2024 Update Rollup 2

Keyboard OperationsPermanent link for this heading

Besides working with the mouse also keyboard operation is supported. In this chapter, the available keyboard shortcuts are grouped according to the application areas.

Note: On Apple macOS, the Cmd key is treated the same as the Ctrl key on Microsoft Windows.

Common Keyboard OperationsPermanent link for this heading




Focusses the next control.

Shift + Tab

Focusses the previous control.


Executes the corresponding action on the selected element (e.g. press a button or execute a menu command and open an object).

Space Bar

Activates the selected element.

Menu Key or
Shift + F10

Opens the context menu of the selected element (if existing).

Left, Right, Up, Down Home, End

Navigates in symbol bars, object lists and structures.

Note: In a search result list, press the End key to select the last object currently visible. If there are further results, the reload is started automatically.

Global NavigationPermanent link for this heading

All controls are located in tab order. This means you can move from one control to other forward and back.




Navigates to next menu command.

Shift + Tab

Navigates to previous menu command.

Ctrl + F6, Ctrl + Shift + F6

Navigates circular between the areas:

  • Home (logo)
  • search field
  • tool menu
  • actions
  • right tool area (if opened)
  • content area

Alt + 0

Activates to Support button.

Alt + 1

Navigates to „Home“

Alt + 2

Navigates to the object list in the content area.

Alt + 3

Navigates to the actions.

Alt + 4

Navigates in the search field.

Alt + 5

Navigates in the opened context-independent tool or in the tool selection if no context-independent tool is opened.

Alt + 6

Navigates in the “Options” tool bar.

Alt + 9

Activates to “Quick Access” button.

Within individual complex controls (e.g. menus or tree view), you can use the arrow keys to navigate in sub-menus or tree branches.

Top BarPermanent link for this heading

In the top bar, the following shortcuts are available.



Right, Down

Navigates to next menu command. If the last menu command is selected, it navigates to the first one.

Left, Up

Navigates back. If the first menu command is selected, it navigates to the last one.


Navigates to first menu command.


Navigates to last menu command.

Enter or Space Bar

Activates the selected element.

MenusPermanent link for this heading

The following menus are available:

  • Menu Bar (of the object list)
    The menu bar can be activated via the basic settings and is located above the content area.
  • Tools
    Is used for displaying and reverse clipping of tools.
  • Actions
    Provides the most important actions for the displayed list or object.
  • Account Menu
    The account menu with your name is located in the top bar and is used to define basic settings.
  • Sorting
    The sorting menu is located right above the content area. It can be reached by pressing Alt + F9, if the focus is within the object list.
  • Column Menu
    Can be opened via the columns in the content area.
  • Context Menu
    Offers commands for the selected objects. Can be opened via the menu key or Shift + F10.




In the menu bar: Opens the selected menu and selects the first entry.

In an open menu: Select the previous entry. If the last first is selected, it steps to the last entry.


In the menu bar: Opens the selected menu and selects the first entry.

In an open menu: Select the next entry. If the last entry is selected, it steps to the first entry.


In the menu bar: Selects the next entry. If the last entry is selected, it steps to the first entry.

In an open menu: Opens the submenu if selected. Otherwise opens the next menu and selects the first entry.


In the menu bar: Selects the previous entry. If the first entry is selected, it steps to the last entry.

In an open menu: Opens the previous menu and selects the first entry.

In a submenu: Closes the submenu and selects the first entry in the menu.

Enter or
Space Bar

Enter or Space Bar executes the selected menu command or the assigned submenu is opened.


Esc closes the opened submenus and/or menus hierarchically. On top-level either nothing happens (actions, tools) or it will navigated in the content area (menu of the object list)

Content AreaPermanent link for this heading

The most important control in the content area is the object list. It includes the title bar and the menu bar, positioned directly above it.

Object lists provide in general the following different views:

  • Details
  • Thumbnails
  • Cards
  • Content
  • Preview

Single objects are displayed in the so-called Document View.

Overview of Currently Available ShortcutsPermanent link for this heading

In general, you can customize the display of object lists. The view can be changed via the “Change View” menu or context menu command.

Selecting, Copying and Pasting



Arrow keys, Home or End

Focusses and selects only one entry.

Ctrl + Arrow keys, Ctrl + Home, Ctrl + End

Navigates to an entry without selecting. All selected entries are still selected.

Page Up, Page Down

Scrolls up or down (web browser functionality) and sets the focus on the first or last entry on the displayed list part.

Character string

The input of the first or from initial letters of the object name selects the suitable object, if available.

Space Bar

Selects the focused entry. This is especially useful directly after navigating in a list. The focus is initially on the first entry that has not yet been selected.

Ctrl + Space Bar

Places or removes the selection from the focused entry, if the focus is in the first cell.

Shift + Arrow Keys

Extends the selection.

The extension passes differently in all views (see below).

Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the beginning of the list.

