog, the template collection must be referenced by an administrator in the working environment, in the user object, in the group of the user, in a position, in a structure unit or in the current domain. These template collections can be easily accessed via the "Template collections" submenu in the "Settings" menu.

Note: Template collections can contain additional template collections, which supports the structured management of large amounts of templates.

Creating a Template CollectionPermanent link for this heading

Authorized users can create a new template collection. Objects to be used as templates are stored in a template collection.

To create a template collection, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “New” action.
  2. Select the “Template Collection” entry and click “Next”.
  3. Enter a Multilingual Name of the template collection and click “Next”.
  4. Navigate in the template collection.
  5. Add objects that should be available as templates.

Categorizing a Template CollectionPermanent link for this heading

The categorization of template collections is used to group templates (potentially large numbers of them) in the “create” dialog.

To categorize a template collection, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the template collection.
  2. Click “Categories”.
  3. Add existing categories or create new ones.

Creating and Editing a TemplatePermanent link for this heading

Templates are objects that are stored in template collections and can be used as a pattern to create new objects.

Technically speaking, templates are no different from other objects.

Creating an Object Using a TemplatePermanent link for this heading

To create an object using a template, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “New” action.
  2. Select the category of the template.
  3. Select the desired template and click “Next”.

Managing a Classification SystemPermanent link for this heading

A classification system is a hierarchical arrangement of files, which define defaults for new business objects (short form, responsibilities, standard process and retention periods) according to the assigned category.

Create a CategoryPermanent link for this heading

A Category is used to categorize business objects.

To create a Category, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “New” action.
  2. Select “Category” and click “Next”.
  3. Edit the metadata of the category (for example, Multilingual Name, Short Form, Standard Process/Activity and Life Cycle Rules) and click “Next”.

Assign a Category to a New Business ObjectPermanent link for this heading

A category can be assigned to every business object while creating the respective object. In the Category list of the business object, select an existing category or click the “Create” button to create a new category.


  • If a business object is created by selecting a template, the Category field of the new business object is pre-filled with the category of the respective template.
  • The defaults in respect of short form, responsibility, standard process and save rules will be taken from the selected category.
  • The assigned category and the respective defaults can be individually adjusted until the business object is created.

Create a Subject AreaPermanent link for this heading

A subject area is a folder for which the possible categories are defined (using the Available Categories property).

To create a subject area, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the “New” action.
  2. Select the “Folder” entry, enter a name and click “Next”.
  3. In the context menu of the folder, click “Properties”.
  4. On the “Folder” tab, in the Available Categories field, select the desired categories.
  5. Click “Next”.

Configuring User SettingsPermanent link for this heading

You can use the user settings to adapt Fabasoft Folio to your needs.

To edit the User Settings, proceed as follows:

  1. In the „Settings” menu, click “User Settings”.
  2. Define the desired settings.
  3. Click “Next”.

Following settings are available:

General Settings

  • Show Hints
    Defines whether an info box is displayed when you move the mouse pointer over a selected object.
  • Read Properties by Default
    Defines whether an object is opened in read or edit mode, when opening it via the “Properties” command.
  • Show Upload Confirmation
    Defines whether a confirmation dialog is displayed when uploading files.
  • Show Exit Confirmation
    Defines whether a confirmation dialog is displayed when closing Fabasoft Folio.
  • Use Release Version by Default
    Defines whether users who are allowed to read not released versions see the release version by default.
  • Days After Which a New Version is Automatically Started
    Defines the number of days after which a new version is automatically started if it is only changed by the same user.
  • Enable Domain Selection During Create
    If objects can be created in several domains, the selection possibility of a domain can be enabled.
  • User Profile
    In this field a user profile can be selected if several user profiles are available. A user profile defines which object types can be created or searched for and which menu entries, form pages, categories, event types, portal pages, process and activity definitions are available.
  • Available User Profiles
    In this field administrators can define which user profiles are available.
  • Show Welcome Screen
    This field defines whether starting the Fabasoft Folio web client a window with news, web browser state and account activity information is displayed.
    Note: The welcome screen is only displayed, if the administrator activates the welcome screen for the Fabasoft Folio Domain in the vApp configuration.


