Microsoft Installer PackagesPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft distribution media includes a set of Microsoft Installer packages that contain client-side applications. These files are located in the folder Setup\ComponentsBase\Client.

Microsoft Installer Package



This Microsoft Installer package allows the interaction with third-party products.


This Microsoft Installer package allows the interaction with third-party products using the Fabasoft Cloud/Fabasoft Private Cloud.


This Microsoft Installer package provides functionality to integrate buttons in Novell GroupWise to call actions in the Fabasoft product environment.


This Microsoft Installer package provides functionality to integrate menu commands in HCL Notes to call actions in the Fabasoft product environment.


Note: If you want to install this package directly on Microsoft Windows 7 (with activated UAC) or on Microsoft Windows 8.1 open an administrative command prompt and execute:
msiexec /i FolioClientLibreOffice.msi

This Microsoft Installer package provides functionality to integrate buttons in LibreOffice to call actions in the Fabasoft product environment.


This Microsoft Installer package provides functionality for the integration of Autodesk AutoCAD.


This Microsoft Installer package provides an add-in for Microsoft Word that ensures that DocProperties are updated when opening a document if no Fabasoft Folio Client is available (e.g. Fabasoft Folio Conversion Services).


This Microsoft Installer package provides functionality for Fabasoft iArchiveLink.