Shift + End

Extends the selection to the end of the list

Ctrl + A

Selects all entries in an object list

Ctrl + C

Copies the selected objects to the clipboard

Ctrl + X

Cuts the selected objects

Ctrl + V

Pastes objects from the clipboard





Opens the selected object


Moves the selected Teamroom objects to the wastebasket or removes them from the object list, if they are pointers.


Navigates one page back in the web browser history.

Ctrl + Enter

Opens the attribute editor.


Switches selected cell between editor and navigation mode.

Alt + F9

Navigates to the column header, if the detail view is shown, otherwise to the sorting button.

Alt + F10

Navigates to the menu of the object list.

Shortcuts for the Card ViewPermanent link for this heading

The card view, for example, is used by default in the personal folder.




Navigates to the card directly below the currently selected card. If no such card is available, it navigates to the last card in the row.


Navigates to the card directly above the currently selected card.


Navigates to the next card in read order.


Navigates to the card before in read order.


Navigates to last card in object list.


Navigates to first card in object list.

Shift + Down

Selects all cards below the current card in read order.

Shift + Up

Selects all cards above the current card in read order.

Shift + Right

Extends the selection to the next card.

Shift + Left

Extends the selection to the card before.

Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the first card.

Shift + End

Extends the selection to the last card.

Shortcuts for the Content ViewPermanent link for this heading




Navigates to next object.


Navigates to previous object.


Navigates to last object.


Navigates to first object-

Shift + Down

Extends the selection to the next object.

Shift + Up

Extends the selection to the previous object.

Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the first object.

Shift + End

Extends the selection to the last object.

Alt + F9

Navigates to sorting button.

Alt + F10

Navigates in the menu bar of the object list, if the menu bar is enabled.

Shortcuts for the Details ViewPermanent link for this heading




One cell down within the current column.


One cell up within the current column.


One cell left within the current row.


One cell right within the current row.


First cell of the current column.


Last cell of the current column.

Ctrl + Down

Next cell within the current column without selecting it.

Ctrl + Up

Previous cell within the current column without selecting it.

Ctrl + Left

Selects the current row and additionally focusses the first cell.

Ctrl + Right

Focusses the last cell of the current row.

Shift + Down

Selects an additional cell below the current cell. If the focus is in the first cell, the entire rows are selected.

Shift + Up

Selects an additional cell above the current cell. If the focus is in the first cell, the entire rows are selected.

Shift + Left
Shift + Right

Selects the whole row without changing the current focus.

Shift + Home

Selects all lines above the current line and the current line. If the focus is in the first cell, the entire rows are selected.

Shift + End

Selects all lines below the current line and the current line. If the focus is in the first cell, the entire rows are selected.

Alt + F9

Navigates to the column header.

Alt + F10

Navigates in the menu bar of the object list, if the menu bar is enabled.

Shortcuts for Table HandlingPermanent link for this heading

In the detail view, the table handling can be activated via the button “Table Handling” in the column header (Alt + F2) as an alternative editing mode. Thus, the controls work similarly to a spreadsheet program.




Enables editing the marked cell or saves the changes if editing already in progress.


  • In text fields, the cursor is at the end of the text.
  • The cell remains marked after editing is finished.

Typing letters or numbers

Enables editing of the marked cell.

Note: In text fields, the current value is deleted.


  • Marks the next editable cell to the right.
    Note: This depends on the setting “Include all Fields in Tab Order”.
  • Navigates from the last cell of a row to the first cell of the next row.
  • Navigates from the last cell of the last row to the next tab stop on the page and leaves the table.
  • If the current cell is being edited, its content is saved.

Shift + Tab

  • Marks the next editable cell to the left.
    Note: This depends on the setting “Include all Fields in Tab Order”.
  • Navigates from the first cell of a row to the last cell of the previous row.
  • Navigates from the first cell of the row to the previous tab stop and leaves the table.
  • If the current cell is being edited, its content is saved.


  • If the current cell is being edited, its content is saved.
  • Marks the next editable cell below.
    Note: This depends on the setting “Include all Fields in Tab Order”.
  • In the last row, the mark stays in the current cell.

Shift + Enter

  • If the current cell is being edited, its content is saved.
  • Marks the next editable cell above.
    Note: This depends on the setting “Include all Fields in Tab Order”.
  • In the first row, the mark stays in the current cell.


  • Marks the next cell to the right.
  • In the last column, the mark stays on the current cell.
  • If the current cell is being edited, navigation within the cell moves to the right.
  • Group header:
    • Opens a collapsed group.
    • Navigates from an expanded group header to the first cell of the first row of the group.


  • Marks the next cell to the left.
  • In the first column, the mark stays on the current cell.
  • If the current cell is being edited, navigation within the cell moves to the left.
  • Group header:
    • Closes an expanded group.
    • Navigates from a collapsed group header to the first cell of the last row above (or to the group header above)


  • Marks the cell above.
  • Upon reaching the first row, the mark stays there.
  • If the current cell is being edited, navigation within the cell moves upwards.


  • Marks the cell below.
  • Upon reaching the last row, the mark stays there.
  • If the current cell is being edited, navigation within the cell moves downwards.