Screen reader users should consider following settings.

  • Play Acoustic Signals
    Defines whether acoustic signals are played for successful processing steps, errors and questions.
  • Include All fields in Tab Order
    Defines whether read-only fields are also included in the tab order.
  • Use Advanced Mode for Prescriptions per Default
    Defines whether the advanced mode suitable for keyboard operation is used.
  • Show Alternative Text for Highlighted Fields
    Defines whether highlighted fields are marked textually.
  • Prepare Foreign Language Expressions for Speech Output
    Defines whether well-known English terms are specifically marked to ensure correct pronunciation.
  • Increase Contrast
    Defines whether the user interface is displayed with increased contrast.
  • Show Background Images in Dashboards and Home
    Defines whether the background image is displayed.
  • Preview in the Document View
    The preview can be displayed either as a PDF or as an image.


  • Language
    Defines the language of the user interface.
  • Locale
    The local affects the display of numbers, currencies, date and time.
  • Multilingual Input
    Defines whether a list of languages is available for multilingual strings. Otherwise only the string of the language of the user environment is displayed.
  • Default Currency
    In this field a currency can be selected, which is used for all entered amounts of money by default.
  • Disable Currency Symbol
    Defines whether the currency sign is displayed or not.
  • Reference Currency
    In this field a currency can be selected, which acts as a reference.
  • Disable Reference Currency Symbol
    Defines whether the reference currency sign is displayed or not.


  • Extended Search for Object Pointer Properties
    Defines whether the search symbol (magnifier glass) is displayed beside object pointer properties.
  • Search Defaults
    In this field, settings for the search are defined.
    • Object Limit
      Defines the maximum number of objects in the search.
    • Time Limit (sec)
      Defines after which period a search is aborted. If a search is aborted, the objects found so far are displayed in the result list.
    • Query Scope
      Restricts the search scope (e.g. COO stores).
    • Show Query Text
      Defines whether a user can edit a search query.
    • Show Search Options
      Defines whether the advanced search options are available.
  • Search Forms
    In this field saved search forms are displayed.


  • Use Access via Send by Default
    This field defines whether the recipient automatically gets rights to objects when sending object pointers. The receiver is entered in the field Access via Send on the "Security" tab of the object. The kind of rights granted to the object is defined by the ACL entry “(Access via Send) COOSYSTEM@1.1:objsecdelegated”.
  • E-Mail Settings
    In this field settings for e-mails are defined.
    • Use Formatted Text
      Defines whether formatted text is inserted into e-mails when objects are sent.
    • Open "E-Mail (Microsoft Outlook)" as
      Defines whether Outlook e-mails are opened in MSG format or in MIME format.
    • Open "E-Mail (MIME)" with Microsoft Outlook
      Defines whether MIME e-mails are opened with Microsoft Outlook by default.


  • Activities for Current Role Only
    Defines whether only activities that match the current role are displayed in addition to personal activities.
  • Define Deadlines as Timespan in Days (Instead of a Date)
    Defines whether deadlines are specified as time span in days instead of a date.
  • Show Deadlines for Prescriptions per Default
    Defines whether the deadline fields are displayed by default when prescribing.
  • Use Advanced Mode for Participants per Default
    Defines whether the tabular mode is used for prescriptions. The graphical process editor displayed by default is not suitable for keyboard operation.
  • Show Advanced Properties for Activities
    Defines whether additional properties are displayed for activities that are generally not user-relevant.
  • Show News About New Activities on the Welcome Screen
    Defines whether news about new activities in the worklist is displayed in the welcome screen.
  • Automatically Open the Next Activity After Finishing an Activity
    Defines whether the next activity is opened directly when an activity is closed or whether the system navigates back to the to do list.
  • Period for Statistics
    Defines the period for which the workflow statistics are calculated.
  • Workflow Preferences
    Defines default settings in the workflow using a configuration object.
  • Workflow Notifications
    Defines how the notification of workflow events is carried out.
    • Notification Type
      Defines for which event notifications should be received.
    • Receive Notification
      Defines whether notifications should be received.
    • Consider Role/Group Restrictions Even for Personally Defined User
      Defines whether the role/group restrictions are also considered if the user is additionally personally defined. By default, a personally defined user always receives the defined notification.
    • Receive Notification Only for the Following Roles
      If notifications are to be received in general, the notifications can be restricted to the specified roles.
    • Receive Notification Only for the Following Groups
      If notifications are to be received in general, the notifications can be restricted to the specified groups.
  • Workflow Push Notifications
    Defines how the push notification of workflow events is carried out.


