Fabasoft Folio COO Service
The following variables apply to the Fabasoft Folio COO Service.
Error Logging
Following variables define error logging settings:
If enabled (default), data inconsistency errors are logged into the event log.
External Cache
Following variables define external cache settings:
Defines the connection string for the external cache. If it is set to a valid string the Fabasoft Folio Kernel will try to connect to the external cache service and receive objects from there. Only if no object or an outdated object is found, the Fabasoft Folio COO Service will be contacted.
No default value, empty - ECSKEYPREFIX
If multiple independent Fabasoft Folio Kernel installations are accessing the same external cache it is suggested to use a unique key prefix to avoid key collisions. Typical and suggested key prefixes are e.g. “/r/r/<host-name>”
No default value, empty - ECSMAXOBJSIZE
Defines the maximum object size which can be stored within the external cache. Larger objects cannot be stored and therefore will be deleted from the external cache.
Default value: 1000000 (bytes) - ECSUPDATETHREADS
The number of threads which will be used to update objects within the external cache.
Default value: 4 - COO_EXTCACHE_PUBLISH
Defines if the objects should be published to the external cache service.
Default value: 1 - COO_EXTCACHE_LOAD
Defines if the COO service should look up objects within the external cache service before querying the database.
Default value: 1