  • Ends editing without saving the changes (the focus remains).
  • If the current cell is not being edited, the selection is removed (the focus remains).

Space Bar

Enables editing of the marked cell (e.g. text field, drop-down menu, dialog).

Note: In text fields, the current value is deleted.

Alt + Down
Alt + Up

Opens/closes an editing drop-down menu and selects the currently focused value upon closing.


Navigates to the last cell of the column.


Navigates to the first cell of the column.

Ctrl + Right

Navigates to the last cell of the row and marks it.

Ctrl + Links

Navigates to the first cell of the row and marks it.

Ctrl + Up

Focusses the cell above (without selection).

Ctrl + Down

Focusses the cell below (without selection).

Ctrl + Space Bar

Activates or deactivates the selection.

Shift + Arrow Keys

Extends the selection.

Alt + F9

Navigates into the column header.

Alt + F10

Navigates into the menu bar of the object list if it is displayed.

Shortcuts for the Document ViewPermanent link for this heading

If you navigate in a document, a preview of the document is shown in the content area.




Opens the preview of the next element in the list.


Opens the preview of the previous element in the list.

Menu Key, Shift + F10

Opens the context menu for the object displayed in the preview.

ToolsPermanent link for this heading

The “Tools” are displayed on the left side and can be directly opened via shortcuts (see chapter “Global Navigation”). Thereby the focus is set in the tool.

Navigation (Tree View)Permanent link for this heading

The tree view allows the navigation in folder hierarchies.




Navigates to the next visible entry.


Navigates to the previous visible entry.


Expands the tree node or navigates to the first entry of the open node.


Navigates to the parent node if an entry is selected in an open path.

If an expanded node is selected it will be closed.


Navigates to the last entry.


Navigates to the first entry.

First Letter

Navigates to the entry that starts with the letter (if existing).

Menu Key, Shift + F10

Opens the context menu of the selected object.

Enter, Space Bar

Opens the selected object and focuses the first entry.

TeamPermanent link for this heading

The “Team” tool for managing team members is very similar to the “Navigation” tool in terms of keyboard operation. The only difference is that the main nodes are always open. To speed up the navigation of many members the arrow keys navigate up and down at the top level directly between the highest nodes not to the next or previous entry. The deeper levels behave identically to the tree navigation.

FormsPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Folio uses forms to display properties and settings.

Note: Screen reader users should activate the Include All Fields in Tab Order option in the Basic Settings. This way also read-only fields are included in the tab order.




Navigates to the next field.

Shift + Tab

Navigates to the previous field.


Saves and closes the form.


Closes the form without saving.

Ctrl + F1

Navigates to the help text of the field, if exists. With Esc the focus switches back to the field.

Note for screen reader users:

The help area is marked as “document”. When moving the focus to the help, the screen reader should read the help text. It might be possible that you have to switch the screen reader in read mode. For JAWS press Ctrl + Y followed by the Plus key on the number pad.

Ctrl + F6

Navigates to the next form area.

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Navigates to the previous form area.

Alt + 0

Activates the “Support” button.

Alt + 2

Navigates in the first or previously focused field, if the focus is on a form button or on a tab.

Alt + 7

Navigates to the tabs (if present).

Alt + 8

Navigates to the form buttons.

Note: In aggregate lists, generally the same key combinations apply as for the details view of lists. However, the difference is that F2 in aggregate lists toggles the entire list between edit and navigation mode and not just a cell.

Process ViewPermanent link for this heading

The process view, as it can be found on the “Processes” tab, for example, has been implemented as an open, horizontal tree view. The difference to a standard tree view, however, is that the nodes cannot be collapsed and the main sequence of entries is not from top to bottom, but from left to right.




Navigates to the next element.


Navigates to the previous element.


Navigates to the below element.


Navigates to the above element.


Navigates to the first element.


Navigates to the last element.

Ctrl + Right

Navigates to the next element on the same level.

Ctrl + Left

Navigates to the previous element on the same level.

Ctrl + Shift + Left

Navigates to the superordinate element.

Context Menu Key, Shift + F10

Opens the context menu of the selection.

Alt + M

Marks the currently focused element.

Alt + P

Navigates to the marked element.

Alt + G

Navigates to the first element with “Startable” state.

HTML EditorPermanent link for this heading

The HTML editor for formatting text supports almost the same keyboard shortcuts in the text area as Microsoft Word.

Some of the most important shortcuts are listed below.



Alt + F10

Enters the editor toolbar.


Moves to the next editor toolbar button group.

Shift + Tab

Moves to the previous editor toolbar button group.


Moves to the next editor toolbar button within the group.


Moves to the previous editor toolbar button within the group.

Enter or Space Bar

Activated the action of the selected button and moves the focus from the editor toolbar back to the text area.


Moves the focus from the editor toolbar back to the text area without any action.

Ctrl + B

Applies bold formatting to a text fragment.

Ctrl + I

Applies italic formatting to a text fragment.

Ctrl + U

Applies underline formatting to a text fragment.

Ctrl + L

Opens the link dialog window.