  • Local RSS Feeds
    In this field you can administer your subscribed RSS feeds centrally.
  • Favorite Folder (Tasks)
    The defined folder is displayed in the detail view of the „Tasks“ portal page.
  • User Calendar List
    In this field a calendar list is defined that contains your calendars. The calendar list can be accessed e.g. with Apple iCal.
  • Address Book List
    In this field your CardDAV address book list is defined.

User Interface

  • Show Search Field
    Defines whether the search field is displayed for object lists.
  • Simple Mode
    Defines whether the menu bar and the tree view or the simple button bar and no tree view is displayed.
  • Open Documents Read-Only by Default
    Defines whether an object is opened in read or edit mode by default.
  • Upper Limits For “Most Recently Used”
    Defines the upper limits for the number of object types and objects displayed.
    • Object Classes
      Defines the maximum number of object types displayed e.g. as proposal when an object is created.
    • Objects
      Defines the maximum number of objects displayed.
  • Custom Task Panes, Toolbars and Menus
    In this field special user interface scoping rules can be defined, if provided by the administrator.
  • Slideshow Interval (in Seconds)
    Specifies the number of seconds after which the next image in a slideshow is displayed.
  • Show Tab Icons
    Defines whether symbols are displayed on the left of the tab label.
  • Show Only Symbols in Portal Page Selection
    Defines whether the name of the portal pages is displayed.
  • Available Elements on Home
    Defines the elements that are directly available on “Home”.
  • More Elements on Home
    Defines additional elements that are display on “Home”.
  • Font Size
    Defines the font size of the display: “Small”, “Medium”, “Large” or “Huge”.


  • SAP Connection Information
    If you are using an SAP system, you can specify the connection information here.

Contact Synchronization

  • Contact Folder
    Defines the contact folder for contact synchronization.

SubstitutionPermanent link for this heading

A user can be substituted by another user in a specific role and even personally.

One or more users who will either generally or personally substitute the user in this rile can be assigned for each role of a user. The substitute receives the same access rights for the role of the user who is being substituted.

Defining a SubstitutionPermanent link for this heading

A substitution can be defined by authorized users and/or by the user being substituted. A substitution can be established either for a specific (from-to) and/or unlimited period.

To define a substitution, proceed as follows:

  1. Click “account menu (your user name)” > “Substitutions”.
  2. Click the “Define Default Values for Substitutions” button.
  3. Define the desired default values.
    The default values are used for new roles, new substitutions and when resetting substitutions. In the following dialog, these values can also be applied to existing substitutions.
  4. Click “Define”.
  5. You can apply the desired default values to the selected substitutions. Click “Define”.
  6. Click “Define” to save the changes.


  • The “Reset to Default” button can be used to apply the default values to all roles.
  • The context menu of a role can be used to individually define the settings for the corresponding role.

SubstitutingPermanent link for this heading

Users can act as an assigned proxy by selecting the respective role and placing themselves in the context of the access rights of the substituted user. The proxies have the same rights as the user being substituted.

To change into substitution role, proceed as follows:

  1. Click “account menu (your user name)” > “My Roles”.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click the role button (your current role).
  2. Click the corresponding substitution role.

Terminating a SubstitutionPermanent link for this heading

You can use the “account menu (your user name)” > “Substitutions” menu command to terminate the substitution (for instance, by setting the end date or by removing the substitute).

Note: In the welcome screen you get a message that a substitution is active.

Substitutes can terminate the substation by switching back to their own role from the substitution role.

Additional FeaturesPermanent link for this heading

The document management provides following additional features.

Permanent LoginPermanent link for this heading

With the help of a device binding, you can remain permanently logged in to the Fabasoft App. This is especially useful if you are on the move and your IP address changes frequently.

Fabasoft App

When logging in to the Fabasoft App, you need to set up a code lock. If you wish, you can also enable authentication methods such as Touch ID or Face ID to unlock the app, depending on the device you are using.

Once you have logged in to Fabasoft Folio, you remain logged in until you explicitly log out again. In the settings you can manage the code lock and the alternative authentication methods.

Logging off devices via the web client

Under “Account menu (your user name)” > “Advanced Settings” > “Devices” you can manage your permanently logged in devices and log out a device if necessary. The next time you use Fabasoft Folio on the corresponding device, you will be prompted to log in again.

Creating a Final FormPermanent link for this heading

The final form is used to make the content of a document available in read mode in a well-defined target format (e.g. PDF).

How to create a final form

To convert documents to final form, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object.
  2. In the „Object” menu, click “Convert Final Form”.
    The primary content is saved to the Primary Content as Final Form field.


  • As final form, e.g. the PDF or TIFF format can be created (depending on the configuration settings of your Fabasoft Folio domain).
  • When you close a document (e.g. “Tools” > “Close” context menu command), a final form is also generated.
  • If a final form already exists and can be changed, the “Update Final Form” and “Remove Final Form” menu commands are available.
  • If the document is a PDF document with a digital signature, you can choose to take over the existing content as final form or generate a final form (the digital signatures will be invalidated).

How to view and download final form content

To view or download final form content, proceed as follows:

  1. In the context menu of the object, click “Properties”.
  2. Click the “Content” tab.
  3. To read the converted content, click “Read” in the Primary Content as Final Form field. The primary content in final form is opened in the appropriate third-party product.
  4. To download the converted content, click “Download”.
  5. The “File download” dialog is displayed. Click “Save” and select a name and a location for the file.

Compare ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

Two different objects can be compared. To do so, select any two objects and execute the “Compare” context menu command. If two Microsoft Word documents are involved, the “Compare Content” button is also available in the comparison dialog.

Sending as E-MailPermanent link for this heading

Objects can be conveniently sent by e-mail via the corresponding context menu commands:

  • Send Link
    Opens an e-mail with a hyperlink to the object. In order to access the object the recipients of the e-mail must have a Folio account and at least read access is required on the object.
  • Send File
    Opens an e-mail with the file itself as an attachment. This command is only available for documents.
  • Send PDF
    Opens an e-mail with a PDF file as an attachment. For documents, the content is converted in a PDF file. For Teamrooms and folders an index is generated.
    Note: Not all objects can be converted in a PDF document.

To send objects, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the desired object.
  2. Click in the context menu of the object on “Send” > “Send method”.

The corresponding e-mail is opened automatically and can be further processed and sent.

RSS FeedsPermanent link for this heading

Objects and events can be subscribed as RSS feeds. The user is informed about changes on these objects and events. The RSS feeds can be read with a common RSS reader.

Predefined Objects

Objects, which are available as RSS feeds, may be predefined by the system administrator, or manually specified.

Subscribe an Object

An object can be subscribed as RSS feed using the “Subscribe to RSS Feed” menu command.

To subscribe to an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object you want to subscribe to.
  2. In the „Tools” menu, click “Subscribe to RSS Feed”.
    Note: Object classes, which are not configured for RSS feeds do not provide this menu command.
  3. Copy the RSS feed URL and add it to your RSS reader.
  4. Click “Next”.

Unsubscribe an Object

Objects can be unsubscribed. Unsubscribed objects are still available in the RSS reader.

To unsubscribe an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the object you want to unsubscribe.
  2. In the „Tools” menu, click “Unsubscribe From RSS Feed”.

Note: The subscribed objects can also be found in the “User Settings” in the Local RSS Feeds field (“Applications” tab). Adding or removing objects in this list provide the same function as subscribing and unsubscribing using the menu commands.

FormsPermanent link for this heading

With the graphical form editor, you can create new forms with drag-and-drop and extend objects with new properties without programming knowledge.

Either you can add a form to an existing object (shown in the properties of the object) or you can create basic objects based on a form.

Form Fields

You can use the following form fields on your form:

  • Input Field
    A single-valued field of a particular type (e.g. string, date or object).
  • Item List
    A list of fields of a particular type (e.g. string, date or object)
  • Multiline Text
    A multi-valued field of type plain text, code or HTML.
  • Check Box
    One or more check boxes (multiple selection is possible).
  • Radio Buttons
    One value can be selected from several values with radio buttons.
  • Combo Box
    One value can be selected from several values in a drop-down box.
  • Standard Property
    Provides the ability to display standard properties of objects on the user-defined form.
  • Separator
    Used to structure related properties.
  • HTML Text
    Allows providing formatted descriptions on the form.


You can define the following types for input fields and item lists:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Date
  • Date and Time
  • Timespan
  • Numerator (only input fields)
  • Hyperlink
  • Password
  • Currency
  • Object
    You must also define the type of objects allowed (for example, standard objects).
  • Compound Type
    You must also select either a standard type or a type defined via a form. You can choose between standard and chart display.

Note: If the form has already been released, the type of a field can only be changed to compatible types (e.g. from string to hyperlink or password).

Additional Settings

Depending on the type, you can make further settings for form fields. In general, you can specify:

“General” tab

  • Label
  • Mandatory field
  • Description (is displayed with the field as an additional description to the label)
  • Help text (is displayed as context-sensitive help)
  • Initialization value

“Advanced” tab

  • Programming name
  • Readability or changeability depending on user rights
  • Mask (string and integer)
  • Expressions for computing and validating
    You are supported by syntax checking and auto-completion when entering an app.ducx expression. You can find more information in the white paper „Model-Base Customizing: new window“.

“Display” tab

  • Control (the used control, based on the field type, is displayed read-only)
  • Compute control styles
  • Compute control options
  • Display in New Row (if disabled, the field will be displayed next to the previous field)
  • Field Width (in percent in relation to the other fields in a row)

Trace output

When you use expressions for calculation or validation, it can sometimes be difficult to identify errors in the expressions. To simplify analysis, you can write trace output to the web browser console. To do this, you must go to the context menu of the Teamroom where the form is used, choose “Tools” > “Activate Trace Outputs” and allow trace output.

Call in expressions:

  • cooobj.Trace("string");
  • cooobj.Trace("string", value);


The output is a JSON data record.

  • c
    Context of the call (Teamroom).
  • d
    Current time.
  • s
    Section of the expression (if available).
  • t
    The text to be traced (first parameter of the trace call).
  • u
    Current user.
  • v
    The value to be traced (second parameter of the trace call).

Creating a FormPermanent link for this heading

Forms can be used in the context in which they are defined or referenced. To make forms generally available (but not for app rooms), use a form and category collection in “Customizing”. Otherwise, forms can be stored in app configurations (“Forms and Categories” widget), in app rooms (“Templates and Presettings” action > “Forms and Categories” widget) or in Teamrooms (“Templates and Presettings” action > “Forms and Categories” widget).

To create a form, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the “Forms and Categories” widget in the desired context.
  2. Click the “Create Form” action.
  3. Define the initial data of the form and click “Next”.
    • Enter a multilingual name.
    • Define a base form, if you want to take over tabs and fields of another form.
      Note: Template categories (component objects) can also be used as base forms. When template categories of installed software components change, the forms based on them are marked as “Changed After Release”. These forms must be re-released to apply the changes.
    • Define the incoming category for registration, if you want to register objects based on the form in a specific way.
      Note: When using the “Category for Generic Registration With Form”, only the user-defined form is displayed without default tabs during registration.
    • Define the base class to specify which objects the form is basically suitable for. If the form is used directly as a template, the template will have the corresponding object class.
      • Object With User Data
        Can be used for base objects, objects with object list and documents.
      • Document With User Data
        Can be used for documents.
        Note: If the form is used directly as a template, a content (“Content” tab) can be saved.
      • Container With User Data
        Can be used for objects with object list.
        Note: You can additionally specify whether it is a file. For the subordinate objects, the reference to the file is saved. This makes it possible, for example, that the properties of the file are also available as fields in Microsoft Word. In addition, file-typical actions such as “Replace”, “Close”, “Cancel”, “Restore” and “Scan” are automatically available.
      • Room With User Data
        Can be used for rooms.
        Note: If the form is used directly as a template, roles analogous to a Teamroom are available.
    • If you specify a symbol, it will be displayed instead of the object class symbol for objects that have the form assigned.
    • Abstract forms cannot be used directly but serve as base forms.
    • Check Suppress Template Creation, if you want to prevent that objects based on the form can be directly created. In this case, the form can only be assigned to existing objects (using the form category).
  4. Arrange the desired fields with drag-and-drop.
  5. Click “Next“.
  6. In the context menu of the form, click “Release for Usage”.


  • To use a form, on the one hand the users must be authorized in the corresponding room and on the other hand the form must be released for usage.
  • Changes can be released using the “Re-Release” context menu command.
  • You can withdraw the release with the “Withdraw Release” context menu command.
  • You can export a form as JSON file with the “Tools” > “Export Form” context menu command. You can import a form with the “Import Form” action or the “Tools” > “Export Form” context menu command.
  • An existing, currently not released category can be converted into a form (“Tools” > “Convert to Form” context menu command). Thus, no migration is necessary if the category is to be extended by user-defined fields.


The following example shows in particular the possibility of using expressions in forms. The amount of each installment is to be calculated based on a total amount and a payment frequency.

Create a form (“Object With User Data” base class) with following three properties:

  • Total Amount (input field)
    Type: Currency
    Programming Name: totalpayment
  • Payment Frequency (radio buttons)
    Options: Monthly (ID: 1), Quarterly (ID: 2), Semi-Annual (ID: 3), Annual (ID: 4); The ID is determined by the order of the options.
    Programming Name: paymentfrequency
  • Installment (input field)
    Type: Currency
    Programming Name: installment

To calculate the installment dynamically, you must define expressions for the fields:

  • For the Total Amount and Payment Frequency field enable the Handle Changes of Values option and enter true as expression. This means that if you change the values, the installment value is updated directly.
  • For the Installment field enable the Compute Value of Field option and enter the following expression:

Calculating Value

Currency @installment = cooobj.totalpayment;

if (@installment.currvalue) {
// switch based on the ID of paymentfrequency
  switch (cooobj.paymentfrequency) {
case 1:
    @installment /= 12;

case 2:
    @installment /= 4;

case 3:
    @installment /= 2;




Metadata of a FormPermanent link for this heading

You can also make the following settings in the properties of a form.

Advanced tab

  • Available Processing States
    You can define processing states that can be selected in the Processing State standard field.
  • Name Build Configuration
    You can specify a name build for the names of objects based on the form.
  • Prepare Commit Configuration
    You can define an app.ducx expression that is executed as part of the prepare commit.
  • Applicable for
    You can specify the object classes for which the form can be used.

Retention tab

You can specify whether objects based on the form are retention worthy. This tab displays the Category (Draft) retention properties. When the form is published, the settings are applied to the Category (Published).

“Translations” tab

For the languages ​​available in Fabasoft Folio, you can provide translations for the names and context-sensitive help. For each multilingual name of the form, you will find a corresponding entry.

Form TemplatePermanent link for this heading

In the form's properties on the “Form” tab, you will find the corresponding templates. You can use the templates to create objects directly based on the form. If you want to prevent this, choose Suppress Template Creation and publish the form again.

  • Generated Default Template
    If you do not define your own template, the default template is used to generate the template and published template, which are used when creating objects based on the form.
  • Template (Draft)
    You can define your own template (e.g. a Word document with default content), which is used when creating objects based on the form.
  • Template (Published)
    When releasing a form for usage the Template (Published) is generated from the Template (Draft).

Form CategoryPermanent link for this heading

In the form's properties on the “Form” tab, you will find the corresponding Category (Published).

The category can be used for the following use cases:

  • Adding a form to an object
  • Defining the registration behavior
  • Defining the applicability
  • Defining retention worthiness
  • Defining background tasks
  • Defining permissions

Note: The settings of the Category (Draft) are applied to the Category (Published) when the form is published.

Adding a Form to an Object

Not only basic objects that are based on a form can be created but it is also possible to extend existing objects with a form. This is particularly useful for templates.

To add a form to an object, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the desired object.
  2. Click the “Properties” action.
  3. In the Category field (typically on the “General” tab), select the desired category. The category name corresponds to the form name.
  4. Click “Next”.

The form is displayed in the properties of the object. When you define the object as a template, the form is available with each newly created object that is based on the template.

Further Use Cases

A description of the further use cases of a form category can be found in chapter “Categories”.

Defining and Using a Compound TypePermanent link for this heading

Forms can also be used to define compound types, which in turn can be used in other forms as types for input fields or element lists.

Defining a Compound Type

To define a compound type, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate in the “Forms and Categories” widget in the desired context.
  2. Click the “Create Form” action.
  3. Define the initial data of the form and click “Next”.
    • Enter a multilingual name.
    • Define “Compound Type” as base class.
  4. Arrange the desired fields with drag-and-drop.
    Note: Compared to a standard form, the selectable fields and settings are reduced accordingly.
  5. Click “Next”.


  • The following additional settings can be made on the "Advanced" tab in the form properties:
    • Key for Unique Lists
      Defines the properties that are used as keys for unique aggregate lists.
    • Key for Sorting Lists
      Defines the properties that are used as keys for sorting aggregate lists.
    • Simple View of Properties
      Defines the properties that are displayed in the simple representation of an aggregate list (for example, in the property editor).
  • The form is now available as a draft. Publish the form for general use.

Using a Compound Type

To use the compound type, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a new form or open an existing form.
  2. Define an input field or an element list and select “Compound Type” as type.
  3. Select "Forms" as the type of content.
  4. In the Compound Type User Form field, select the previously defined type.
  5. In the Compound Type Display Mode field, select “Standard” or “Chart”. If you choose “Standard”, the field values of the aggregate are displayed. If you choose “Chart”, a Highchart diagram based on the aggregate data is displayed. However, the aggregate must have a certain structure according to the diagram type. The chart type (line chart by default) is defined on the “Display” tab in the Expression for Calculating the Control Options field.
    Example: dictionary({ chart: { type: "bar" } });
    For more information see:
    https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/: new window
  6. Click "Next" twice to complete the editing.

CategoriesPermanent link for this heading

Categories can be assigned to objects (“General” tab) and thus influence the behavior of the objects.

Categories can be used for the following use cases:

  • Defining the registration behavior
  • Defining default follow-ups
  • Defining the applicability
  • Defining retention worthiness
  • Defining background tasks
  • Defining permissions

User-defined categories can be used in the context in which they are defined or referenced. To make categories generally available (but not for app rooms), use a form and category collection in “Customizing”. Otherwise, categories can be stored in app configurations (“Forms and Categories” widget), in app rooms (“Templates and Presettings” action > “Forms and Categories” widget) or in Teamrooms (“Templates and Presettings” action > “Forms and Categories” widget).

The “Change Assignment” context menu command can be used to change the context of the category.

Defining the Registration Behavior

By default, the “Register as” context menu command provides all possible registration targets. If the registration target is well-known, it can be restricted to improve the usability (Incoming Category for Registration field).

Defining Default Follow-Ups

To receive a reminder at a specific time, follow-ups can be used (Default Follow-Ups field).

Defining the Applicability

Not every category make sense for every object class. Thus, the object classes for which the categories are allowed can be restricted (Applicable for field). In addition, if you want to use special base dates for follow-ups or retention periods a restriction to the object classes that provide the desired properties is needed.

If you want to restrict a BPMN process to a category and use activities that are allowed only for a certain object class, you can define the category accordingly (only the corresponding object class must be entered).

Defining Retention Worthiness

Compliance rules may enforce that objects must not be deleted for a defined time period (“Retention” tab).

In the properties of the category, on the “Retention” tab you can define whether objects with this category are retention worthy. In addition, define a Retention Period and a Base Date for the Beginning of the Retention Period. The calculation of the concrete retention period is carried out via a background task, which must be defined on the “Background Tasks” tab.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use the “Create/Edit Background Task” button on the “Retention” tab.

In the background task, select the “Determine Retention Period Based on the Category” action. In addition, determine the date when the background task should run. In general, it makes sense to use the Base Date for the Beginning of the Retention Period as Base Date for the time interval and, for example, “Immediately” as time interval.

For disposal, you can define another background task in the category. In general, it makes sense to define the Retention Period as base date for the execution of the task. As action, you can either select “Delete Automatically” or “Start Process”. If you want to start a process, you must also specify the process. In the process, a task with the activity “Retention Period Exceeded” should be defined.

When the background task is executed, the process is started and can be processed by the defined users in the worklist. The “Retention Period Exceeded” activity provides the steps “Delete”, “Extend Retention Period” and “Accept”.

Defining Background Tasks

Background tasks allow you to perform actions at a specific time (“Background Tasks” tab).

More information can be found in chapter “Background Tasks”.

Defining Permissions

In general, the defined team can access the Teamroom and its contents. Access to individual objects can also be granted via a category (“Permissions” tab).

Note: In order that the access rights granted via categories are evaluated, the entry “Extended by category” or “Extended by category and workflow” must be selected in the Access Protection field of the Teamroom.

Background TasksPermanent link for this heading

For categories, background tasks can be stored that execute an action at a definable point in time.


Possible actions (extendable by apps):

  • Determine Retention Period Based on the Category
  • Determine Retention Period Based on the Category and Close (File and Documents)
  • Execute Expression (App: Forms)
    Only available if the user is allowed to create user-defined forms.
  • Delete Automatically
  • Anonymize Object
    By default, the following data is removed (for special objects, such as support requests or tickets, additional fields are considered):
    • History
    • Remarks
    • References (referenced objects are deleted if the object is the origin, otherwise objects are removed)
    • Processes (the processes must be completed, otherwise the background task will fail)
    • Versions
  • Start Process (App: Workflow)

Note: The background tasks of objects are displayed on the “Background Tasks” tab. Whether background tasks that have already been processed are displayed depends on the action. You can override the default setting of the action using the Remove Processed Entries From the List of Background Tasks field.

Point in Time

The action can be executed at an explicit time or at a time based on a base date. Optionally, the execution date can be redefined if the base date is changed.


It is also possible to repeat background tasks. The following cases can be distinguished.

Explicit date or date is not recalculated when the base date is changed

You can define a repetition rule that is applied starting with the execution time.

  • Unit
    Defines the unit of the interval (e.g. day or month).
  • Interval
    Defines the interval between the repetitions (number).
  • Repeat Until
    Defines the end time of the repetitions (infinite, explicit date, date value of a property).

Date is recalculated when the base date is changed

The background task is rescheduled after the selected action is executed and the base date is changed. Only Repeat Until can be defined as a repetition rule.

Suspend Background Task When Deleting

You can define whether the background task is automatically suspended when the affected object is deleted or canceled and again activated when the object is restored.